Song Writing Secrets.. Song structure.. Is there a formula?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Desantïs, May 13, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Funk U Well, I think it's the "all great fighters are blackbelts but, not all blackbelts are great fighters."

    When I went from song listener to song player, e.g., listening to Bach to playing Baroque music, one day while I was playing a piece, I noticed I understood why he chose what he chose at the time, so I went from playing the piece to walking with him in his mind. Weirdest thing ever, I no longer was playing a guitar, not even sitting anymore but, "walking" in my mind, listening and understanding the design. Truly humbling experience. That fk'r was a musical genius. So, I have to say, without actually playing the music, I would have never developed that appreciation but, at the same time, the mechanics of the art was totally lost to me, which I didn't appreciate until now while I try to compose.

    So, now I'm doodling on the keyboard, and I noticed, oh crap, I want a specific flavor of sound, yet I have no vocabulary to even describe it, and I know, cause I saw a piano teacher once say, or this type of chord...feel how it builds tension, feel it's flavor... So, I look into music theory. Now as I go thru the circle of 5ths because I discriminate against sharps, and also see relative chords (man, I mean like Gmaj for the C scale, I'm still running very saturated brain) of the chosen scale, the doodlings make a little more sense but, I'm like a first day driver, concentrating on the mirrors, speedometer, brake, gas, and whoops the road and other cars too. I want to just have the music as an extension of myself like when you drive a car. My hypothesis is, you have to make the music theory a habit to do so, and therefore make in an unconscious process. That's my mapping music theory to my hands meant to mean.

    Hmmm. Or have you ever been in a situation where there's a guy standing infront of you, and you don't care what he does, cause you're as fast as anyone, have studied kinesiology and biomechanics and applied them to your martial art, so whatever that guy does you have an answer, so you just stand there, neither angry or fearful, neutral, just waiting?* That's where I want to be with composition.

    Just yesterday I learned how to use the 7th note of a 7th chord as a bass or just voice it with the left hand to spread it out more giving it a different flavor, so that's how new I am to composing.

    Htf do you get there, if not learning music theory and an instrument (though midi cleans up everything! yay)?

    *A master fighter wins without fighting...I found that in a fortune cookie but, didn't understand it until I got tired of fighting. Which is ok now, since fights usually didn't happen; before being pissed cause at the time I could fight, no one would fight me. How reckless that was. I'm lucky to be alive.
    Last edited: May 16, 2016