Something to put you in the mood for election day...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by aymat, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Congrats to President elect Trump for his overwhelming defeat of the liberal progressive machine! I'll reserve any further judgement with a hopeful wait and see attitude rather than hype and hysteria!
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  2. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Man im so relieved Trump is the man, that buffoon will focus on his country instead of warmongering all over the planet

    Probably still gonna warmonger, as the president is not in charge of everything and cant be bothered to read 5000 pages of CIA report every morning.

    Obama is supercool and and funny, still..
    Bammy came for a nice visit to Germany to tell us that we should be careful about the russians and that they can "help"

    Russians cant even defend their own boarder, but yea, we should perceive them as a threat and be busy fighting so that Murica can pretend No1

    Those stupid stories, they really must think that the average european idiot is as stupid as an american idiot
    NSA scandal? Sprinkle some legal weed on the people and all is forgotten :D

    Go go Trumpy, the whole world can breathe more relaxed now

    Except those Americans that hoped for Kinder Eggs, you are probably fucked now if Bammy does not have it in his heart to legalize brown eggs with white insides
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
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  3. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Vote for Horseman!
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @tulamide I am gonna personally ask Trump to lift the ban on Kinder eggs...I think he owes me one.. lol
    he understands it's all about the creamy goodness anyway.. :bleh:

    did not mean to be offensive towards you m8.. if I did.. apologies.. really caught up in the moment last night :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2016

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I'm going to leave this alone. There Is not enough space on this entire site that will allow me to explain all of the madness that blacks have had to endure in the U.S. for a hell of a lot longer than 90 years, bro. As I said, unless you've been on the receiving end, it will always remain an impossible task for you and others to grasp. But, I refuse to hold it against you Herr. You just don't know. At least try and gain another perspective on this seemingly endless reality...

    Moving right along... As you know, Trump is now the 45th President of the U.S. To say the least, it's going to be a very interesting time in these ensuing four year. Trump ran as the consummate "outsider", right? What's going to be interesting is how he'll quickly discover that, you're no longer an "outsider" once you become President. Now, he is the ultimate "insider". Talk about irony. A classic example. He will soon learn that it's one thing to hurl bricks at the castle, but it's another thing to now be on the inside of the castle having those bricks coming at you. No more sound bites. No more groaning about the "system" being "rigged" (which, of course, it was obviously not). No more griping And whining about the "corrupt political machine". The baton is now his. So, for all of those folks who voted for him, they'll soon find that there is no "magic bullet" for all that ails them. Mark my words, in short shrift, people who expect that their problems will disappear because he is now President, are going to be in for a rude awakening. Mr. Trump will also be given a huge dose of reality, when he finally discovers that he is no longer on a "reality show". Trump is now The Politician - the ultimate "insider". Irony is always something to behold.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
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  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    no doubt he has to live up to his words... and he'd better get some good help trying to do so..
    he's got 4 years.. if he is a failure.. he will be out... simple... he won his shot to take at it...

    the problems have not disappeared.. and he is no genius.. nor anything like it.. he's just NOT the establishment,
    nor a totally self interested untouchable criminal ( yet ), I feel like a disaster has been averted...
  7. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Finally the rest of the world wouldn't have to hear all day about the retarded irrelevant American elections anymore. This shit has been pushed everywhere, and whichever side you're on, you look like a clown.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Your post makes a lot of sense.
    The Assange emails is all you need to read to see how f.ed up things are.

    Lets work together and stop arguing between ourselves.Lets make this forum, this world a better place.Respect to all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2016
  9. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Hillery got 47.7 % of all votes

    Trump got 47.5 % of all votes

    Looks much like the election in 2000!

    Funny kind of democracy they run in the US! That wouldn´t work where I live :no:

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Hi My friend. You know how my mind works. (By the way, good to see you 'face' again in the place, man). So, you also know that I believe in "fairness" and mutual respect across the spectrum. We always speak up (without fear of reprisal) when we see wrongs perpetrated against the "powerless"; no matter who or whom the victim. If we keep an open mind on these highly sensitive and (far too often, 'divisive' issues) we can work towards a general consensus that enables us all to live out our brief time on this rock with less stress. So, I'm 'down' with all positive attitudes and suggestions.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I think you're a decent guy who is just trying to make sense of it all, brother. However, I live in New York City (since birth) and have known about Trump and his family for many years. People across the US are simply not informed about this dude and his long, sordid history (especially when dealing with black folk and other peoples of color in the housing market). I told my beautiful wife this morning that if they (non-New Yorkers) had taken the time to research Mr. Trump, their misinformed enthusiasm for him would have taken a different turn (then again, I might be inaccurate). There is little doubt that Mrs. Clinton also has a long and less-than-stellar history. The difference between the two? Trump has never bothered to address the rather unique problems that beset black folk in any venue where he might have made a difference. If you think Clinton is a liar and untrustworthy, just wait until you get to see the 'real' Trump in action. Even during this campaign, he has recorded more flips and flops that can be counted. Apparently, people just don't give a damn about The Truth. That's a shame. In their blind rage and distrust for all things governmental, they turn around and elect someone who couldn't or wouldn't tell the truth if a .44 Magnum was pointed at his head. <lol> That's another huge irony about Clinton vs. Trump.

    Now, at 70 years of age, he is incapable of change. The fact is, he is who he is, and nothing (at this point) will ever be able to alter his thinking. Think about this, Herr. Any man or woman who NEVER admits his/her flaws and faults is a very dangerous and shallow person. No mistakes? No reason to admit when you're wrong. Shit. We ALL (as humans) make mistakes. But, not Mr. Trump. If you were a friend of mine, and never owned up to the mistakes you made in the past, our friendship would be short-lived. Therefore, I see absolutely nothing good coming from a Trump presidency. When a man continuously believes that he is the smartest dude in the room -- even when more qualified people are present, that's a major issue (at least for me). Don't believe me? Keep your eyes and ears peeled in the months following his inauguration. I promise you that your first impressions of this man will be drastically different. Mark my words.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
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  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @NYCGRIFF no doubt the guy has warts.. and I have seen long ago.. how he was caught up in lawsuits over rental practices..
    If he was some kind of raging racist.. why hasn't it been front and center? with pics of him in his pointy sheet hat? They have had more than enough time to get all of that out in spades.(sorry no pun intended)

    He is a raging New Yawk yankee capitalist... don't tell me there's no tough people in NYC?
    Just only cute cuddly kitties playing piano?

    Hey man.. I am not a hater..and I am not hating on you either ! And you may think it's
    perfectly legit for any black person to call me a racist in any instance.. but that's just
    racism on their part.. not mine, and I'm beyond tired of seeing that, and being in the line of fire on that score.

    One thing I will point out.. If anyone still refuses to acknowledge that Clinton is a pay for play, and multiple criminal for mishandling her state documents, there is nothing else I can really say to make them see the thousands of huge warts on that warthog.. Jerk he may be, but I have seen nothing on him the likes of which has come to light about the Clintons and their unprosecuted dealings. It may be his style to not apologize... not another New Yorker trait.. I know .. I know humility overflows from NYC'ers... my bad man.. lol.

    How many times have you seen Obummer apologize? It took him forever to disavow his "pastor" who screamed..
    "KKK of America" "God bless America? God DAMN America" and so on..and so on.

    Trump never did set himself up to solve societal and racial ills. He was never anything more than a self promoting businessman.
    And most, not all, people who voted for him know there are many unsavory things about him.. There's no question, that many
    people were voting the least evil option, and he was it. He was also everything the establishment is NOT.

    So you got 4 years officer @NYCGRIFF , make people aware.. organize.. and do everything you can.. and get someone you
    think is worth your vote the next time around. 4 years brother...and it's your opportunity again.
    Unless you want to reserve judgement..and give the guy a chance to see if he means anything he said about
    repairing the very serious issues and problems this country faces.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2016
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Good to see you as well bro:mates:
    Yea, we have had some interesting discussions, you have an open mind and i like that.
    We may disagree on certain topics but we also agree about how rotten the system is deep down.
    Fact is there are idiots on both sides of the fence and life is even harder when you have to deal with them on a daily basis.
  14. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Im in the uk so it doesnt directly affect me but i must admit im baffled by it all..
    It truly worries me to think a man like that can become president!
    I genuinley feel sorry for the us.....

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Hmmm... It has and was brought out "front and center" on numerous occasions. But, as I get older, I truly believe that many people (probably 'most' people) have the dreaded disease known as "selective amnesia". This usually happens when the afflicted is totally focused on the person that is hated most. In this case, Hillary Clinton. Listen, I completely understand that. However, that is 'still' no excuse to completely lose your perspective. Ultimately, we're talking about liars, defrauders, thieves, money-grubbers, reprobates, and whores. Neither one of these people can plead the case of not matching those labels.

    My problem with you? You apparently have reached the conclusion that Trump is the "lesser of two evils". By making this decision, you have committed the cardinal error that most people make; choosing an unknown demon vs. a demon that you 'think' you know. I would submit further, that you know very little about both these people; save for what you have read in the recent press. Let me tell you something. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's records are completely available over the Internet. If you're going to compare her track record on issues that affect the social lives of millions of the less fortunate in comparison to Donald Trump's, be my guest. On that score, he has done virtually nothing, except to hire and exploit a foreign workforce (to this very day) that he could not give a shit about. I can guarantee you one thing, brother. You would not be found dead working for the wages he pays those workers, eh? These are human beings, not some ethereal "business model" that Trump selectively trots out when it serves his overall purpose. Let me put all these polemics aside. He's not a nice guy. He's a vindictive, petulant and miserly soul. If you were a friend of his, you'd find out in a most uncomfortable manner.
    Here's a huge difference between you and me. I never call someone out of their name. "Obummer"? What is that? Is that a name you and your buddies use when you talk with each other? Come on, man. I'm a grown up, and I believe you're mature and smart enough to leave that kindergarten stuff on the playground. If we're going to spend these minutes talking about what's important, let's do that, and leave the name-calling up to Mr. Trump, shall we?
    Listen. I've been in the trenches a long time, buddy. I've spent my entire life (through music. social interaction, local politics, and law enforcement) trying to do what I think is right. I don't call people out of their name. I don't disrespect other people's opinion. I don't abuse or misuse my station or authority. And above all, I respect women (both privately and publicly). If you're going to be my Commander-in Chief, I expect you to behave yourself in a manner that befits your office. The bottom line? We're having a conversation. I expect that we will both treat the other's point of view with mutual respect; as musicians and as men. Beyond that, it's all good.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Ha, ha. We can disagree, without becoming disagreeable. No doubt, big fella. Talk with you soon.
  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ok.. if you object to conflating the name.. I will just simply state that Mr. Obama has been one big bummer for me,
    and also for the country as a whole..this opinion is my own. I realize probably only 1 or 2 other people in
    America share my sentiments, so maybe that makes me a minority, and I should apply for some kind of protected status.
    I don't see that Mr. Barak Hussein Obama has done one single thing to promote unity or race relations in 8 years,
    and in fact quite the contrary, and if Mr Trump can dismantle the awful things he has "accomplished" I will be grateful.

    records on what? whether they are a racist or not? apparently Hillary is a closet one, and a panderer to race with her
    "Ah I ain't noways taard. I come too far, from where I started from" Never heard that? But oh she is a liberal.. that passes.

    Not only me decided he was the lesser of two evils, apparently the majority of the country decided this. He is not my friend.
    I am not his pen pal. He is a remote entity for me, I will never meet him or know him personally. All evil I don't experience
    personally is pretty much in the abstract, and simply a matter of discussion and comparison.

    If you are going to criticize him for using undocumented labor, to save money, while vast numbers of businesses have done the
    same...does not make him a villain, it makes him an exploiter of the status quo. Which apparently he wants to change
    and make legit.

    If I denigrated your point of view.. I don't know where.. I call it criticism with facts and counter opinions.

    Was that within the bounds of acceptable discourse?
  18. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Yeah, I need to stick to the threads about music and plugins.
    When members of the board reveal themselves for the denialist, bigots they really are, it's a bit of a rude awakening. :sad:
  19. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    All I can say is this I call them Shit and Shitter. Never in my life have I seen 2 worse candidates for President. Both are unethical, lying people and neither deserves to be in the oval office as a representative of the USA. Not to say others were not bad but these are the worse.
    They are the pit of a peach.

    I am in total disgrace and ashamed of my country.

    Also to add there were better candidates in the primary but they seemed to be suppressed. So much for a Democratic and free country.

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  20. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Yeah, like the UK isn't America's lapdog and +1.
    Trump and his newly assembled Team America (fuck yeah!) will have implications for the future of our planet from a conservation and ecological standpoint. That's if we're not thrust into serious nuclear warfare...