Someone From IT Here? I Need Advice

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Margaret, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Let me know here.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  3. Strivingtolive

    Strivingtolive Newbie

    Jul 2, 2023
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    Hey IT person here, what's the problem?
  4. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Some time ago I changed CPU in my laptop to the new one.
    New CPU have Turbo Boost but my laptop has Disabled Turbo Boost in BIOS.
    Option to Enable it Was not availible in BIOS because my laptop had Disabled Advanced Settings.
    But I put BIOS modification to Unlock Advanced Settings and now I have additional tabs in BIOS.

    Now I can Enable Turbo Boost.
    But there are settings that I am not sure.

    Also after changing CPU to new I had problems with cooling and high temperature.
    There was few times situation when laptop goes to 100°C and cut out the power because Limit in the BIOS is set to 100°C Max.
    I solved it using a grill crate and put under laptop. Now laptop is floating around 8cm above desk.
    Before it was directly on the desk and gets high temperature very quickly.
    Now I can say it's solved.

    But now when I'm planning to Enable Turbo Boost I am worried that again this problem happen.
    Should I change Cut Out Temperature Limit to more safe like 90°C or even 80°C or Cut Out Limit at 100°C is safe enough?
    I don't wanna fry my laptop or ssd if temperature will be for example around 90°C most of the time.

    Ok. Now the question about How Properly Enable Turbo Boost?

    What I need to do to Enable Turbo Boost in BIOS?
    Do I need to change only 2 options under POWER Tab or I need change also something under ADVANCED Tab?

    Here I will explain this more exactly with pictures:

    Do I need Enable those 2 options at the bottom?
    Or maybe only "Turbo Mode"?

    POWER -> Advanced CPU Control

    Those things under Advanced Tab looks like connected with Turbo Boost maybe.
    Do I need to change them?
    Or do not touch them?
    Do I need to Enable "ACPI 3.0 T-States"?

    ADVANCED -> Thermal Configuration -> CPU Thermal Configuration

    Do I need to Enable "ISCT Configuration"?

    ADVANCED -> Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Configuration

    Thanks In Advance! :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023