Software like Sparkol

Discussion in 'Working with Video' started by FluteBoy, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. FluteBoy

    FluteBoy Newbie

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Hello friends,

    This maybe a question which is answered previously (if so, please could you direct me to the post :) ) but anyone knows any video making software similar to the VideoScribe Sparkol ( ? This software is really good but pretty darn expensive! :dunno: any cheaper alternatives, anything that the forum members can share

    Thanks everyone! :wink:
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I sometimes use it. It´s kind of cool, although I dont precisely like the audio syncing: I mean you have to record your own voice in a single shot there, which makes the thing a bit stressful. The libraries are ok , but if you use a lot you should think in getting more images.
    The entire thing is nice, but all it has a very distinctive naive look, some ppl might think is slightly childish!
    This is not the place to mention it, but there are some copies around , Sparkol VideoScribe 2.0.1 PRO has been issued about 4 months ago.