social anxiety?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :goodpost:GOOD post indeed!
    Point 1) (YOGA) is not for everyone.
    Point 2) Getting rid of PORN consume is a wise thing.
    PORN can lead to addiction, low respect vs. women in general, destruction of social skills etc...
    Point 5) *Kill Facebook* - not for everyone but so called "friends" on social networks are just often ghosts!
    If you use it as showcase for your Art or work it's a different thing.
    Point 8) Being happy every second – it's an Art of living, being GRATEFUL too.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  2. John V

    John V Ultrasonic

    Jul 24, 2015
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    This is a great topic, Im fighting every day against Social Anxiety, it drains all my energy. It is a living hell..
  3. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    I had issues with social anxiety, not the same eating issue but various other things & it got really out of hand at one point where i was unable to function, I ended up out of work & in debt for a long time. Anxiety when eating in public is really common. I know two friends who had this problem & a work college who has the same issue.
    CBT worked really well for me & is supposed to be effective for anxiety.
  4. samsome

    samsome Guest

    and in less than 24 hours i have an interview/group discussion/lunch with employees of the office......

    FUN TIMES!!! will leave with psychological issues most likely :D

    will update if i don't get amnesia
  5. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Social phobia or anxiety is real. Drugs and medications may ease the symptoms but their side effects are just not worth it..
    Yes people suck and most people are assholes anyway but that's just part of life i guess..
    All the best..
  6. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    i had the same thing, then it got worse somehow, i got panic attacks, first panic attack i had i didnt know it was panic attack lol
    it was mild, made me more uncomfortable than usual, the second one was stronger, i felt as i was sinking and panic kicked in,
    i've went to hospital to emergency room, still not knowing what is happening to me, there i saw lots of people in worse shape than me,
    and that made me think "what the hell am i doing here", that situation calmed me down but still i waited for a doctor to see what
    is wrong with me. Once i told the doctor the story, she asked me if am doing drugs or alcohol, then she asked me how much do i work
    and what are my sleeping habbits, and i was like, oooooh yeah i work a lot and i don't know exactly how and when i sleep, so she
    gave me few tranqils pills and after an hour or so i was completly fine. Few days passed by, then third panic attack hit me, even worse than
    others, this time i had a feeling i was about to die at that very moment, i couldn't breathe, cold sweat, my hands were dead cold,
    and i had a feeling my heart would jump out, again off i go to the hospital, and again, by the time i arrived i was fine. Doctors did some
    tests on me, i waited for results, and doctor told me that am healthier than he lol so that really started to annoy me, what the hell is
    wrong with me then. Ive started researching on my own and came to a conclusion that am having panic attacks. Ive come across to a
    book by Echart Tolle "A New Earth", its that book that helped me defeat not just panic attack, but get at the bottom of it, of all problems
    that piled up inside me and at the end burst out in form of panic attacks. I was also suffering from insomnia, and also from the same anxiety that you have, i had it also in public, just walking or traveling with other people, not just eating in front of them, i was suffering so long from
    all those things that it became normal way of living for me. Reading that book and becoming aware of who i am helped me to overcome
    all those things. Insomnia was first to disappear, i was lying in bed as usual and 50min later i was still awake, then i started to become
    aware of things that keep me awake, my thoughts, the more i was aware of them the better i felt, amazing thing happened, i've heard the
    silence in the room, i've heard the night birds outside for the first time, since then am sleeping like a baby :) Last panic attack happened
    few days after that, i felt it creeping in, and i decided am gonna take my guitar and play until it goes away. I cant describe it to you, i felt
    the panic raging and i become aware of it and at the same time ive become aware of every little detail of me playing and going through that
    moment. Few hours later i had wrote a song "the day don't hear" and its about my struggle to overcome those problems. That was my last panic attack since then, its been 4 years. Where i live people have a saying, "it all comes from the head", meaning its your thoughts that make
    your life. I've never completly understood those words, but i understand them now. I hope my story will help you to overcome anxiety, know yourself, become aware of yourself, of every little detail of you, accept yourself love yourself, become aware of your ego and let it go,
    forgive other people, forgive yourself, become comfortable of unknown.
  7. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Talking to a third party who isn't invested in your life is really important IMO. Most people don't actually evaluate their lives. We think we do in our thoughts but I found it's not until I explain (out loud) what's been going on in my life that I actually evalulate decisions i've made. Often it's in that moment that I have an opinion or point of view about the topic of discussion. As far as meds go, I understand you're reluctance, there are definite draw-backs. But let pop-culture be your source of information. Fear of side-effects is easily blown out of proportion without adequate education on the subject. I'm not suggesting you go one way or the other, I'm not qualified and most people you come across are not either. Professional advice is the only way to go. If you have a GP you trust may be the best place to start. I've been battling depression and anxiety for over 2 years now and I've been treated by 5 different psychologists and psychiatrists all with different approaches, treatment tendancies personalities. I thought the first councelor would treat me and I'd get better. I didn't realise straight away that finding someone that I really clicked with both important elusive. For me, it's a comination of couselling, medication, and lifestyle changes that has me heading in the right direction. I tried to avoid the meds (of which there is a wide variety) but i simply couldn't function and the counselling was innefective. The meds got me up to a point where the rest of my treatment could actually make an impact. Eventually I came to the conclusion that some people need medication for blood pressure, or diabetes or a whole host of other medical conditions, sometimes for the rest of their lives. If my medical condition requires that I take medication for the foreseable future then so-be-it. That's the hand I've been dealt and "suffering" from delayed ejaculation is the price I must pay for feeling good. My brain wasn't working so I trusted my doctor's advice. He's the one educated in the workings of the human body not I. But if you don't have a doc you feel you can trust, ask someone you do to go with you and help you make choices that will benefit you. This ended up being much longer than I inteded but but hopefully it is of some value.
  8. Belarri

    Belarri Member

    Oct 3, 2014
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    8 drummer...:hahaha:
  9. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    lol - :shalom:So was I until I switched to playing bodhran. It takes up less room in the back of the van.
  10. samsome

    samsome Guest

    came back from assessment day/interview.

    went for lunch with employees of that firm I didn't raise the drink once but i managed to eat through.

    presentation....wasn't comfortable....

    but anyway, life goes on.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thought i write down what i did, maybe he finds something similar, which can help him.

    good luck @samsome

    extra tip, get rid of your rating, you put to much expectation in the presentation, which backfires in being extra stiff and makes it harder to react to things you have not expected.

    ask yourself, what happends if the presentation wents awsome, see the non awsome as no option.

  12. Mbarnes

    Mbarnes Newbie

    Dec 13, 2015
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    Actually no I'm generally fine at home the pressure caused by being around lots of people can cause the tremor to increase. Any situation that causes anxiety increases the tremor. I don't shake much at home unless a high pressure situation arises at home. Confrontations can also cause an increase in the tremor. I'd say it's worth seeking professional advice because it can cause you problems in life and people are quick to judge and make assumptions such as you are shaking because you have a drug/drink problem or because you are afraid of them.
  13. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Hey Samsome--

    It was interesting to read your post, and clearly you've gotten some very thoughtful answers here. I hope some/all/most of them are useful to you.

    My sister suffers from something that sounds very similar to what you've described, and her experience has helped me reach some conclusions about what seemed to work best, at least for her. I remember many people also suggested things to her like yoga, exercise, supplements, and on. Those things can be really helpful, even perhaps curative for some, but if you haven't first met with a professional who can help define your situation, that other stuff may turn out to be little more than just self-diagnosis. That can wind up being problematic, and maybe even make things worse.

    Because of that, I hope you will consider talking to a psychotherapist. Someone with that training is probably in the best position to help you understand what's going on, and what's causing you discomfort. I don't know where you live, or how therapists work where you're located; where I am people seem to be able to find one that will work with them based on income rather than a set fee that might be difficult for you to cover. Hopefully there's a similar (or even better) opportunity wherever it is you're located.

    It's so important to get a professional opinion. With my sister, she tried to self-diagnose for a long time. But that only led to self-medicating to deal with her problems, and before she knew it she had 2 problems instead of one. That was a mess for her, me and my family, and she didn't get back on track until she went for professional help.

    Hope my own experience has some usefulness for you, and even more importantly, I hope you soon get to feeling better, and more comfortable.
  14. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Mbarnes: I'll have to check on essential tremors again then.....maybe as you said high pressure situations are what is kicking it in. thanks

    rico888: nice seeing this from a brother point of view, although I don't want to think about it, i do affect my family with this problem I have. So yes getting help should be my main concern. To be honest i tried a few psychotherapists/psychologists (i think both) from but all seem to just ask me same things, and just talking and talking just to keep the chat rolling and money coming in. It didn't help me at all. I knew most things they were saying, and all the solutions they recommended like exposing myself i tried it before. But I never went for face to face consultation i was always dealing with this problem online as i'm ashamed to go in person. Something to consider, thanks
  15. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    DON'T BE, that's silly! Have some faith my friend, the real shame comes in not taking care of your difficulties and letting them continue without interference. Think of it as 'doing something for yourself', not a punishment or humiliation.

    I don't know anyone that's actually used online therapy, but I tend to think you're probably much better off going face-to-face with someone in person that you can develop a rapport with over time. Just try to take baby steps that get you into their room. I believe most therapists will allow some phone time prior to scheduling a visit, and that gives you some opportunity to get a preliminary feeling about who you're dealing with. That would be an excellent opportunity for you to explain to them that you're extremely nervous and anxious about going to see them. If they're good at what they do, you'll probably feel a little better about going in by the time you've gotten off the phone. Just try it. Little by little, baby steps to improvement.

    Also, one final thought. The holiday season can be rough for some people. Make sure to treat yourself well, and take care of yourself. If you're having difficulty try as hard as you can to talk to family and/or friends about what you're going through. Just like people reach out to you here, I'm sure people in your "real" life will try to help, as well. Don't isolate and force yourself to go it alone, there's always some person that will try to help if you can summon up the courage to reach out to them.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  16. Ellin

    Ellin Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I also have the same problem.
    I'm using natural remedies: minerals, oligoelementi and "Tilia tomentosa".
    But I'm also dealing with a cultural approach. I believe that some people (and artists / musicians first of all) they draw sensations from the collective unconscious and experience them as their own. Humanity is changing very fast, and we are living in a time when the battle between light and shadow is very sharp. The world is ruled by an plenipotentiary èlite that emits very negative vibrations to hold onto his power, that create instability and hardship globally, natural and animals also.
    In the history of the past no civilization were could control the entire planet from a room, like today... Our personal anxieties are also a reflection of the suffering of the soul of the entire planet.
    We have a duty to deal with new Saruman, even if we are just little hobbit. We can fight this covert war with our favorite weapons: music and art. This is a form of positive resistance and non-violent. Although we will be overwhelmed by the real life, our art will continue to bring light where darkness reigns.
    Too new age? Naaah, Jung and Hillman say this!
  17. PastelSpirit

    PastelSpirit Newbie

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Hi guys!

    Sedona Method

    I recommend learning and practicing the Sedona Method release technique from this video:

    You can let go of any negative, unpreferred feelings - emotions including: anxiety, guilt, fears, grief, depression, jealousy... no matter how long you have been living with it.

    Have fun releasing! :)
  18. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    If your against medication (many people are, i am as well) then there are plenty of suggestions here.

    If your ok with medication, Klonopin works WONDERS! It is a damn miracle medicine for any anxiety. Fuck ativan, xanax, etc. Go for Klonopin if you were so inclined to go the medication route.

    Or, oddly enough, Dramamine (anti-motion sickness medicine) also has anti-anxiety properties. Or so i have noticed.
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