so... helix native is here, what do you think?

Discussion in 'Software' started by pelao, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    can we hear some of those and some that didn't get squashed?
  2. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    With decent IRs it's more on the inspiring side than not esp. those effects are nice. Built in cabs are the worst ever.
    The routing option is nice but GUI is cumbersome like others have mentioned.
    39 bucks maybe?
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  3. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    On a related note, I used to love the sound of Ever Ready batteries in my pedals. They added a subtle warmth to my tone that became much more apparent when they stopped making them and I was stuck with the cold digital sound of Duracell.
    Tip: Paint Duracell batteries with Tippex before use and you'll hear the difference. Also, never use duct tape to hold a broken battery cover on. Simple black electrician's tape sounds much funkier.
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  4. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    If Eric Johnson can hear the difference between types of batteries, I completely believe you @Diogenes Is black duct tape better?
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  5. Batteries? Hell yea. To me my ancient MXR Distortion+ sounds like shite until the battery is about half way discharged and becomes more to my liking as it drains down to a little less than I guess a quarter left to go. I got rid of the power supply 20 years ago because I never used it. I can tell approximatey the battery's charge by "tasting" it on the tip of my tongue.
  6. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    maybe try a 6 or 7 Volt one?

    The Helix is very nice actually. The tip to insert the low and high cut immediately after the amp is a must. 93% of the presets are awful.
  7. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I find it very funny how people seem to have all these workarounds to make the Helix sound better. You know, my amp sounds good without HP and LP filters...

    Like the input gain thing, that you have to lower it to "hardware levels" so it doesn't sound like crap. C'mon guys, you're supposedly playing through a guitar amp, and REAL guitar amps love to have super hot signals fed to them (that's why people use Tubescreamers in front of the amps to get crushing rythm tones). In fact, in S-Gear's manual you can read how it reacts like real amps in this regard. I have my main lead preset with the input gain dimed so I can squeeze the Stealer amp as much as possible, and guess what? It sounds amazing. Kazrog's took this into the extreme and you can play death metal with its Fender Tweed simulation if you want, since you have the option to "bypass" some of the limitations of the modelled hardware.

    With honorable exceptions, experience has taught me that if something takes too much work to make it sound right, better move on to something that just sounds right from the start. Sometimes I feel this multi-fx apps are made more for people who like to tweak endlessy than actual guitar players, because, you know, guitar players did just fine with only ONE amp and a bunch of stompboxes for decades :guru:
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
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  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Especially when you realize that there are 5$ plugins that sound better than this. You can get a full PRO DAW for that kind of money, with quality plugins and vst instruments included.
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  9. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Too lazy to lower the input gain are ya @Torrao?
    Guitar players are by nature knob tweakers. It took me a total of 1 min to load up an IR, insert an eq and lower that input.

    maybe heed your own words. You have made your lazy stance very clear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2017
  10. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I Agree all presets suck Ass on all the Sims ive i have and tried them all \m/ i can set any of them up to sound good for MY SOUND and i do so from scratch... use my own favorite Impulses and im off to Demo mode for a song \m/ >>> i personally like the Line6 Helix for my sound better than any of the other Sims so as we speak im using it on a Demo right now maybe ill post it >>> but its just a Demo haha... i Think Most of the Heat im hearing on this comes from the 400$ price tag lol>>> other than that it Doesnt take a Guitar wiz to know its a great product >>> i have a Kemper >>>sold my Axe fx long ago and im loving this Line 6 Helix with all the options the amps sound great and feel great too under my fingers \m/ >>> I have alot of Real tube amps From Mesa,Marshall,Engl,Fender an yada yada yada i record with them everyday on productions been doin it for 20 years ;) >>> But maybe my Ears just suck i guess lol \m/Edit>>>so after all this talk i thought i would just post what im doin with Helix right now short sample>>>
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
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  11. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I heard some of your tones in the Soundcloud get together thread. Stellar sounds.
    So Nebula somehow adds more than just Ownhammer good ness?
  12. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Thanks brother thos are just Demos but >>> Some of that was on the other thread is Real Amps 5150, 6505+ and a Fender Twin i have... Songs>>>Broken>>>is all FenderTwin >>>>You for Me>>>is 5150 and 6505>>>last song i posted>>> Tell ME>>> is Amplitube4 with Ownhammer Pre Rola Marshall an Mesa cabs for Acustica Nebula... I like Ownhammer IR's but i just think the Old Nebula Versions i Bought back in the Day have more of the Real Mic and Cab sound >>> Justs feels and sounds better to me i guess... the one i posted above have the same Cabs for Nebula in it From Ownhammer... Ownhammer dosn't even sell them anymore but for me was the best of the lot \m/On these old versions of ownhammer Pre Rola mesa and marshall cabs they have a Tube stage you can select 2 positions or turn them can adjust the distance an angle of the mic too to get the sound you are after more or less highs to me these Cabs for Nebula Ownhammer used to do are Stellar \m/ and they are all but gone... shame he quit doing them >>>He said it was just to much work >>>but i tell ya they sound like no other on the Market kills everything ive ever herd ;) Edit>>> Nebula is not static like IR's>>>Read
    V.V.K.T. and Acustica Audio technology questions
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  13. Brilliant idea and one that I never thought of. The problem that comes up though is that the input for the PS is not the regular one found on any of my others and I don't think can be bought off the shelf. I'll look into it. Thanks.
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Poor newbies... electronic problems? Not for me!

  15. SlayermanGR

    SlayermanGR Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2015
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    So I finally devoted some time to test Helix with external IRs... I fire up the Mark IV amp sim (one that I know well since I own a real one), use my standard trustworthy IR for all amp sims (Marshall 1960A) and the verdict --> sounds like shit... No tightness like the real thing, flabbiness at the low region and kinda weak gain-wise (yes I have my input set up as it should)...

    Opening my Amplitube 4 Mark IV patch right after this tragedy was insta-heaven! Bye bye Line6...
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  16. thepie

    thepie Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2017
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    Hows it stack up against SGear?
  17. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Well said! Chuck Berry would just turn up with his guitar, plug in to any available socket, and blow everybody away. The emperor's got nowt on.
  18. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    I know size isn't everything (or so I used to tell my ex-wife), but how do they manage to cram all this supposed goodness into a tiny 18Mb? I used to install software bigger than that from floppies back in the 1990s.
  19. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Too lazy to read are ya, @dragonhill? :bleh:

    Yeah, I'm sure most guitar players reach for their EQ filters, impulse loaders, and gain trim pedals everytime they plug into an amp.:unsure:
  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Talk is talk.... Lets hear it \m/ post these killer tones from witch you speak haha ;) dont be shy soundcloud is only a click away lol. I wana hear some jamz!!! Lol
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