Snoop Dogg Reveals Exactly How Much Money He Made From 1B Spotify Streams

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Choosename, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Agents still exist, and take their part too. Spotify is more the market creator, they are the owners of the biggest Amusement Park. Agents are still man in the middle. And may be is the reason why Snoop Dogg only makes this little part of the cake 45k for 1B streams. This should be 3,5 million dollars at least.
    Captura de pantalla 2024-03-10 a las 14.50.18.png
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    And don't forget where you consume music. Apple is paying twice than Xpotify, and Tidal 4 times more than Xpotify. Only on tidal SD would made 12 millon dollars revenue. (Different pennies per stream depends on where you look for info)

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    The revenues on music are at his top on history, thanks to streaming services. Would be interesting to know how much of this money is going to artist hands, or just to streaming platforms.

    Captura de pantalla 2024-03-10 a las 14.52.36.png

    Adjusted for inflaction, is not on his peak, is less, but at least found a way of becoming profitable, after p2p, and pirated music.
    Captura de pantalla 2024-03-10 a las 15.01.38.png
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  2. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    909 streams to make 1 dollar? thats ridiculous! (talking about deezer)
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    To be clear, after them in my country, there was in influx of hopeful musicians doing the same thing.
    I get your points and some are valid, but if people do not stop and think first, they get what they deserve.

    It comes down to caring about your own music, how and where and the way it is used. If the majority did, this situation would never have propagated, so yes I can say that . A very large percentage worldwide of musicians and very good ones at that, would not be complaining if there was no truth in what I said.

    The "I'm right Jack" ones? Well that speaks for itself how much they care about the industry itself and why there is no real industry anymore, just conglomerate Orwellians and the suckers who nobody would likely have ever heard of worldwide because they were never good enough to be at the top of their field, seeking fame they normally would have been ignored in, are at the root of it. Trained very good musicians know that. The "I'm doing fine / I'm right Jack" ones only ever cared about themselves. People who know them personally probably call them a selfish c***t too.

    The people who support the way the now missing industry is, mass reduction in live gigs, and missing new music that is different, and support the "look at me" culture - They will be the first to moan when suddenly, instead of only all the BS they call new music that all sounds the same, and not much different to 1990s Techno and RAP with modern digital sounds and auto-tune, are the first to say "Why aren't there more live gigs and something new?"
    Regurgitation never created anything new. The meaning of that word says it all. Just a vomitous rehashed mass of something already ingested that got rejected and vomited back up, purely to attempt some pitiful form of recognition or make money.
    If they had half a brain and ownership, they'd know the answer to the why. It's called KARMA.

    The biggest change if you were there, was when the powers-that-be allowed others to use samples of other people's music and then call that their own. At its most base level, it is re-hashing and using someone else's music because they did not have the skills to create something new and original from their own missing imagination and missing creativity. It is called "A parasite"
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  4. shafeeqbeats

    shafeeqbeats Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2020
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    The reason he only got $45K is because he doesn't own his publishing or masters.
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  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The funniest negative comments I get are that I hate EDM. I do not hate any music. I have heard three EDM musicians and I call them that for good reason I think they are great, in the last ten years in the EDM, Trap, LoFi, Rap, Hop fields - I know they're good at what they do. Any decent musician hears what they're doing. Not that "Oooh...that sounds cool"... I hear every fucking note and chord and so do many others. Shit is easy to detect and you have to wade through 10s of thousands to find one diamond.

    What I do not like is that it has become a haven for parasites who could not do anything musical without a computer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
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  6. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
  7. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Unless I'm missing something, I have no idea how any of this is related to how the industry works, what the power dynamics are, who holds capital and who provides the labor :dunno:

    Because that's what it comes down to. The "trained real musicians vs. I'm right Jack" dichotomy is unimportant when we're talking about owning your work. They're both slaves of a system that has ALL the money.

    It's almost like there's a word for it? Something about... faring war... between... classy people?
    :guru: <= a bearded dude comes to mind... :hillbilly:

    Anyway, I'm not trying to be a dick. I just find that talking about individuals is irrelevant, because ultimately how money is distributed is determined by systems. And sure, systems are made of individuals, but they're something bigger than the sum of its parts.

    In a perfect world, when recording technology was invented and the music industry was born, musicians would have had all the leverage and could have set precedent for how their work would be remunerated. After all, without them, there would be no music.
    But that's not how things went. There was a massive power imbalance from the get go, and still is. Musicians have to eat, while capital owners have to profit lol. Is it any different than classical composers and their patrons?

    In a perfect world, people like Carol Kaye or Leland Sklar would be multi billionaires lol.
  8. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Are you a bit simple? No one is just entitled to make money just because they make music, obviously, but the point is his billion streams generated a TON of money in advertising revenue etc. and the cut he's receiving is genuinely scandalous and disgusting. I can't get my head round people who make music arguing for the streaming cuts being fair, it makes people seem stupid. There is no argument for it.
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  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    That's great in theory but if you look at the small percentage who make good money from YouTube Beato is one of several, they are individuals. Sorry that is the first one who popped in, I should have picked a better example..
    The system is the platform not the determiner. The algoritms are. You're not a dick - I like that you stand up for your beliefs. It is founded in common sense and experience. I wish more were. . We've read enough of each other's posts.
    I also do not think musicians running the show is a good thing either. That's why this situation exists... In humour, it has become more apparent that a large percentage of musicians could not organize a fuck in a brothel. They need someone to manage the organizing - UNFORTUNATELY - knowing who will look after their best interests and who will exploit them? The state of the missing industry answers that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  10. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    You're way off on that 1st point, People who know how to make music on a computer are worth 10 times more to the music industry than a proficient musician. That's why there's all these kids making a fortune from their parents house. Being a good musician is great and should be strived for but having top notch composing/production skills on a computer is just as valid as an elite musician.
  11. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    well let me give you perspective, me as an established artist in the current music industry landscape. monthly from streaming i average about 4-5 million streams of my music, across spotify, apple music and amazon music. the other platforms it varies from 100k-900k, thats in between album cycles like i am currently in, when i have new project out, the average is around 9 million and drops slowly back down to where its at now

    you can do math and see why streaming isnt an issue for me, reaching 1 Billion is a bonus from spotify, thats what hes talking about; not all of the money hes ever made from streaming im sure as shit. but for me, that alone is how much money i get from streaming alone, thats not counting the 6 others ways i make bread in the music industry

    its more than enough to be comfortable with a good sized fanbase like said. im not an activist, im not worried about what everyones making, if you are cool, go fight for it, bitching at me isnt accomplishing anything. im worried about myself, my loved ones and the people that fuck with me. i cant worry about what everyones making, i have no complaints, because i make what i feel is more than enough money in music
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  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    No they're not and History already shows that with Bach, Mozart, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Artetha Franklin and thousands of others, yes... the list is massive to show how ignorant that statement is.
    How many EDMers are in the respected Halls of Fame and recognized in non-Wikipedia REAL history books? next to NONE, if any.
    There is no music industry, it is obvious you weren't born when there was one.

    If you used your brain instead which you are capable of doing, people on a computer are only valued in the CURRENT influx. History shows clearly that when the power goes off, the pretenders get caught. Milli Vanilli were one of the first...Kanye got caught and had no choice but to answer if he played an instrument... six major music magazines then called him out for what he was, a pretender.

    Try entertaining 10,000 people with just an instrument - That is how Music History was made.
    History will show it like Punk, Disco, Techno and other styles - a passing fad. do not assume I do not know how to use a computer. I can create equally without an instrument. It only requires computer knowledge NOT musical knowledge and that's why beyond any doubt, I know I am right on target. I have my studio as well which was paid for by music and I knew how to sequence before stealing other people's music by sampling it became legal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Acknowledging that SOME streamers make a good living from it and kudos to them for their entrepreneurial skills because that is mainly what it is. Knowing what kind of music will generate the best results. That is clever.

    I decided to remove the rest. I realize it will be like bashing my head against a brick wall. It achieves nothing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  14. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    i get your philosophy. I dont think is either wrong, or idiot.
    it makes sense, although i dont think the same way

    i like to take in consideration we live in a capitalist society
    spotify is making money off your creation
    developers charge crazy money for their plugins
    its only fair you receive a share of spotify's revenue,
    and that would help the economic growth of the market, because receiving more you are able to spend more too (in more plugins, guitars, hardware) ...

    but then again, i don't think its dumb to think the way you do
  15. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    What!? "I'm happy with the money I make from the music industry so therefore no one else should question the horrendous percentages artists get from scummy streaming companies."

    Ok dude....Jesus Christ.
  16. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    if you do some actual research, there was a time LONG gone, when musicians were unified.

    You cannot blame her? If it is a her, for only looking after her own interests. The way streaming and the current industry works, it doesn't advertise "We look after every musician in the world to ensure they make a living". Musician's Unions are now toothless tigers.

    The only country in the world that valued its musicians was France. What used to occur, is that if you show receipts for your month's earnings to their social security, and have no work the following month, they would subsidize you. They also have a zero immigration policy, unless of course that has also changed.

    I remember reading somewhere that Ireland too stepped up to the plate. Apparently they removed all taxation from any person who registered their fulltime profession as a performing musician....something like that... I truly did not read much on it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  17. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Haha, man you're giving off serious boomer energy and making all sorts of assumptions, the signs of someone who got TRIGGERED. I said nothing about you're potential computer skills, I was only commenting on your opinion of people who primarily use computers to make music. And I wasn't talking about established artists when I said proficient musicians, I mean if you're a really talented guitarist and you go to LA/Nashville/New York you're going to find it way harder to make a living in the music industry than someone who can make all sorts of styles of music using their computer/production skills. You're whole attitude is "I'm older than you so I know better", there absolutely is a music industry, and it still generates billions every year($31.2 billion in 2022), it may have changed a lot since whenever it was you were relevant but it's still there, just paying a lot less to artists these days. Milli Vanilli were miming...what's that got to do with people who primarily use a computer to make music? And Kanye, despite his recent downfall due to his anti-semetism, will still go down as one of the greatest Hip-Hop producers artists of all time. He's exponentially more important than you'll ever be to music so what does that say about you and your argument? You're an imbecile.
  18. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    i understand the perspective, i also dont believe life is fair on any level, ive been broke for a long time, ive had a lot of money for a good amount of time now; ive been around the world and seen the conditions people live in in certain countries. life isnt fair. exploitative practices exist in every industry. theres too much injustice in the world, i can focus on that and be depressed all the time. or i can focus on what i love and make music that lasts and adds values peoples life after im gone. other people can fight and be upset about the music industry, im not in a position i feel right complaining about it

    i participate and benefit from exploitive practices, i love my phone. it was by made people working in terrible conditions for long hours, to the point they had to put nets outside of the buildings to stop people from killing themselves. i still love it, i cant focus on that for my own mental health. i pirate software from sister site because even though i have money, i dont want to just waste it buying stuff i end up not using. i dont feel that i can play the blame game when i participate and acknowledge a lot of exploitation that happens in a lot of industries and benefit

    what bothered me and why i even said anything, was because to me; its like Snoop didnt care that 1 Billion people streamed his music. he immediately asked how much did i make? and shrugged off $45,000 like its nothing - im well aware of how the world works and how a lot of people live, i love music and am grateful to even have people that support what i love, im grateful im able to make the money i do; how he didnt see the value and meaningfulness in that, is not how i ever want to be. thats why i posted what i felt, how people take that isnt in my control
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Man you're seriously lacking in knowledge of the music industry as a whole.
    But stay in your little corner of he world. As for boomer energy, perhaps, but everything from house, car, full recording studio and more was gained by knowing the music industry, and making a decent living from it - my entire life, even now.
    The world always wakes up to pretenders eventually and says 'enough'. There's too much fact based in recurring events to think otherwise. Humans are stupid by default, everyone thinks "that won't happen to me", like they have some kind of miraculous insulation that prevents them from exposure. Until it does. You do know what the word "pretend" means? It does not cover one tiny aspect. It means Charlatanism - fake representation, not real. You can only fool people for so long before they wake up and want what is real and that is in EVERY discipline, not just music. If you think that does not apply to you, I hope the world is kind to you when you wake up and find it happens. Kanye? OMG, did you like Justin Bieber too? You're hilarious. You probably think Dua Lipa is amazing too? :rofl:They made money from stupid people. Play one tune recognized globally as requiring SKILL on any instrument of your choice. The great EDM producers CAN. Then spout the bullshit you think you know.
    I guess foresight only comes with experience. I am sure one day you'll get some.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  20. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    I made one statement about the music industry, and it was completely based in fact. Again you're spouting a whole load of know it all rubbish without making any points. We're done here. When you get into the rock & roll HOF you can ring Kanye up and gloat at him. I charged you with being an imbecile and all you've done is confirm this fact further. Enjoy being relevant in your own head.
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