Smart Eq 3 released!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Kundalini, May 5, 2021.

  1. KarateChop

    KarateChop Producer

    Dec 30, 2013
    Likes Received:
    The Caribbean Sea
    i just installed the trial and it says " Your Trial Has Expired" :rofl: i guess im not buying this crap.. No Test No Buy:thumbsdown:
  2. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    Exactly. The same point of view is valid even more for remastering and final mastering.
    While it might help beginners it is mainly a powerful resource for professionals dealing with the technical aspect of sound.
    When processing natural, non-synth, ('acoustic') sources 'creative' EQ-ing ends up in pure amplitude distortion.
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    A plugin shows its real worth with a recorded instrument that is not already processed and does not have its gain levels almost identical, post-processing.
    Undynamic audio - the same consistent gain level that has no light and shade (musical dynamics includes natural performed intensity, samples do not) is only going to show frequency balancing of mostly processed stems and not much else. Natural timbres of unprocessed, uncompressed, unaltered instrumentation when apps like this are applied, show you what any analysis tool can or cannot do. Doing this on samples never showed me how good the full potential of anything is because it's putting a computer AI on something that has already been computer processed. Each to their own, but I prefer to test things on raw samples not processed ones.
    To fully show its power, any plugin needs to be demonstrated on a recorded band, pre-processing. That's where plugins like soothe2, gulfoss and Q3 already shine. This plugin is good but someone needs to demo it on acoustic instruments as well.