slicing, copying and editing Audio

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by filtersweep, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i have a real headache in studio one 2 and of course i am unable to post on presonus forums so i will try here.
    basically i am cutting up audio loops on the timeline but, whenever i go into the editor window to copy , paste and drag around my slices if i am working on a copy of a slice the edit doesn't just occur on the slice i select, it affects the original to. particularly if i am moving audio bend markers, i have looked and looked for an answer to this but now my head is hurting.. : (
    if anyone has used fl studio there is a function in there called 'make unique' so that the clip you are working on becomes a fresh copy and leaves the original loop intact. is there a similar feature in studio one? i have been reading the manual but find nothing relevat there as yet...
    i hope this is understandable to someone : )
    i love most of the editing features in studio one but this has me totally flummoxed. help would be hugely appreciated.
  3. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    Ive never used Studio One, but it "could" possibly be a case of having to a create a new audio track for each edited version ? but that would suck & leave your projects with alot of "unnecessary" amounts of tracks.

    I use Cubase & & it pops up with a automatic message saying if you want to make it "unique" or not.
  4. Anonymous363

    Anonymous363 Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Rhode Island, USA
    It's not really clear to me ..could you explain it better please ? maybe with some pic ?

    Have you tried to open a support ticket ?

    Btw S1 doesn't affect original audio ..
  5. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    What happens when you select the loop and press D to make a duplicate?
  6. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    The slice and it`s copy(ies) are both selected, how else could both be affected?. I tried to reproduce your "issue", works only if they are selected. Everything you mention works fine for me, on timeline and editor.(Vers.2.6.4)
    Guess I don`t get it, a screenshot would be good.

    Add on: When I copy a slice in the editor (Alt+ drag&drop, D or C-Menu) and move the bendmarkers it applys only for the copy. No idea what setting it could be, yet. If it helps I`ll post pics, hope you found the solution meanwhile.
  7. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i'll try and post some pics later today...
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Is it like in Cubase that you have containers in the arrangement view instead of actual instances of the audio file?
  9. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    ok, here we go. i hope these are clear enough...

    Screen One

    Screen Two

    Screen Three

    screen one shows a wav loop loaded and with detect transients used.
    in the second i have used the 'split at bend markers' command and copied the first edit to the end of the loop.
    on the third screen, i have altered the 1st edit with the the audio bend tool, and, i hope you can see, the copy ( at the end) has also been affected. this is what happens in any attempt i have made to copy slices and edit them. the copies are affected as well as the original.
    i have been pouring over the manual but i cannot see any thing that clearly addresses the issue.
    or maybe i am just tired in the head : )
    anyway, i hope that clarifies my problem. thx for the help.
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    No Bugs is how S1 reacts and i like it. If you want a new "copy" just bounce the file et voilá.
  11. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    thanks for the detailed reply ha harr : (
    i know how to bounce stuff here but that is not what i want or need to do and even if it is a workaround, it is a cumbersome one. why can i not make unique copies in a click or two?
    essentially, i am making clones of edits instead of clear and distinct 'seperate' or 'unique' copies. if i start with one piece, duplicate and mess about with the duplicates it will always affect the originals they seem linked in a way that baffles me. in every other daw i use this is an easy operation easy, in fl studio you can even indicate that you want a copy to be unique and thus is the only part affected when editing, in reaper it just copies as a a distinct copy... it seems very hard to get any clear info on studio one on points like these. which is a shame as for the most part i love the program but things like this are enough to make me look elsewhere for an app more suited to my flow..
  12. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i came from FL and i don't like it.
    Maybe you can ask Presonus to rename "Bounce" option in "Make unique copy" because they are the same option. In Logic Pro X there is create new audio copy and i don't like it at all because i have to re-save the file in the correct folder just for reversing a sound, this is unbelieveble. S1 take care of this annoiyng stuff for me wich is great.

    i don't know your settings but when i duplicate a clip and i edit one of them i get the edits on both of them only when using:

    -timestretch (i timestretch manually so isn't my case)
    -bend tool

    other options are only on one single audio clip

    so if you need to experiment just duplicate and create a "unique file" thru bounce. You can create your own macro for this purpose, one click et voilà, you have your new file like in other daw. And after your edits and trials go to the pool and "remove unused files" to clear all sample that you create and you don't want to use anymore. FL doesn't have this features and this organization.

    For me Studio One is a bomb, rock&solid. if you have question you can ask me.

    ps: i've just created a quick gif take a look
  13. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    yes, i understand what you are saying. and, yes, it is a problem for me as i mess with audio bend and such a lot. for effects and such. so it is a bit around the houses to bounce every time i want a 'unique copy' but, if that's the only solution then i will practice it a bit and see if i can get the hang of it. i appreciate your advice, thankyou.
    ps. why do you not like fl studio anymore? ( just curious, as i keep returning to it even though there are aspects of it that drive me f**gin crazy ( please! do something about the Undo function!!)
    peace x
  14. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i was a FL user for a couple of years because a friend of mine said that it was the best programm. Then tried Cubase wich was really slow, then Ableton 8, was a mess, crash al time PDC can't handle anything. and then in December 2012 i landed on S1 2.5

    edm here

    -Piano roll, looks nicer in FL but in s1 i have "split at grind", scale function and other musical feature wich are very important for my workflow
    -fL has no internal bounce, everytime i had to save somewhere the files and then after a couple of months lost them somewhere
    -drag & drop missing, vsti, effects and other stuff miss this features
    -automation aren't stored with the track, i can make like 10 automations for 1 track, in FL i lost them
    -FL is cpu hungry
    -S1 has transform features, i can use 100 vsti and transform in 100 audio tracks with 0% cpu anytime back&forth, fl can't (also love render features wich is similar)
    -macro features, assign a couple of commands to a button or key command, fl can't
    -in s1 i can use 10 copies of the same file and reverse one of them, in fl i had to create a new copy just for a single file
    -in s1 (with asio), i can create a output inside of the daw and route it to my headphone while my maain output goes to monitor
    -preset management in incredible, effects chain, kontakt instruments, save & recall in no time
    -S1 browser can play loop in sync from any bpm to project bpm, FL can't
    -S1, mute & solo. it's like in Logic pro X plus you can solo sends and busses, FL can't
    -S1 can Zoom up to sample and apply fades, FL can't
    -S1 has got a better timestrach algoritht, i'm also a DJ, FL timestrach goes off beat after 1-2 minutes
    -S1 has got Melodyne intregrated, FL don't
    -S1 has Bend Tool, FL don't
    -S1 Mixer in unbelievable easy and complete, routings are so easy, FL mixer just sucks
    -S1 has the best PDC correction, sound system is always in sync, Fl can't handle havier vst like Waves Soundshifter a goes off beat
    -S1 has better integration with midi controller and very low latency at full project, Fl is out of sync from the start
    -S1 has got MusicLoop, can store my midi sound,vsti ecc, FL can't
    -S1 can show Midi like Orchestration and choose what to show, Fl can't
    -S1 can customize keycommand, for me M mixer, b browser and e for edit/midi, ecc. Fl can't
    -S1 project are stored in a clear way, also save file within project and delete unused file, FL can't
    -S1 can open more project in 1 time, Fl can't
    -S1 can open settings/preset/chain from other project, FL can't
    -S1 has got a performance meter wich shows up every plugin, Fl can't
    and other features

    what i still like from FL are:
    -has got the best bpm calculator of all daw
    -Files are stored in builtin sampler, but can't timestretch when played in different key ( Izotope Iris 2 can, problem solved also for s1)
    -FL can create a list o favourite vst, i solved it just create a new folder and put presets from S1
    -FL piano roll looks slightly nicer
    -if you are a starter FL step sequencer can help you with your beat
    -the best features in FL (wich was added 6-7 months ago) is that FL can run at 64 bit mode while opening 32 bit vst (altough can crash), in s1 you had to use Jbridge

    I prefer S1 over FL, my workflow is faster, my tracks are far more precise. You can produce good track in both of them.
  15. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    as i say, i love studio one and use it often. all the things you mentioned, i totally agree. but it is the niggles that can turn you off a whole software, i have to be honest and say that when i started using fl studio i HATED it, specifically the shortcuts, i felt as if i was always going against my intuition which is exactly what shortcuts should spare you from : )
    so my problem with audio editing is perhaps the ONLY real annoyance at the moment, but it is enough that some days i just go and work in something else like fl because now i am nearly 100% familiar with its quirk(s) i can get stuff going faster than studio one. it also has a huge arsenal of goodies in there, just one example is it's pitch editor 'melodyne' type plug in which is actually better than melodyne... imho
    the things that drive me nuts about fl are the undo function which is , frankly, the worse i have ever used. if you are flitting between the piano roll and programming a vst you can get in a right mess and lose lots of work and settings ( that being said, fl keeps backups and so most of the time it isn't the end of the sports, but i have lost work on previous occasions i will never retrieve again because i don't understand the undo function wasn't working the way i expected).
    bouncing in studio one is brilliant and i am just at this moment trying to get across the transform tool, that looks like a real heavyweight feature and is a strong reason to continue learning S1. ( btw, fl studio is very stable for me and does not use more cpu than any other daw i have tried or use. i guess that's down to your machine. i upgraded last year and can do things now i could never do before in most things.)
    i also find editing audio in fl studio, on the playlist/time line a bit of a pain, although fl has a great internal editor 'Edison' for doing a lot , including rendering tracks as you go and chopping and slicing, i just put an instance of edison on the 'selected track' track and can do that as i go. but, ideally, i prefer s1 for this now, apart from the problem i mention at the start of the thread. i also wish that things like renaming tracks were synced up in S1, a lot of the time re-naming a track in the track view does not do so in the mixer view etc. again, a trifle but one that affects workflow. if you are not in the right, patient frame of mind it can ruin your day. : ) fl also has some of the best bespoke plugins of any daw in it's range. the best i have probably used just one instant quality is samplitude, their plugs are something else.
    i am hoping of course that S1 v3 addresses these issues.
    as it stands i still love fl when i just want to play freely, messing in the sandpit as it were :)
    i do think it gets looked down on , undeservedly so in my opinion.
    i also still use: reaper and sometimes cubase ( which is where i started some time ago), and occasionally ableton to. but for the most part i just want one daw 'to rule them all and i hope that S1 could be that daw.
    ps. i was am Acid user for quite a few years and probably would still be if sony hadn't decided to neglect it completely.
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    ok, the fist thing i wanna say is that every daw do the same things,80% of the option are the same. No matter what genre will you use you can go to a "pro" level with every daw. So a daw is basically a personal choice of tools,workflow,appearence and other technical stuff.
    Bro you can't be serious Melodyne is Melodyne is the best, every time i use Fl's pitcher on the same sound i get differents results... crash a lot, i prefer Melodyne and Waves plugin (wich i believe is called tuner). I never used UNDO function in FL, so i haven't had to much problem with it, i usually use the browser for undo things. S1 need only undo on mixer settings. I don't use very much the transformation tool,altough i use like 100-200 automations every projects, my automation are really simple:cutoff,bypass and volume and sometimes pan, nothing crazy to use the tool. When of the features wich help me to switch daw was the ability to edit audio clip directly from S1 arrenge view wich for me is more natural or i can use S1's Editor wich makes things easier. Also the windows locations(editor,browser,inspector and macro) make me love S1 even more, i assign my numeric pad numbers to snap settings so if a need to move a snare to 1/16 i just tap on "1" et voilà, "5" for 1/4 again, and "J" to snap on/off this speedup my workflow tremendously. Is really i pain when i go to my friend (wich use Fl) and help him to edit his clips without proper Key commands. For me S1 is really stable i had 1 crash in 6 months caused by a 3rd party plugin, Fl crash like 2-3 times a day, FL x64 is even worser because of the internal bridge.
    If you still love Edison you can install it and have it also in S1, i used 1 or 2 times but then prefer regular editings because with Edison you can't go back and change your serrings. I agree with renaming tracks, Audio clips works in the usual way, while vsti can have differents name. I believe to the fact that you can route the same vsti to different track (midi track) while in FL one vsti can have only one midi output, and S1 is also multiouput wich is cool if you have kontakt or other cool plugins, re-route multioutput vsti in Logic Pro X is really a pain. Maybe you know already but in Studio One you can enable or disable track view from your arrenger. yeah Fl has got cool quality vst but sometimes i find them differents from other commercial plugins(like controls, interfece and stuff like that) i always used 3rd party quality plugin like Fabfilter,Ozone,Waves ecc. right from my first days with FL. S1 are cool aswell Room Reverb is unbelievable (atleast for my genre,EDM). The best quality plugin imo belongs to Logic Pro X, they sound soo natural and pro in no time. I would like to stole them from LPX to S1.
    I find everything in FL really slow, i use it just to converts some of my old projects and stuff to S1. I can make everything even faster in S1, the only option wich is faster in FL is when you export single tracks, but in S1 i'm sure that every track is exported perfectly while in FL you get some delay on the exported track. I found it because my friend was sending me some stuff: the same file have different start point if exported directly from the master and from the single channel. if you export if sidechain on, you end with a file and the sidechain shifted, for me this is crazy.
    As already stated i work with my keyboard, play a riff,melody a chords and record everything in S1 and midi system is beautifull no latency at all while my project is full of 80-70 tracks, been able to play my keyboard in time is something amazing. if i open Fl i got latency right from the default project, load a plugin like ozone and you are gone.
    My friend start producing with me and he still use FL. He just bought a new pc this summer with i7 @4.00 ghz but he can't get what i get with my simple i3 @3,20 ghz. I have transform(freeze) from my S1 i can go with 80 tracks with no problems, He can't.
    For the genre we produce(EDM) this is something important been able to freeze back and forth. If i have some trouble with bad plugin like Spire (wich cause CPU spikes with every daw), i can freeze and boom, problem solved. For me this is a game changer.
    i believe that V3 will be really big because the actual version is already BIG.
    if you need some tips on "how to do this quickly in S1 like in Fl" or something like that, just ask.
  17. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    well, i can see you are passionate bro..
    i will give you a tap if i need advice
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