Slate digital VMR does not work in Fl studio

Discussion in 'Software' started by manhill, Dec 27, 2020.

  1. raziel

    raziel Newbie

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Im refering to FG-X not Mix Rack, that plug works ok....and FG-X is VST2...but thanks for the reply
  2. CubaseProUser

    CubaseProUser Newbie

    Jan 8, 2021
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    Here in my cubase, VMR doens't open. VST2 is blocklisted and VST3 not load inside Cubase 10.5
    Win10 20H2 here. Fg-x, verbsuite, VBC, and tape work flawless. Just VMR doens't.
    I deleted everything from Utopia and have the latest vcredist2019.
    Until now no one from whole internet could find any solution for that.
  3. Voekit

    Voekit Producer

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Have you tried install legit VMR firstly and then overwrite VST3 and esr,epl...components?
  4. CubaseProUser

    CubaseProUser Newbie

    Jan 8, 2021
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    Yes, I tried it! But once you overwrite vst2 and vst3 from legit, it acts like the cracked one, I meant, Blocklist Vst2 and Vst3 doens't open, or react, or open, or load, shows up, call whatever you want, but not work.
  5. NewYorkLights

    NewYorkLights Member

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Yes - first I completely remove all files and folders relate to Slate, then check registry, and then I use UltraSearch to find any possible Slate files and delete them. After that I restart computer. And then I start install with this original Slate VMR installer. Instalation was sucesfull, so I would just know if I could run VMR, but when I start my Ableton this happen:

    "License File is too old. This software requires you to install a never version of the License Support software, in order to activate any license."

    And when I click on OK, I have next error:

    "That software that you are trying to run needs an update. Go to ilok web site and download and run the latest License Support Installer."

    After I click on OK, my Ableton opens up but when I search for VMR nothing is here, Ableton not show VMR.

    So, I close Ableton and I overwrite VST2, VST3 and all epl, esr components. But, when I now start my Ableton, Ableton start but completely ignore VMR, I can not see VMR in plugins folder.

    So, I completely uninstall this and start this all once again but this time I am not run my DAWs after installing VMR from official slate installer, first I overwrite files from R2R and after that I run Ableton, (and Studio One 4.6 and Studio One 5 too) but this time when I open Ableton it shows "Virtual Mix Rack" when Ableton start scanning plugins, but when Ableton open, nothing is here, Ableton just do not see VMR. In Studio One (both 4.6 and 5 version) there is VST3 but when I click nothing happens, plugin GUI not shows up. And VST2 version I simply can not find - when I type in search bar "Virtual Mix Rack" it just find one VMR which is VST3 version, the VST2 version is not there.

    I still trying different things but without luck, so if you guys have any ideas how solve this I will be very happy :)

    Thank you
  6. CubaseProUser

    CubaseProUser Newbie

    Jan 8, 2021
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    We are in the same boat!
    Old VMR 1.5 worked fine. New R2R Slates (verbsuite, fgx, vbc, etc) are loading adn work with no problems. The only one that still not working is the new VMR. Simple don't. No one in the www can solve this problem until now.