SKnote releases SoundBrigade plugin

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    SKnote has announced the release of SoundBrigade, a new effect plug-in that allows you to tame resonances, control frequency spectrum, and enhance your sound.

    A "Brigade" of filters has a "Mission" assigned (an algorithm). They act in reaction to incoming signal, only in the frequency range assigned by the user.
    The special configuration of the filters and the way they interact makes SoundBrigade a new and unique filter.

    Tame - A track contains a frequency band which stands up too strong but an EQ isn't the way to go. The action of the filters tames its level, while being transparent and preserving dynamics.

    Control - Some tracks may require to get a fuller spectrum, not only by taming peaks but also by "upward" compressing components.

    Wakeup - To be used on dull tracks, where dynamics are too compressed, or the spectrum is flat. Also interesting for experimenting. High peaks get higher, low valleys get lower.

    Rotate - No EQ action, no modifications of the spectrum, just phase rotation. The more the filters are focused on a narrow range, the stronger their action. So called "dispersion" (makes "tac" sound "twack"), in a different way. Try it on strong peaks, as a de-esser, on pops and more.

    Master - Like Tame but filters' parameters have a strong frequency dependence, suitable for a mix.

    "Tame" mission:

    An acoustic guitar track BEFORE the treatment: .

    An acoustic guitar track AFTER the treatment:

    The track keeps its original dynamics!

    Some "Missions" use something similar to upward compression. If you switch form a Mission to another one you can get abrupt increase in volume. Manage your amplification system (earphones, loudspeakers) carefully.

    Threshold - Set the internal level threshold for the filters. The actual value is related to Tilt control.

    Tilt - Music contains more energy in low frequency range, less energy in higher frequency range. Looks like a slope from 4.5 to 6dB/octave. The action of the filters is smoother if their thresholds are aligned to the overall spectrum. It is NOT a tilt EQ. For example, if Threshold is set to 0dB and Tilt is set to 6dB/octave, a filter centered at 100Hz (one octave about the reference, 50Hz) has a threshold of -6dB.

    Makeup - a simple makeup gain after the effect.

    Control/Snap switch - Selects time constants for the effect. Snap is generally a bit slower, tuned to enhance attacks.

    Center - set the center frequency for the range of action.

    Range - set the width of the range of action. No effect is applied out of this range.

    - the algorithm for the filters.

    Display - its mode changes with the selected Mission. Bars show input levels, small squares show filters' action. No units, action is more complex than that, is useful just as a visual reference.

    Formats Available: Win/Mac/VST/AU/32/64bit

    SoundBrigade is available for the introductory price of $29.99 (Regular $39.99)

    More INFO: SKnote | SoundBrigade
  3. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Waiting for Disto...
  4. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    A real sound shaper tool !

  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    SKnote are amongst the rarest species of developers not offering any DEMO versions! :sad:
    That is annoying & strangeā€¦ how can one test before buying???
    Like many other devs they are very muddy about System Requirements etc...

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