Singular Audio Tubedrv or SSL UF1?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by tripey, Jan 17, 2024.


Singular Tubedrv stereo saturator or SSL UF1?

Poll closed Jan 24, 2024.
  1. Singular Tubedrv

  2. SSL UF1

  1. tripey

    tripey Ultrasonic

    Dec 16, 2018
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    I sold some stuff and got some money. Been wanting a UF1 but now that I have the money Im also looking at the Tubedrv Mastering edition. Hardware almost always trumps everything but man I think the UF1 would make Studio One control very enjoyable. I already have some decent hardware (Golden 58,Louder than Liftoff Chromas and Focus, DIYRE and modules... ) What would you all do?

    Thanks yall
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
  3. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    You use your DAW more than you use your hardware stuff (probably). If you don't have a control surface yet, i'd say go for the UF1. Easier to resell too, i think, in case you want your money back to go for the other thing.
  4. tripey

    tripey Ultrasonic

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Thanks for your response! This is very true I do use my DAW more than I use my Hardware. I do own an Avid Artist Mix but Studio One doesn't support Eucon so I don't have access to sends. Somebody on the presonus forum created a mod file for the UF1 where it follows track selection and vice versa so I see this as a big plus for the work flow.
  5. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    just got my Tubedrve mastering. probably the best purchase I made in a long time and I have and had some sweet analogue gear.
  6. tripey

    tripey Ultrasonic

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Right on! Is the tubedrv for mixing or mastering or both?
  7. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    So it's only been a week days but it will be used for both, and heavily ! And tracking too !
    If you have a fuzz or some gritty tube distortion already, this unit can be redundant (maybe in your colour modules). I got a setting close with the Culture Vulture from UAD but the Tubdrve got me in a much better spot and quickly (and the usual : more 3D and alive). But just so you know.

    Lower gain settings are phenomenal, very hard to replicate ITB. So I'm gonna print lot of tracks through it for sure and mix them with the original tracks. love the Triode mode.
    It's also a lot of fun and easy with stepped controls. Can't say that with my other gear.
    And then on the 2bus or final stages I absolutely loved very low gain and mixknob backed down. You get that "tape" sound, that tube sound, you know, that sound which we crave and love :) It's not going anywhere ! Those comments are quite true on the site "it's the missing link".

    So yeah for this price it's a no brainer. Mastering version is 10€ more.... Even if you get it after an UF1 I recommend it in your workflow without even knowing you lol.
    And resale should be easy if you hate it...
    I'd say the non mastering version is for color only, no recall, just mangling the knobs like an instrument.

    I have owned and have, in no particular order, SB MKII (with penthode module), Overstayer Modular CH, Neve MBP, Neve 542's, Burl stuff...
    I compared it to the colour module Penthode. In some settings it's CLOSE but but the penthode is for me a "one trick pony" and does not work all the time. Also, I found to adore the Triode mode in the Tubdrve.
    The colour module lacks depth and excitement in comparison.

    Tubedrv delivers what I wanted from my other stuff but never quite got there. I was really hesitating on getting DIYRE colour modules but not anymore :woot:. I guess he really did crack the code to have full sized tubes used correctly in a 500 chassis !

    Just my 2cents :)
  8. tripey

    tripey Ultrasonic

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Oh wow thanks for the response! It really helps to read about how you're using it. Thank you so much this will help me decide!
  9. tripey

    tripey Ultrasonic

    Dec 16, 2018
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    I ordered the UF1 today. I regretted it for a second because I think the Tubedrv might be a better long term product. Anyway, it'll get here this week so hopefully it works well!

    Thanks all!
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