Sincerely, Giancarlo Del Sordo

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Lemmy, Nov 19, 2021.

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  1. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Our products continually require updates because they can improve.
    As far as feeling like you have an unfinished product, we have a period where it happens and it's in the first month of product release.
    I understand that this may not work for some, but in fact we do not claim to satisfy every user with our business model. It is also true that lately the time of "uncertainty" on new products is reduced to few hours, up to a week in the worst case. If you have patience, just wait a moment. We call this public betatesting phase "presale".
    For the rest, these are products that consume a lot and require constant attention from us, and they tend to improve steadily.
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  2. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I haven't used a cracked product in about 16 years and don't need to. We bought everything, all the time, even the libraries we use inside our products and often didn't need to buy
    I think I'm the only person in the world who has purchased winrar
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  3. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    @ giancarlo -

    I also found bugs with the Hillbert shifter (math error, fixabe) in the Pensado2 version
    (I am an engineer, and as someone understands your plans)
    good luck man!

    @ HammerTiMe -
    if you are a survivor, do not be rude to a good person)
    You may be punished: "D
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  4. Mynameis

    Mynameis Newbie

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Are you a Racist
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  5. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I check because my job is about being informed. I analyze cracks, techniques..
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  6. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Hilbert transform is never used at runtime, it is an offline piece of code (I think not maintained any more)
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I think it's great that you are trying to save your reputation. That is their achievement and they are now talking to people, now we are communicating and can finally clear up misunderstandings and exchange opinions. I don't think they will change though.

    On the subject of the vicious circle: They don't learn anything and they don't want to understand either. You call it: vicious circle, so the matter is clear to you and you don't need to think about it any further. If you tried to try a different perspective on the cracker and hacker scene around the world, you would save yourself a lot of hassle and work.

    In your language it says survive. You dramatize unnecessarily again. You have the expertise and a product that is in demand. You are in constant competition with other manufacturers. And a job comes from a vocation. So you have been called and made your own business, which is a huge individual achievement. You take the full risk if it goes wrong and you don't sell enough products. If things go well and your product is in demand, you can make a living from it and maybe make a few profits that you either invest or set aside for bad times.

    People want a product that is stable and does not fail, this constant updating creates problems for many pieces of music. They justify this by saying that the crackers are to blame. They fight against it with all their might and vigor and they don't win new customers, they lose customers. You should put your strength into innovative ideas and products. That is what the users appreciate. Only then are you a reliable partner.

    Help ensure that people get higher wages and that people have to pay less rent and taxes. Then the poor of this world will have more money to live a decent life. As long as these people are poor, they will also use cracked software to be able to participate in digital progress.
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  8. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Wow you really think some of us are stupid. Actually I guess it's stupid to call you out, you wouldn't admit. You kinda did but whatever
    Goodluck mr acustica. You're very peculiar I support that
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  9. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    glad to see you took the time to join us, dont forget to get the lawn cut and catch up chores for the week
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  10. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Ho boy can they ever.
    You should've adopted their anti-piracy measures.
    You and PACE are just plain the worst. I would never buy anything from y'all even if I had all the money in the world.
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    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    100% this! I don't mean no harm to Acustica and its devs! I'm not hating, I'm just providing some feedback as I did and will use some Acustica products as needed.

    Some might not understand the need of piracy. Most people understand that, yes, it is wrong but, especially in the audio world, this wrong is not completely wrong. For instance, as great as the digital advantages provide, you are endlessly looking for a good product (especially if what you're looking for has been made by a whole lot of companies, ex: a 1176 plugin, pultec etc). Now, granted, you could say that most products offer trials, however I doubt a 30 day period allows you to fully understand and proper use the product (i'm not even going to start about the trials with noise added or other things).

    I will give me as an example, as I used a cracked version of FL Studio for about 2 years before I finally bought it legit. Yes, I knew it was wrong, and I can admit without shame that buying it is obviously better in this case.

    As for Acustica stuff, I will be looking from both sides (legit and cracked) what Black Friday will offer (good deals or good cracks).
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  12. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I'm very informed about the scene, and I live it obviously as an interested party, not a user.
    I wouldn't need to use crack anyway: between companies we exchange products, but we've bought a lot of things in all the cases where we haven't reached an agreement. I think it's ethically correct for a company to have original software, even if today it's much easier to recover a keygen than to make an office subscription ;)
  13. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Hey, you're starting to get it.
    That. Is. The. Problem. As long as you make it worse for legit users, they'll go high seas.
    To be clear, I won't buy your software even if it goes DRM-free.
  14. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Their business model allows for this.
    But the audio market is a niche, so distributing a product with a license like that doesn't allow you to survive. I don't rule out switching to a similar model in the future, when the size of the userbase allows us to do so.
  15. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    We have more slots, and you could put your system date back ;) very often we reset the trial slots; many users are trialing products for a way longer term
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  16. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    The size of your userbase is being held down by your business model!
    Look at Audio Damage, for example. They are completely fine DRM-free.
    Oh, and another thing. You know which plugins don't get cracked? The ones with no copy protection. Seriously, where's all the DRM-free stuff on sister site? Where's the latest Audio Damage delay, or Phosphor 3? They aren't there.
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    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    That I do like and appreciate! Was talking to a more general point of view however :)
  18. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    He absolutely loves it
  19. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Oh god, not this arrogant guy again... moaning about stuff. The guy who takes people to the cleaners twice a month with a 'new and this time ACTUALLY working plug-in'? The fact is those acqua plugs are stupid, they are resource heavy, space heavy and power hungry and do NOT give you better results than the best algo plugs (at 96k) these days, and instead actually give you many sonic disadvantages such as weird bugs if you go out of range, a strange coated 'gloss' to a mix if you use them heavily etc. I was a legit customer of these guys back around 'honey' time, as a fan of the Harrison 32C eq... and I thought it was great for a while, but with hindsight it was so overcooked and 'fake' sounding. as I got better at mixing I realised this. I also saw that Honey, in the state I used it in, was a deeply flawed, buggy and sonically damaging product that these guys knew, and released honey 2 at a later date (which is still flawed). I don't know if they are up to honey 3 as I stopped checking them out years ago. All snake oil and hot air (along with utter contempt for their own customers and patronising interactions from the boss man who thinks everyone is stupid).

    What is the most annoying thing is this guy is just going around, essentially, STEALING the R&D of many many hardware companies then packaging it up as his own and charging a fortune for it even while it WAS uncracked, so couldn't even blame high prices on it being pirated like many used to use as an excuse. He knew it couldn't be cracked (or wasn't) and was so arrogant he held his plug-ins to ransom at high prices rather than sharing that "luck" with reasonable prices (taking into consideration the many many downsides to using nebula/acqua plugs from a usability perspective), he thought he was god's gift to plug-ins, just one step down from Steven Slate on the arrogance-ometer, but at least Slate never attcked his own customers (proven paying ones) with contempt.

    If they are cracked, I doubt it'll matter because mugs who wanted to use them (the fanboys who buy EVERY new plug from them and claim it's better than the last - having spent thousands on this guy who takes about 10 minutes to sample some hardware and markets FIXES and "PERFECTION" that should have been there from day one as "NEW CORE 38389") already bough them, the rest of us wouldn't use them even for free because it won't change their overall bad 'mix sound' nor their usability issues even on a fast PC (I myself have a new 12900k overclocked that is about as fast as it gets in a DAW and still would avoid nebula).

    The best algo plugs these days run rings around nebula take on sound/action AND usability (and often: price too) and whether 'free' or paid for, you rarely get the feeling your giving money to some asshole who looks down at you.
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  20. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Are you will the weirdo?
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