Should Authorities Decrypt VPNs And Tor – Or Ban Them Altogether?

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Catalyst, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  3. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I remember how they used to complain about China and demanded China allow freedom of speech. The NSA even made a VPN for Chinese so they could get around China's firewalls. Now look at them. Now that their own corrupt governments are beginning to be threatened with the same dissent they suddenly decided to join the Chinese Communists and the Islamic terrorists to deny everyone their rights. I don't think they understand how Democracy works. Democracy means the voters can throw out failed politicians if they choose to. Democracy doesn't mean everyone has to blindly support the people in power.

    Take back your governments. You are their bosses. Your taxes pay for everything they do.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Absolutely, this is a point I've made myself so many times that I'm even tired of saying it. America is always acting like it's the bastion of freedom and we criticize pretty much every other government when it suits us but we're even worse. In China at least you know you have no rights but in the United States it's all done under the guise of freedom which is way more detrimental to society as a whole. The government is corrupt beyond repair and no longer represents the will of the people and therefore it should be replaced with those that actually have some morals and values. That is if they exist and are willing to get involved as most people with values don't want to get involved in politics.
  5. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    OF COURSE they understand how democracy works otherwise you'll be living in a dictatorship right now. And the prove that they understand
    how democracy works is that they are trying to break that democracy through laws and not through force. And no, you're still not living in
    a dictatorship even if you think it is so (at least, of course, that you live in a country that it is, which i don't think it's your case).

    If THEY choose to ? ... Where are you living that you are neither a voteer, nor have failed politicians in your democracy ?

    Again "your", "You", "your" ... Is that you live perhaps in a society that has no "governments", "bosses" or "taxes" ?
    If you divide yourself from others as if the present situation has nothing to do with you where is the real change then ?
    Or is it that you're waiting others to do something for you to live a little better after ?. So yes, language is important.

    But all that is not the real point. The real point, if i may ask, is what's the kind of change you are really waiting for (or would like to happen) ?. Is it internal or external ?.

    On the other hand i ask myself where we were in the past ?. Because YES it's not that the world is now like this, but it has been this way
    since beginningless times. It's only that now we are faced with the reality more than ever because all the communication means we have at our
    disposal nowadays ... And what are we doing ?. The same as before, nothing! ... Either because we have fear, or because we take part in a way
    or another of corruption ... or because it's too hard and/or boring to look inside ourselves to find the real cause of what's happening outside.

    And we still think that solution should be external (changing laws, politicians, ..., whatever you want but oneself)! ... HA!
  6. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Oh yes ... and then ?. Could you tell me please ?!
    Please note that i'm not saying that it has to be or not to be done ... i'm just enquiring.
    Words are so easy to say ... the dificulty comes when one has to face the consequences, isn't it ?.
    Waiting your answer to my first question then.
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