Selling Best Plugins (scam)

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by PlugMaster, Jul 17, 2020.

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  1. Dejanco

    Dejanco Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    I don't have options to my PayPal account to send money like friends and family.
    Any second alternative for send money?
  2. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    rnd portico bundle...?
  3. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    This already happened on KVR and fb... it's probably the same guy. And yes, Softube is "contacted" when the cc company revokes the payment before they issue the refund. You think they just pull the money out of their own pockets? lol. Some companies are cool about it and let you keep the license, but most are not - especially those using iLok. I really don't care if you believe me because I'm not the one losing money. The fact that he's only taking non-refundable friends and family payments should be a major red flag. But hey, it's your money to lose. Do what you want. You'll be good for some months, but the day will come that you'll realize it was bought with a stolen credit card. There's multiple threads about it elsewhere with people who lost their money and their license.
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  4. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    100% false. The payment from the cardholder will be revoked and they will let Softube know why. Go for it tho. Go buy Weiss for several hundred euro under retail for a new license without wondering how this guy is selling the same licenses to multiple people for different prices. He sold Volume 4 to one guy for 289, now another one for 189... Softube doesn't even let actual retailers run sales without permission lol. Yet this guy just happened to acquire all these licenses, and is willing to take significant losses on all new stuff? That's my last warning to you guys, so I advise you to take it unless you only plan on using the plug you bought for 6 months or less.
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  5. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Please note, as of June 9th, 2020, PACE have re-enabled rules that require an iLok account and licenses to be over 90 days old before such licenses can be transferred via the iLok system to another user. This has been re-introduced as part of their scheme to prevent fraudulent licence purchases made on stolen credit cards, to then be transferred on to users who cannot know they are purchasing fraudulently obtained licences.

    doesn't sound like ilok are on top of fraudulent license purchases.

    plus "The payment from the cardholder will be revoked" where did you find this info? link us to it. cause i'm talking from experience btw...
  6. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    That policy was put in place because of this exact scam. I'm also speaking from experience. The policy you quoted applies to license transfers only, and it was put in place 2 months ago because of what happened on KVR. Look up "introman is a scammer" on kvr in the buy & sell section. Happened on a FB plugin buy & sell page as well. It is this exact situation - guy was selling many of the same plugs. Some people had their stuff revoked, others didn't. Feel free to gamble your money on stolen goods.

    I hope you're just defending this because you bought something from him and not because you're in on the scam. You really don't think there's anything odd about Weiss complete being sold for 400 dollars less than the best price for a new license? lol. Why would he take that big a hit on all new stuff? Why is he ONLY accepting a non-refundable form of payment?

    This isn't a new scheme, but there's always new suckers willing to take the bait. I figured I'd warn you guys, but if you want to argue about it, I'll assume you're in on it or just naive.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
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  7. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    i haven't bought anything I want RND portico bundle which he swiftly ignores. not defending him - I'm just referring to my own experiences but they aren't with plugins. a license is a digital thing so i guess you have a point

    no i think everyone knew it was fraudulent but as you have directed to Introman is a scammer
    i must give thanks
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  8. Niels

    Niels Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2018
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    I bought several things from this guy and I asked him how he could provide these things at such a low price and he just replied with that I shoudl be happy I could buy these things for such a low price. I "know" him from knobcloud (website where you can sell and buy licenses) and they asked him to leave because it was too fishy for them.
    I bought softube volume 4, Chandler Limited Zener-Bender, Tube-Tech Complete Collection, Fabfilter Bundle, Weiss DS1-MK3, Weiss EQ and Spire.
    I'm starting to get worried a bit... What should I do right now?
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  9. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    If you bought via friends and family paypal, I would do nothing and pray they don't get revoked. There is no recourse if you send money as a gift.

    But your story basically confirms what I was saying... guy is selling the exact same licenses over and over for way under the price third party retailers get it for. Best you can do is ask him to refund you, but hopefully no one else sends this thief a dime. He's making thousands off this.
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  10. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Just consider yourself lucky to not give him money. He will disappear off this site soon and stop answering people now that he's been exposed.
  11. Niels

    Niels Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Luckily for me (I guess) I always paid with buyers protection... I still gonna pray that they don't get revoked I guess but I think they will...

    If they will be revoked, at what time range are we speaking? Paypal protection is available until January 7th 2021 so that's quite allright no?
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
  12. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Can't really say. Who knows when the cc owner will discover the charges. You're almost better off filing a dispute after it gets revoked so paypal doesn't claim your goods were delivered as promised.
  13. MarkeyUK

    MarkeyUK Newbie

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Has he already disappeared? Pity, as I wanted to buy Genesis Pro VST on discount! Wondered if he'd sell a license for 1 euro off.....

    Nothing more dirty than a scammer, probably needs to make back all the money he lost on the toilet roll he bought!
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  14. PlugMaster

    PlugMaster Ultrasonic

    Jul 16, 2020
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    No, I'm not lost, but after making unfounded accusations, I'll stop working here for now. I am also available to those who have purchased something from me in private messages.
  15. mudworm43

    mudworm43 Guest

    Sad to see members getting scammed, I hope he gets his, one way or another.
  16. Niels

    Niels Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2018
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    So if I'm unlucky he would discover this January 10th 2021, my license gets revoked after this and I lost + 1000 EUR?
  17. Ayakkrob

    Ayakkrob Newbie

    Jul 28, 2020
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    Because of you guys he is now retired and can't sell me anything anymore.
  18. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    After being on the fence about this and carefully reading through this thread, it seems all of the ones saying he's scamming are simply speculating. On the flip side, there are several people of various tenures claiming to have done a successful transaction which is lending towards his credibility. The one situation which almost seemed fishy turned out the buyer just misunderstood what he was purchasing. Now you guys have @Niels worried but thus far it appears he's claiming he actually received around $4000+ worth of plugs for around $1000.

    Sheesh you guys may have convinced a new sucker :rofl:

    I'm still on the fence but if I do take the plunge at least I'll be well aware this could just be an extended rental! #shrugs
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  19. Ayakkrob

    Ayakkrob Newbie

    Jul 28, 2020
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    Or a very expensive trail version ;-) It could be everything. From stolen credit card data to simple mafia money laundering. Or he opens retail packages get the license out and seal it again. I am not sure how high the margins of shops are that he could sell the license that low and would make a profit from it. However, thats unlikely because he would risk a lot, because the license can of cause be tracked to his shop.
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  20. Niels

    Niels Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2018
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    I think there is a chance that in some time the truth gets out. Meanwhile no one is having any issues with their purchase... Mine are almost a month old atm. I'm quite worried yes but isn't there a chance that it is legit?
    If I google his email I can trace it to a Russian music studio... I can even find the guy who's selling the stuff...
    Would he really risk his reputation?
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