Seasick Steve

Discussion in 'Music' started by fritoz, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    Here's a great full concert for ya! performed in Sweden at Pinkpop 2012

    my dad found ol seasick steve recently, and introduced me to him'

    apparently seasick steve's brand of delta blues was only so popular in america, so we went to europe and has found his following

    he seems just like someone i could hang out with, he seems a bit rowdy, drinks red wine, wears a john deer hat, and smokes pot

    PLUS HE MAKES ALL HIS OWN GUITARS!!!!! check em out! at about 13 minutes in you can see one of his guitars clearly

    he lives out of the back of a truck and own 2 tractors, even though he has no land to farm lol

    check out at 23:30- one of his signature moves is to grab a chick at a concert and sing to her, the crowd loved it!



    guess what? a new seasick steve album just came out - HUBCAP MUSIC

    i was about to download it and then my conscience punched me in the jaw and reminded me to support artists like seasick steve, he's about as real as they come, and since he lives in the back of a truck, he could use some red wine money
  3. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I love Seasick Steve, seen him live a few years back and basically, he got me back into playing music again
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