Scarbee Funk Guitarrist not working on any version cracked Kontakt

Discussion in 'Software' started by joemama, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. joemama

    joemama Newbie

    Jun 9, 2022
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    Forgive me if against rules, but internet search showed many similar topics on here, so:

    I've got most libraries working without issue on whatever the latest cracked release is (7.5.2?) on Mac M1/Monterey

    For last few Kontakt versions, though, Scarbee Funk Guitarrist in particular always fails. I love this library, so I've tried releases from several teams, and it's always this particular library that's problematic.

    It fails to draw interface as if it can't find the image file, yet does not give missing file warning.
    It also says DEMO in red letters which NONE of the other libraries do.

    I've tried every copy of Scarbee Funk Guitarrist I could find from multiple sources (all seem capped at 1.2), and all either have this problem, or seem fine for a little while, and then have this same problem. If I leave it long enough, black screen comes up saying its not activated.

    I've tried recreating NCINT, etc. I was guessing that the library number or whatever it's called might already be usec, so maybe create new NCINT with different one? No go, but I notice the NCINT creator says its intel, so not sure it's working right on M1?

    Any idea what needs to be done to get this library to work? Is there a particular Kontakt release (portable vs whatever else) that might fix this?

    SABADAHER Newbie

    Sep 1, 2023
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    me too. M1. all the same.
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