Sanford Sound Design re-releases Sandford Bass Tightener

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, May 27, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Sanford Sound Design has released version 2.1 of Sanford Bass Tightener, a completely rewritten
    version of the spatial effect plug-in, now also available for 64-bit VST hosts on Windows.

    The Sanford Bass Tightener is a spatial effect for tightening up the stereo spread.

    It allows you to set the frequencies below a certain specified frequency to mono, for example 120Hz,
    while allowing the higher frequencies to remain in stereo. This can help during mixing/mastering by
    keeping the bass tight and centered and the higher range nice and wide.

    Sandford Bass Tightener features:

    - Low CPU usage
    - Four filter slopes
    - Four output modes
    - Adjustable bass amplitude
    - Adjustable stereo spread

    The Bass Tightener plugin is available FREE for Windows (32/64-bit VST)


    More INFO: Sanford Sound Design
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