
Discussion in 'DAW' started by Olymoon, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    @DJ Radu, Samplitude can load any vst or vsti you like, and wav files, not directly rex files, but for that you can use I don´t understand your question exactly.

    @ Bommie " how to make a complete mixdown (wav and midi)?" Easy, fill your tracks with ideas, sounds and midi, and just mix it, or be more specific when you ask. :rofl:

    If you need an explanation for beginner see these tutorials they are very clear and explain almost all the aspect of Samplitude: Kraznet's Samplitude Tutorials
  2. djradu

    djradu Newbie

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Olymoon Yes i was wondering if i can use any VST/VSTI in samplitude,thinking it only hase personalised VST/VSTI instruments and effects ! Have a great sunday !
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    DJ Radu, No, of course Samplitude can load every plugins in the market, it has a 32bit and 64bit version, so you can work how ever is better for you.
    Nice day for you too
  4. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    yeah and I must had that it's pretty stable...tried a lot of vst/vsti and none crashed or caused any problems, even though I've had a few minor issues (i.e crashes when reading vst folder/had to reload plug in on first use for it to work correctly)in sonar x1, reaper 4 and cubase 5.
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    There was a problem with some vst when first read and needed activation to load. But this was fixed on last update.

    I believe this DAW is suffering a lack of promotion, but it is extremely powerful: huge possibilities on sound manipulation, very flexible midi edition, good automation, real professional mix table and least but not last, real time staff/score edition and printing.
    Ohh .. I almost forgot, very intuitive, right click on any thing gives access to the all parameters.

    The only thing I miss (even if there are a lot of other DAW that have the same lack) is a flexible organisation of the VST data base, in 2012 a simple list is not enough.
    Is it so difficult to copy the FL Studio system that have this so useful possibility of vst thumbnails?
  6. tracer

    tracer Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cologne Germany
    that's called "trackbounce" (or similar in engl. - i use another lang.) in samplitude...
    just mark the part, the tracks or all, after this -> rightclick "trackbouncing", a window appears -> make your
    settings (like "only the marked section" \ output format) and go...

    you also find the same in the menue -> File-> "trackbouncing (internal mixdown)"

    another way is to press the "mix to file" button under the mastertrack in the mixer (MIXER: press -> M)

    if you wanna just real export fast something as .wav, press: STRG+E (so that not a new "object" of this, generated by samplitude appears in the track window)
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi Tracer,

    What is the difference between each method (If there is one)?

    Is there a quality difference?
  8. PatrickLau

    PatrickLau Newbie

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Hi DJ RADU,
    In the system menu within Samplitude, go to <Effect>, select the folder you placed the vst files in, and then click <Scan the selected folder>.
    Above action is to let Samplitude scans and to use the vst/vsti you installed on your system, in case there are more than one folder, you need to do this scanning on the other one.
    Hope it helps, Good Luck & Enjoy
  9. tracer

    tracer Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cologne Germany
    not really, i just want give this user the full power of trackbouncing ;) but yes there some small difference, only export to a wav file outside this daw, or export and after this the file auto-get's loaded in the track as object, or the setting where you be able to render all with plugins or without, whole mix or just your marked range... but i think thats all basics for a samplitude user, only the ones who test this daw first time have some trouble to find a button that render the mainmix to a file, and if they also not found the exit button, we dont see this people never again because they are trapped in a sequencer :-(
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yes Tracer, I know about one guy like this.

    His family have to bring him food, as he is trapped there since a long time now, still looking for the exit.
  11. tracer

    tracer Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cologne Germany
    you are sooooo social! (to inform his family) :mates:
  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Sequoia ha ha ha , Sequoia ha ha ha ha,

    Sorry I was just Frankzapped

  13. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    too bad it hasnt drag&drop and the ability to move vst's order ...ill stick to Studio One for now ...but wish to lear more about it in the mean time :dancing:
  14. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ PLM,

    !?! :dunno:

    If you're talking about "the ability to move VST's order" among the available Plug-In slots, then you're wrong ! You can not only swap them, but even more easily than within others DAWs (which for some of them, you must either to use 'Alt', 'Ctrl', or any other keyboard combination, at the same time that you move the Plug-In), while here you can exactly use the 'Drag & Drop' method to interchange the several Plug-Ins loaded. Simply try it and you'll see that, for example, if you decide to move the Plug-In that is located in the 'Slot 2' to the 'Slot 1', the Plug-In that is currently loaded in the 'Slot 1' will jump to the 'Slot 2', thus the selected and moved Plug-In will now be loaded in the 'Slot 1' instead... *yes*

    In case you were talking about "the ability to move VST's order" within another place of this DAW (for example, within the 'Plug-Ins List'), simply forget the first part of my comment and sorry... *yes*
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    @ PLM and Studio 555,
    The Plugin list
    Yes it is sadly true that in Samplitude, the way that you handle the plugin list is simply awful. No plugin bar to drag and drop a plugin into a track, no thumbnail, no my preferred plugin like in FL Studio, No way to change the order, no way to state different folders at once and rescan them at once.
    It is surprising for a product of this level/price.

    The plugin manipulation in the DAW

    To understand the so easy way you can move the VSt effects plugins (not the Instruments ones) in Samplitude, just do this: open the mix table, by pressing M or clicking the respective button.
    Then open a vst in one track, change its parameters, you don´t even need to save them, then just drag and drop it to any other track, or to the master effects slot. You got it, with the same changes you have done to the effect. Ain´t that easy?
  16. Magix use the same fundamental engine across the entire range of DAW offerings. So if your a newbie drowning in Samplitude, start with Magix Music Maker and work up.

    Whatever you want to know how to do go to Youtube and search for Kraznet. These are the best tutorial videos there are.

    You have to remember (and I can) where Samplitude came from. Originally it was built by a company called Sek'd in germany. Sek'd invented linear phase digital EQ. Sek'd also were the first to the market with 96/24 and they got it right when too many other early DAW builders were getting it wrong. That's where the legend of Samplitude's 'better sound' comes from. In those days it was true.

    The original Samplitude had no midi. It was designed to be a studio console and rack effects for mixdown and mastering. Even now the mixdown window is structured in a way that any studio engineer would understand. MIDI came later. Even now the MIDI implementation is not quite perfect. The strengths of Samplitude are it's pristine built in plugs, it's object editing and it's very precise metering and measuring. These are deep features which Samplitude expects you to know how to use. It's worth the effort.

    I don't think Magix see Samplitude as an Ableton, Reason or FL competitor. It's a tool designed for and used by pros in the studio environment.
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Well Fudsey, thank you for the history lesson, very interesting.

    If your last phrase "I don't think Magix see Samplitude as an Ableton, Reason or FL competitor. It's a tool designed for and used by pros in the studio environment." means: "if you don´t understand why a product like Samplitude/Sequoia is so poor in vst organization this is because you don´t think like pro."

    If you read the rest of this topic (which i was the instigator) you´ll see that I like Samplitude a lot, that´s why I would like it to be better, and I agree that Fl Studio is not a competitor even if its solution for vst organization handling is much better.
    To justify that some product is poor in an aspect (Plugins organization) because it is strong in another (Audio), when in this case both aspect are important, it sounds like politicians.
    I hope you don´t work for Magix Samplitude Dev Team.
    Remember that these DAWs have a price between $499 and more than $2.900 for sequoia that have the same poor vst organization handling, so they should pay attention to absolutely every aspect.

    Today´s Studios need to have a lot of plugins installed, and when more and better ways to organize them, the better.
    I don´t think that having things organized is an amateur specific question.

    I wont even argue about the "pristine built in plugs" that come with Samplitude,... speaking about pro.... I hope for you that you don´t do post prod with these.
  18. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    talking about plug ins, I have had a few problem with x86 seems the bridge in samplitude isnt that good after all, because in reaper or sonar, I never have had any problem...

    the Antress Modern Plugins Bundle 4.95 x86...tends to make samplitude unstable and sometimes even crash it when I load these plug ins while playback is on...that's quite a problem as there is an eq and a comp which I really like in this I may consider going back to sonar/reaper...and I'm glad I didn't buy samplitude yet!

    any one experience something similar?
  19. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi lysergyk
    I assume that you use x64 version. I have reprodueced what you say, so I loaded Antress comp from scratch while playing, on the main bus, and then on an audio track, and nothing happens, it works.

    I didn´t had problem with the 32bit bridge. The only one there was, was for some plugins activation,when they they poped their activation windows. But now it have been solved with update.

    BTW Antress are surprisingly good plugins.

    Which version of Samplitude do you use?
    The v12.1.0.125 update brought some improvements to the 32bit bridge.
  20. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    yep these plug ins are badass ..I was also suprised they were free!..all the best things in life are free as it goes!
    ..though I wish one day, they'll serve us a x64 version of em.... :bow:

    as for sam it's the very same version as the one you have
    I had sampitude X pro before but I uninstalled it and installed the suite edition since it seems everyone uses that it's easier to find the updates!
    do you reckon this could be the root of my "problem"? I guess not...

    otherwise, yes it works, but sometimes it's not too smooth, especially if you load them while playback is running as I said...(no problem when doing so with my other x64 plug ins)
    but I've just used them again tonight and it worked fine but twice when I had a shitload of tracks running they crashed my asio driver...which has never
    ever happened before in reaper/sonar..didnt happen again though (but no big project) and once they slowed down the audio so much that it became some sort of robotic sound!

    also they often cause an error when I close samplitude ...after I'm bk on the desktop I have this pop up window telling me samplitude has crashed -> report / close blablabla

    I dunno why...especially if you have no prob and all my other plug ins (all x64) are working flawless :dunno:

    ps: you need to use them for a while maybe to be able to reproduce this, if you load them run sam a minute or so and close works for me too. but afetr 2 hours or more that's when the fun begins!
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