Samplitude Pro X3 Suite sale $149.00 until Dec 6th

Discussion in 'Software News' started by AudioGL, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's done through melodyne which is included and available through object editor thanks to ARA integration (you can use it on tracks too, and the audio to midi also works there I think, not sure since I insert melodyne at object level for ARA, but then on tracks the data aren't automaticely transfered, you have to transfer the audio in melodyne like in Reaper for example, and if you use the R2R release of melodyne Studio (it's the essential included in Sam) which works with a legit samplitude, you can have access to all your melodyne datas from one instance of melodyne even if they are on several tracks, but again it needs to be inserted at object level). Great tempo editing functionnalities too !
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
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  2. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @Beth Audio and Midi work great. :shalom:I created these demos using only Samplitude Pro X3.

  3. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @Talmi and @Recoil

    thank you both kindly :)

    very cool demo vids too :like: @Recoil

    It's my birthday coming up in a few days. I am very tempted to invest in this package !....probably will :)
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I have the Samp Pro X3 Suite as an upgrade from Pro X2, I am assuming what they are selling is the same 'Suite' as was sold to people who paid for it before it was on sale. I am not sure how they do their math - but I am assuming that they are counting the small Vita packages/libraries as independent instruments.

    Object Synthesizers:
    Loop Designer (rex files, slicer, etc...)
    Beabox 2 (Step sequencer)
    Robota (Drum computer - tone generator + sample)

    Independence (Yellow Tools take over)
    Vita 2 (Sound engine for multiple single instance sample based instruments)
    Vita Piano
    Vita E-Piano
    Vita Acoustic Guitars
    Vita Electric Guitars
    Vita Bass
    Vita Flutes
    Vita Brass
    Vita Strings
    Vita Accordion
    Vita Analog Synths [sample based]
    Vita Bass Machine
    Vita Choir
    Vita Church Organ
    Vita Cinematic Soundscapes
    Vita Cinematic Synths
    Vita Concert Grand
    Vita Drum Engine
    Vita Elecktric Piano
    Vita Folk
    Vita Jazz Drums
    Vita Lead Synth
    Vita Pop Drums
    Vita Rock Drums
    Vita Soundtrack Percussion
    Vita String Ensemble
    Vita Urban Drums
    Vita Vintage Organ ​

    Dn-e1 Virtual Analog simple subtractive
    Orange Vocoder ME

    I have not - I have not even downloaded most of the instruments above so I can't really speak to how well they work. Though if they work as well as the few I have downloaded, then they are very well made, if somewhat limited in scope.
  5. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    I did that. I did all the steps until the last one 'PAY'. Result: the currency didn't change. In the US shop it stayed as USD and in the GB shop it stayed at GBP. If I'm not wrong: first time I checked the link for the US shop, I was able to change the countries right at the first step, but now I can't - I can only change it to my country at step 3 'address' and as I said: the currency won't change.
    When reaching MAGIX site from my country the price is around USD500/600.
    I probably go one step ahead and buy it in the US or GB shop and will see what happens..

    Edit: Didn't get the advice from TW right at first, but now I do and I did it - see below.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Sure np.
    But first lemme say, that surely it could be better, but this could be said for anything.
    If you cannot find a use for SoundForgePro, most likely you cannot find a use for any other audio editor software as well.
    The only major downside of SF Pro for the people who use it, is its still 32 bit. And this is being under develpoment, as the small version "Sf AS 12" x64 has already surfaced. What you describe here :
    I dunno what you mean by this. Perhaps you can enlighten me. VST Plugins work in Sf pro just like the FX rack in Wavelab only in Wavelab it's slickier and more handy so to speak. You select your vst plugs, make your fx chain if needed (save it/re-open it), you make your tweaks, if you like it, apply it and off you go. You don't like it just undo it. SF keeps a history of your edits. Last time i checked having the ability to make vst fx chains, play them in realtime and unlimited undos justifies a "non destructive" tag.
    As for the multichannel flac... , perhaps where you are, the world is so advanced that everybody mixes in 7.1 surround flac. I 've yet to encounter such a file in my poor country. Track blending ? Well, yes it could be handy in some situations, but no SF user needs this. We use this other thing called DAW for that:winker:. SF is a single file editor anyway, never claimed to be anything more, why would you expect a soft to do something that it's not meant to do really. Do you expect Wavelab to be Cubase ?
    So let's see what are some of the features i find handy in in SF :
    - Any normal editing like cutting, cropping, moving, creating custom fades and xfades, volume/pan curves, vst parameter automation curves etc etc, to me, is the most intuitive, fastest and easy to use in SF. Its floating toolbars which you can customize their contents to your liking and put anywhere on your display(s) is also another plus for my workflow.
    - Precise waveform re-drawing down to single sample size zoom.
    - Batch apply vst fx chains you created,or any other editing function like normalize etc to any number of files via a single window.
    - Edit or batch edit metadata on wav files (one or many) like tempo and pitch information, also known as "acidizing ".
    - Abundance of custom made scripts in the community can help automate even complex macro editing.

    I can add many more functions to this small list i mentioned, i just think it is better for anyone curious to read the manual, you know? :)
    Sure Sf Pro needs an overhaul. We need 64bit compliance, VST3 and a better vst "console" rack. DX era remnants in the native SF flow, need to be replaced with VST equivalents. Still, with all its shortcomings, i find it indispensable.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  7. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @au38wzh Please tell us how it went, I also want to buy in GB too.
  8. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @mozee thanks for that full list !!! :bow:
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    It's not fair indeed about everything, and prices should be leveled by country.
    It's not the same if you work in Germany or in USA or in some Balkan country or India or ...
    And then, they squeaks about software is cracked and used illegally. Like there is no talented people in China, India, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria etc...
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  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    @Beth so this is what happens when you load your audio in melodyne (and the integration has been steped up lately), you just have to right click on your audio clip - sam calls them object - and hit "open in melodyne" and it automaticely inserts melodyne in the object and launch melodyne with all the datas instantely present. As you can see in the pic below, your audio clip now both displays audio info (wave form) and midi data. Then you right click on your audio clip and hit audio to midi on the menu (my menu is in French, it says audio a midi, but well...)

  11. Beth

    Beth Guest

    that looks super easy ...."Je vous remercie" :)

    i use Reaper normally so didn't want all the complications of learning a tricky new DAW.....but that looks great and straight forward ! :bow:
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Je vous en prie, pas de problème :wink:
  13. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Bought it in Austria from the company website - 130.-€, paypal was accepted, download no problem
  14. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    I bought from the US for $ 149 through Pay Pal without problems. :rofl:
  15. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Great news! Now I see what you meant with the upgrade @Recoil. 'Upgrade' is written in the link:

    Out of wonder I changed the 'gb' to other countries. Not all worked but 'de' and 'ch' worked: pounds went to euros (149euros) and swiss francs (149chf), so it seems US price is the best, if this is really true and working. And it's valid until december 19.
  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    This is such a fucking value. I really don't want another DAW though. And I really don't want to spend more money atm, in light of Christmas shopping. But holy hell, a DAW and like two other things for $150. I was really tempted to buy it just because it'd cost me like $1000 if I wanted to get it any other time
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  17. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    at first I apologize in advance if my writing may be misleading, english isn't my native language, so I often vaguely interpret the meanings :)

    speaking of 32/64bit, I actually have no inferior experience that way, even in Samplitude when not explicitly working with virtual instruments, the RAM cap and processing speed is no serious burden or limitation, especially in minor audio software like SoundForge,
    regarding plugins, I am aware of 2 entirely different ways - one is the FX rack you mentioned, and second (way more used) is direct application of an FX - the latter way prevents mouse focus on soundforge window, so for ex. tweaking EQ it's impossible to click on part of track to listen from that position and closing the EQ window removes the FX with all its parameters, and the FX rack lacks drag&drop order functionality (similarly as Samplitude, it gets really annoying overtime, but one can get used to it) and I'm pretty sure its window prevents primary SoundForge window focus too,
    about the multichannel flac files, neither Samplitude is capable of that, sadly,
    mentioning the precise zoom into sample "dots", the SF AS 12 replaced this by "columns" (as being in other Magix programs) which to me is another disaster,
    I can agree as you say SoundForge is primarily a single file editor, but if it's clearly not good for advanced "editing" (taking "undo" as sufficient flexibility is a big no from me) as it lacks any object/item-based audio manipulation - which the 12 version tries to do in a very limiting way not to endanger Samplitude Music Studio (which costs 99€ compared to 399€ SoundForge Pro, which is frankly ridiculous btw), or the Magix Cleaning Lab (49,99€) can do better for single-file mastering/cleaning/processing the sound as well as editing in very simple and quite efficient way,
    to me it's rather clear Magix would rather support feature enhancements in Cleaning Lab instead SoundForge (but I may be wrong),

    long long time ago, SoundForge was our company choice when transitioning from tape-based workflow to computers, it was and still is a decent reliable piece of software, but times are changing and nowadays I fail to see it as a valid competitor at audio software market (similarly as ProTools, Audition or Sonar - which actually ended recently)
  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I have to admit 3 for the $149.00 That is really a good deal. I agree with others in thinking they are going after Cakewalk users with this deal.
    Although it's great for everyone who is interested.
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    My friend, i think i was exact but let me explain. I was not talking about zooming. I was talking about drawing /re-drawing a waveform. Pencil drawing work. I do it with a cheap Wacom tablet/stylus i got (for a different job) some 12 yrs ago. Of course it can be done via mouse, only it feels slightly clumsier. Now modern daw soft like Reaper can do lots of tricks, not this one :)
    Being able to draw/redraw anywhere you like on a waveform as deep as one sample, to me is complete control in waveform editing.
    As for the way of applying fx, the way you mention as more used, nobody uses that man. Its reminiscent of the DX plugins days. They should have de-activated that long ago if it wasn't for the sake of compatibility with older versions.
    I have to agree with separate object or region manipulation. Samplitude does this since the early days. I hope they implement it in SF in a convinient way. Still, the easy to use automation curves can substitute for object manipulation but most of the times you end up with an fx chain that contains a myriad of fx, with many of them only used for a fraction of the whole waveform. Which of course clutters the fx workflow.
    In my sense this is a great offer. Samplitude is still a superb daw and deep editor, and the rest is just added bonus.
  20. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    What you say is true in regards to the sticky bottoms of the automation curves in Samplitude and even Sequoia and their sometimes strange repulsion to the bottom of the track boundaries.

    It has caused many coffee mugs to be shattered out of frustration around here, especially when trying when to reduce curves to zero and smoothly back up. I've always wondered why they never adopted an infinite curves system in the same way some of the the DAW programmers did. It it isn't as much of a problem for fades because of the way the objects work, but for automation of sends, modulation or external devices it can be extremely frustrating. There was even a bug in the early versions of X3 that caused a silent crash (when the program just closes without warning or reason) when you were dragging a curve near the bottom of a window and an auto-save event occurred.

    Every DAW has its own issues though... that's life.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
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