Sample CD Archive

Discussion in 'samples' started by Mythos91, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. Mythos91

    Mythos91 Ultrasonic

    Oct 27, 2016
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    Just found this channel.

    Quite a few sample CD's here I have but there is a few I have seen before and can't find anyway.

    Unfortunately they're not sharing which I get, but its bullshit as most of these CDs have discontinued and have copyrighted samples on them (irony).

    Can't find this one anywhere.
  3. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Sample CD's started coming out in the EARLY 90s, most musicians buying those at the time weren't on dial up BBS'es, nobody was ripping CD's yet, etc... Sample CD's were expensive, and not everyone with a laptop was a 'musician' like they are nowadays. If the person that bought that cd wasn't an ubernerd who had a modem or even a computer back then, nobody was going to be copying that cd. It's not like 1999 when everyone and their mother finally had their little eMachine or new iMac and was able to rip bin/cue files or ISO's and share them (over dialup). Every house in the 90s didn't have multiple computers in it like they do now (it wasn't even this way in 2000 either), most didn't have one period.

    Handfuls of people bought those discs in the 90s, you didn't have thousands downloading them every day like you do with all the old Zero-G or Spectrasonics libraries and whatnot that came after, once the internet was a thing 'regular' people had access too. More than likely they were all passed around as AKAI/EMU/Ensoniq/etc banks to friends who had the same gear, and good luck finding all those old dead SCSI drives and floppies now. I'd best most of the actual CD's themselves were trashed long ago too. Otherwise you're looking for random one off libraries that nobody ever bought, or weren't in the right hands to make it to the 'digital age' of the internet, etc. Think of how many dumbasses in the 80s threw out their vinyl when CD's came out, or later when they trashed their CD's when digital media was a thing. Or the analog "junk" nobody wanted in the 90s (TB-303's being given away, 909s/808s and Junos and Jupiters nobody wanted). A lot of those discs probably didn't survive too once everyone moved to the DAW at the turn of the century.
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