Roland JV1080 where can I get all the banks/patches?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ted Smithton, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    @Ted Smithton

    This is from the planet-groove site you referred. One of my expansion cards is Keyboards of the 60's & 70's. If you go further into the site, as I did, there are these:

    This document lists the patches and waves available on the Keyboards of
    the 60's & 70's Expansion board for the Roland JV Series.


    1 Blues Perc
    2 A LittleHelp
    3 Big Pink B
    4 Hush B3
    5 Sly Family B
    6 3 Dog B3
    7 SanFrancisco
    8 Full Stops
    9 Head Up B3
    10 Full Clique
    11 So Very BS&T
    12 R&R B3 1
    13 Organ Banks
    14 Express Way
    15 85 8808 880
    16 R&R B3 2
    17 MelloDrama
    18 B3 Sermon
    19 British B3
    20 All Skate!
    21 Br.Ballad B3
    22 Pure Bars
    23 R&B B3
    24 Felix Ballad
    25 Fudge Ballad
    26 B3 Nice Feel
    27 85 5000 050
    28 Theatrix
    29 Barleycorn
    30 Majic Carpet
    31 All Star B3
    32 BT & MG's B3
    33 Bookin' B
    34 Rock Steady
    35 NICE L100
    36 Tenderness
    37 Blue B
    38 HeavyTraffic
    39 Dyno Rotary
    40 Concert B3
    41 Salty Dog
    42 Stevie's B3
    43 Hang Twice
    44 Let It B
    45 LA Blues
    46 Mellow Blues
    47 PentaGospel
    48 Sweet&Mellow
    49 2B orNot2B3?
    50 Green Bee
    51 Whiter Shade
    52 Fire Perc
    53 Sunset Strip
    54 B3 JazzSplit
    55 Evil Ways
    56 Dyno Perc B3
    57 888+3rd
    58 8888+3rd
    59 House Organ
    60 Easy to B
    61 Harum Scarem
    62 Green Eyed
    63 8888+3rd Vel
    64 Shine On B3
    65 Procol Perc
    66 Full Perc
    67 Mellow 4'
    68 ZomBee 3
    69 Hi Harmonix
    70 Rotary Banks
    71 Gimme Some
    72 Fuzzhead
    73 Traffiking
    74 B3powerOnOff
    75 ToneWheelPno
    76 Orgiano
    77 TVA FX ORG
    78 Animalistic
    79 Animal Mod
    80 Rising Sun
    81 Surf Monkeys
    82 Palisades
    83 Soul Kitchen
    84 BreakOnThru
    85 Calif.Sun
    86 Steppin' VX
    87 Costello+Mod
    88 VX Rotary
    89 Archie's Mod
    90 Telstar VX
    91 Cheeseball
    92 The Sham
    93 Cheese Pad
    94 Crummy Organ
    95 VX Religion
    96 Farfi Combo
    97 RotaryCheese
    98 Iron Farf
    99 DancingQueen
    100 PoorMan's B
    101 Reggae Organ
    102 Farf Lite
    103 Wooly Farfy
    104 Clark Farf
    105 Pacemaker
    106 Farf Celeste
    107 Ham & Cheese
    108 Rox Organ P
    109 Rox Organ Ph
    110 Rox Organ PH
    111 Rox Organ L
    112 Runaway
    113 Ditty Doo
    114 VX Wah Org
    115 Suitcase 88
    116 Rhodes mkV
    117 ChorusRhodes
    118 NY Rhodes
    119 Touch Rhodes
    120 Stage 73
    121 Joe's Rhodes
    122 Stiff Rhodes
    123 Dirty Rhodes
    124 Mr.Suitcase
    125 Jazz Rhodes
    126 HybridRhodes
    127 Dyno Rhodes1
    128 Dyno Rhodes2
    129 Dyno Rhodes3
    130 Ring Rhodes
    131 LoungeRhodes
    132 TremSuitcase
    133 Preacher
    134 Hard Rhodes
    135 BalladRhodes
    136 Wide Rhodes
    137 Soft Fusion
    138 Phase Rhodes
    139 SpaceyRhodes
    140 I'mNotinLove
    141 Vinyl Rhodes
    142 Bread Rhodes
    143 Mutro Rhodes
    144 Ray's Pno Bs
    145 SynRhodes Bs
    146 Soft Wurly
    147 What'd I say
    148 Dry Wurly
    149 Chorus Wurly
    150 Acid Wurly
    151 Hard Wurly
    152 Tramp Wurly
    153 Tremo Wurly
    154 Smooth Wurly
    155 Grungy Wurly
    156 Breakin' Up
    157 Dist Wurly 1
    158 Dist Wurly 2
    159 Dist Wirly 3
    160 Dist Wurly 4
    161 Whirling
    162 RingMod Solo
    163 Rider/Storm
    164 Pnet Tee
    165 Stereo Pnet
    166 ShesNotThere
    167 R&B Pnet
    168 BrillantPnet
    169 Rox+Pnet
    170 Rox Piano 1
    171 Rox Vinyl
    172 Rox Piano 2
    173 Crummy Piano
    174 Rox Lute
    175 Rox Lute Ch.
    176 Rox Full+Acc
    177 Rox Pi/Ha
    178 Carpet Crawl
    179 Rox Jacuzzi
    180 TrickOfTail
    181 Rho/Wurl/Rox
    182 Rox Chorus
    183 Rox Harpsi
    184 Farfi Harpsi
    185 Octa Harpsi
    186 VX Harpsi
    187 PowerFlowers
    188 Rox Grinder
    189 Clav 1
    190 Clav 2
    191 Clav 3
    192 Clav 4
    193 Clav 5
    194 Clav 6
    195 Clav 7
    196 Phase Clav 1
    197 Rich Clav
    198 Vibraclav
    199 Mute Clav 1
    200 Mute Clav 2
    201 Flange Clav
    202 Comp Clav
    203 Space Clav
    204 Mute Clav 3
    205 Bass Clav
    206 Phase Clav 2
    207 Brite Clav
    208 WahWah Clav1
    209 WahWah Clav2
    210 Clv/Pnet Sp
    211 Clv/PnetDuo1
    212 Clv/PnetDuo2
    213 TronStrg ENS
    214 Tron Str Dry
    215 Rotary Tron1
    216 Rotary Tron2
    217 St.Tron Dry
    218 TronOctStack
    219 SmoothTron1
    220 SmoothTron2
    221 Slow Tron
    222 SymphonicTrn
    223 Moody Tron
    224 Warm Tape
    225 Tron Vls Dry
    226 Mello Vlns
    227 Tron Cello
    228 Mello Cello
    229 Tron Quartet
    230 Tron Orch
    231 DryStr/Choir
    232 Tron Vox
    233 Wet & Wiggly
    234 TronChoirDry
    235 Tron Choir
    236 Old Choir
    237 FatTronChoir
    238 Choir Blend
    239 Slow Choir
    240 Retroactive
    241 LamenTron
    242 Anthem
    243 Space Tron
    244 MelloMemries
    245 5th Tron Str
    246 Tron Vortex
    247 PlanetClaire
    248 Rox Strings
    249 Harpsiphase
    250 Cheep Phazer
    251 Swimming Bee
    252 Old Lead
    253 Organ Lead
    254 Techno Cheese
    255 33 RPM


    1 B3 1 A
    2 B3 1 B
    3 B3 1 C
    4 B3 2 A
    5 B3 2 B
    6 B3 2 C
    7 B3 2 Ch A
    8 B3 2 Ch B
    9 B3 2 Ch C
    10 B3 2 FL A
    11 B3 2 FL B
    12 B3 2 FL C
    13 B3 3 A
    14 B3 3 B
    15 B3 3 C
    16 B3 3 FL A
    17 B3 3 FL B
    18 B3 3 FL C
    19 B3 4
    20 B3 5 A
    21 B3 5 B
    22 B3 5 C
    23 B3 6 A
    24 B3 6 B
    25 B3 6 C
    26 B3 7 A
    27 B3 7 B
    28 B3 7 C
    29 B3 7 FL A
    30 B3 7 FL B
    31 B3 7 FL C
    32 B3 8 A
    33 B3 8 B
    34 B3 8 C
    35 B3 8 Ch A
    36 B3 8 Ch B
    37 B3 8 Ch C
    38 B3 8 FL A
    39 B3 8 FL B
    40 B3 8 FL C
    41 B3 9
    42 B3 10 A
    43 B3 10 B
    44 B3 10 C
    45 B3 10 Ch A
    46 B3 10 Ch B
    47 B3 10 Ch C
    48 B3 10 FL A
    49 B3 10 FL B
    50 B3 10 FL C
    51 B3 11
    52 B3 Perc 1 A
    53 B3 Perc 1 B
    54 B3 Perc 1 C
    55 B3 Perc 2 A
    56 B3 Perc 2 B
    57 B3 Perc 2 C
    58 B3 Perc 3 A
    59 B3 Perc 3 B
    60 B3 Perc 3 C
    61 B3 Perc3 FL A
    62 B3 Perc3 FL B
    63 B3 Perc3 FL C
    64 B3 12
    65 B3 13
    66 B3 14 A
    67 B3 14 B
    68 B3 14 C
    69 B3 14 Ch A
    70 B3 14 Ch B
    71 B3 14 Ch C
    72 B3 14 FL A
    73 B3 14 FL B
    74 B3 14 FL C
    75 B3 15 A
    76 B3 15 B
    77 B3 15 C
    78 B3 15 Ch A
    79 B3 15 Ch B
    80 B3 15 Ch C
    81 B3 15 FL A
    82 B3 15 FL B
    83 B3 15 FL C
    84 B3 16
    85 B3 17
    86 B3 18
    87 B3 19 A
    88 B3 19 B
    89 B3 19 C
    90 B3 Harm 1
    91 B3 Harm 2 A
    92 B3 Harm 2 B
    93 B3 Harm 2 C
    94 B3 Harm 3 A
    95 B3 Harm 3 B
    96 B3 Harm 3 C
    97 B3 Harm 3FL A
    98 B3 Harm 3FL B
    99 B3 Harm 3FL C
    100 B3 Click
    101 VX Organ 1 A
    102 VX Organ 1 B
    103 VX Organ 1 C
    104 VX Organ 2 A
    105 VX Organ 2 B
    106 VX Organ 2 C
    107 VX Organ 3 A
    108 VX Organ 3 B
    109 VX Organ 3 C
    110 VX Organ 4 A
    111 VX Organ 4 B
    112 VX Organ 4 C
    113 VX Harpsi A
    114 VX Harpsi B
    115 VX Harpsi C
    116 VX Org Bs A
    117 VX Org Bs B
    118 VX Org Bs C
    119 Farf Organ 1
    120 Farf Organ 2
    121 Farf Organ 3
    122 Farf Organ 4
    123 FarfClar16'A
    124 FarfClar16'B
    125 FarfClar16'C
    126 Farf Organ 5
    127 Farf Organ 6
    128 Farf Organ 7
    129 Farf Organ 8
    130 FarfFlut8' A
    131 FarfFlut8' B
    132 FarfFlut8' C
    133 Farf 8'+2'
    134 Farf 8'+4'
    135 Farf 8'+5th
    136 Farf Noise
    137 Suitcase p A
    138 Suitcase p B
    139 Suitcase p C
    140 Suitcase mfA
    141 Suitcase mfB
    142 Suitcase mfC
    143 Suitcase f A
    144 Suitcase f B
    145 Suitcase f C
    146 Stage p A
    147 Stage p B
    148 Stage p C
    149 Stage f A
    150 Stage f B
    151 Stage f C
    152 RhodesBs p A
    153 RhodesBs p B
    154 RhodesBs p C
    155 RhodesBs f A
    156 RhodesBs f B
    157 RhodesBs f C
    158 Wurly 1 p A
    159 Wurly 1 p B
    160 Wurly 1 p C
    161 Wurly 1 mf A
    162 Wurly 1 mf B
    163 Wurly 1 mf C
    164 Wurly 1 f A
    165 Wurly 1 f B
    166 Wurly 1 f C
    167 Wurly 2 p A
    168 Wurly 2 p B
    169 Wurly 2 p C
    170 Wurly 2 mf A
    171 Wurly 2 mf B
    172 Wurly 2 mf C
    173 Wurly 2 f A
    174 Wurly 2 f B
    175 Wurly 2 f C
    176 Pnet p A
    177 Pnet p B
    178 Pnet p C
    179 Pnet f A
    180 Pnet f B
    181 Pnet f C
    182 R.Chord A
    183 R.Chord B
    184 R.Chord C
    185 '70s Piano A
    186 '70s Piano B
    187 '70s PianoLp
    188 '70s Lute A
    189 '70s Lute B
    190 '70s Lute Lp
    191 Clav Pluck A
    192 Clav Pluck B
    193 Clav Pluck C
    194 Ch.Clav A
    195 Ch.Clav B
    196 Ch.Clav C
    197 Clav 1 A
    198 Clav 1 B
    199 Clav 1 C
    200 Clav 2 A
    201 Clav 2 B
    202 Clav 2 C
    203 Clav 3 p A
    204 Clav 3 p B
    205 Clav 3 p C
    206 Clav 3 f A
    207 Clav 3 f B
    208 Clav 3 f C
    209 Clav 4 p A
    210 Clav 4 p B
    211 Clav 4 p C
    212 Clav 4 mf A
    213 Clav 4 mf B
    214 Clav 4 mf C
    215 Clav 4 f A
    216 Clav 4 f B
    217 Clav 4 f C
    218 Clav 5 p A
    219 Clav 5 p B
    220 Clav 5 p C
    221 Clav 5 f A
    222 Clav 5 f B
    223 Clav 5 f C
    224 Clav 6 p A
    225 Clav 6 p B
    226 Clav 6 p C
    227 Clav 6 f A
    228 Clav 6 f B
    229 Clav 6 f C
    230 Clav Mute 1A
    231 Clav Mute 1B
    232 Clav Mute 1C
    233 Clav Mute 2A
    234 Clav Mute 2B
    235 Clav Mute 2C
    236 Clav 7 A
    237 Clav 7 B
    238 Clav 7 C
    239 Clav Attack
    240 Tron Str A
    241 Tron Str B
    242 Tron Str C
    243 Tron Vlns A
    244 Tron Vlns B
    245 Tron Vlns C
    246 Tron Cello A
    247 Tron Cello B
    248 Tron Cello C
    249 Tron Cho.1 A
    250 Tron Cho.1 B
    251 Tron Cho.1 C
    252 Tron Cho.2 A
    253 Tron Cho.2 B
    254 Tron Cho.2 C
    255 Record Noise

    This information is Copyright (C) 1992,95 by Roland Corporation.
    All rights reserved.
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  2. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    @westfinch The expansions look like they contain lots of cool stuff. :wink:

    At least the JV-1080 plug-in offers more than the 448 waveforms of the original.

    This one has 1083 waveforms. :winker:
  3. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    As I said, the plugin has all the waveforms of the XV-5080, at the same quality (= much better than the 1080 quality).
  4. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    They're not even that drenched. Check out the M1 for comparison for example.
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Time will tell :wink:
  6. fundorin

    fundorin Member

    Oct 20, 2017
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    If Roland would release their expansion cards, they all would be free to the subscribers. And, since .bin and .prm files don't have protection, they would also become instantly available to everyone else.
  7. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for this info , very helpful

    So allow me to please clarify, you are saying that the extra waveforms in the software ARE the waveforms from the hardware expansion cards?

    So are these the waveform in the 5080, and so potentially the software could have patch compatibility with all the JV series modules?

    I'd like to see further offerings from Roland to sweeten this deal, as so far it has come to us half baked... :unsure:
  8. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    got one but not sure if its the things. i'll just post it here.

    Contents: Roland SR-JV80 Expansion Boards
    Includes all files from the original lcs site for the SR-JV80 Expansion.
    Includes Cakewalk Ins, Demos, Documents, Images, etc.
    Download Size: 129MB (135,350,414 bytes)
    File Name: (Zip 2.0 compatible)
    Date Published: 2013-03-08 11:13am
    Language: English
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  9. Kambizmahdavi

    Kambizmahdavi Member

    Mar 15, 2017
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    really I love this instrument
    very nice and unique sounds
    I love piano sounds and I never need piano sounds in future
  10. Vensdale

    Vensdale Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    City 17
    Here you can read about the hardware of Roland Integra-7. Reviewer found a microSD card inside it. He suspects this card contains all SRX-cards sound data. The file on this microSD is in proprietary format. If only someone can decrypt it to standard WAV))) You can find a link to the file in the abovementioned article.

    Something interesting here too: Roland FA Series - Firmware Tools and Technical Information
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
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  11. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Thanks appreciated!
  12. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
    Likes Received:
    It's a good resource of all info and demos on the expansion cards but sadly not the data we require, thanks @Futurewine
  13. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    That is very fucking interesting!

    That is fucking interesting, looks like that last link includes a download of the SRX card data in .bin format for the INTEGRA
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  14. Daz

    Daz Guest

    The waveforms in the JV1080 VST are from the XV5080, which contained the previous waveforms from the JV1080 and JV2080, and newer waveforms for the XV5080, so it's basically a XV5080 VST of sorts.
    And like the XV5080, the JV1080 VST doesn't have any expansion card waveforms.
    So short answer, unfortunately there are no SR JV 80 or SRX expansion waveforms included in the vst.:sad:
    Btw, the XV5080 has 4 slots for the SR JV exp cards, and 4 slots for the SRX exp cards:wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2018
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  15. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Found a XV-5080 manual which contains a list of all waveforms on p.277.
    Yeah, they're the same. Can you explain why those waveforms have a better quality?
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  16. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    No, the waveforms in the software are the waveforms from the 5080.
    The 5080 also loads SR/SRX expansion cards. The expansion cards contain different waveforms to the 1080/5080. Which is what makes them "expansion" cards.

    All the expansion cards were included with the Integra, which also contains the whole 5080 engine and waveforms.

    The first four banks of presets in the plugin are the same as the first four banks of presets on the XV-5080.

    Half baked? No. Considering they could have *just* given us a JV-1080, but instead gave us an XV-5080 (one of the best sounding Roland engines of all time), I'd say that's already pretty damn good.
  17. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    As I said above, you can already download the SRX expansions in "bin" format from Roland's website. You just can't do anything with them (unless you have one of the synths that support them), until the plugin actually supports expansion data.

    I'm not sure there is much point sucking out the data as WAVs - it's just going to be a bunch of short multisamples of strings/pianos/guitars/drums etc, with none of the nice things that the patches are programmed to do. Not that interesting or that useful, imo.
  18. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Read for yourself the various sound engine quality differences:
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  19. fundorin

    fundorin Member

    Oct 20, 2017
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    This .bin format is just an ISO image of the SD card from Integra with unknown file system. Even though .bin is 4Gb, the data itself is only 780Mb.
  20. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Roland just use the "bin" extension for any file that is just containing binary data - it's not really a file format itself. It can contain any binary data in any proprietry format - samples, preset data etc.
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