Rob Papen releases QUAD synth for Reason

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Zeus, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Rob Papen has launched QUAD, a Rack Extension synthesizer instrument for Propellerhead Reason.


    QUAD is the first Rack Extension synthesizer built from the ground up for Reason by the Rob Papen team. It features two oscillators with a seemingly simple arsenal of classic waveforms. The sonic palette is huge though, through the vast modulation possibilities that QUAD has to offer.

    The oscillators can be combined through many cross modulation functions – generating a wide range of harmonics. The next steps in the sound sculpting are the Phase Distortion and Wave Shaper. These tools are brought to life by four XY-Pads, which can be moved through an extensive modulation matrix. The movements can be recorded as automation directly into Reason’s sequencer.

    QUAD’s oscillators are complemented by two top notch analogue modelled filters, an arpeggiator and two high quality effects processors.

    QUAD for Reason is available for purchase for 99 EUR.

    Not a fan of Reason Extensions but this thing looks sexy *yes*

  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    another great instrument wasted on RE. :snuffy:
  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'd really like to hear this one next to thor.
    thor is such a deep and powerful synth, I just can't see how this QUAD would be so much better.
    Better filters maybe? Better presets?
    Anyway, not everybody uses Reason, and as most die-hard Ableton, Logic, Reaper, S1, Cubase or Sonar users will refuse to change over to Reason, if this synth is a success, RP will sooner or later port it to VST or AU.
    If not, a great alternative will come from somewhere else :wink:
  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    it's almost 1/3 of Reason.

    i don't know if it's propellerhead who is asking 70% of all the sales, and devs are forced to fix ultra high prices, but all these rack extensions stuff, for me, is a total steal.

    119$. and rob papen, or rather, the coder who works for him, as rob papen himself doesn't code any plugins, don't even have to care about OS, versions, 64bit, 32bit,,etc etc... everything being handled by Reason. they only need to quickly code the app, push it to propell. servers, set the price, and see you.

    i bought reason 7, because of their promo- 2 pianos at 99$ each, offered, because i wanted to use it in rewire mode with cubase. but these rack extensions and propellerheads politics, i didn't upgrade, and i think 7 is the last version i will have. all the rack extensions should have a low price tag, so tons and tons of people buy them. i know, if all the extension were 40-50$ max, with good nice plugins, effects, etc, already available for 20$, max 30$, reason users would buy tons and tons of extensions, even if they don't really needed them, but because they were cheap, they would buy them. but paying 70$ for a simple effect, damn, that's too much.

    why do companies always choose to sell much less, at high costs, instead of selling cheaper, and reaching 5-10 times more people ?

    each REason upgrade was magical, like opening a present, "so, what do we get with this X reason updade ? oh, another 3 cools effects, 1 nice synth, 2 nice tools, 1 nice plugin". it was amazing, that REason.
    now, all those presents that would come with the paid upgrades, are nonexistent: they prefer selling those effects, plugins, synths, separately, at 70-130$ each. for me, that magic is gone.
    reason is sold cheaper than other DAWs, but when people start looking for this or that vst effect, which doesn't exist on reason, and start browsing those little rack extensions, 60$ here, 80$ there... a little synth ? no problem, it's only 120$, for a Parsec synth, or 120$, for Quad...

    the big interest on reason is being able to have tons of different racks, to play with. but if one must spend 500$, for a little synth and 3 or 4 effects and plugins, no thanks. maybe some will find those prices ultra cheap...
    for me, it's too expensive. no, thanks. go back to those great upgrades with tons of goodies, the rack extension is just a way to rip people off.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i agree its a way to expensive and i dont get why i should move over to reason, pay again for new additions to reason?
    i mean i own about 1500€ in vst plugins now. and there is no way to use them into reason w/o a 2nd daw, i already own too. :rofl:

    propellerhead is stupid just like AVID and their own AAX format nobody cares too.
  7. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    A lot of ppl are wondering WHY devs make RE.
    The biggest reason is uncracked product. Every RE user is a paying customer.
    That's all to me :wink:
    And it is easy for devs to re-use their code inside RE (Props created a nice plateform).
    So no need to create protection code, RE are sold on Props website. And devs get the money without too much hassle (simplified plugins with re-used code).

    I was a power user on Reason, but i left it being totally bored by Props way of doing business. And their "vision"...if they get one :rofl:
    Reason as virtual studio racks was a nice concept, until they realized (too late) they WILL need to create plugins support (instead of hiring coders to make their own synths, like Malstrom). And they needed to do audio recording.

    They lost so much time, they needed to invest a lot of money to get up to the competition. So they made just "another" DAW, with more features on one side (like the lovely modular approach), but less on the other side (like no VST support). They keep their world closed, but they are not Apple.

    As usual, i would love to see real sells rates of different DAWs, and company's health.
    Side note : soundwise, you get what you pay for. Another thing Props realized. An RE use the same resources than any other equivalent VST. No more Reason advantage on this side.