RML Labs SAWStudio 64 bit Released

Discussion in 'Software News' started by AudioGL, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    the GUI is the protection :rofl:
  2. Hey Buzzy, I'm glad you're still using it and getting good results from it. But. The statements you're making come from the mid nineteen nineties. Nobody (sane) works on hardware sequencers any more. The sheer overwhelming power of modern 64bit multicore processors makes any benefit an assembler package might have, nugatory. Two inch twenty-four track was a masterful expression of analog recording, but you can't get the tape anymore. OMD were virtuoso manual synth performers, almost as tight as MIDI, but nobody does manual synthpop any more.

    The final kiss of death for me with SawStudio was always the sole and single dude who runs RML. I forget his name. When he dies, and he must be getting old now, so does that DAW. It's a dead end. I understand how, having mastered it, you don't want to start again on something different. But you get to a point with some DAWs that you're paying for your need to keep off the learning curve of anything else, and you end up lost in time. It's a wonderful, left field innovative once upon a time. The world has moved on. Time to give up on the buggy whip. Either now, or when you have no choices left.