RIP Chester - The Legendary Linkin Park Vocalist

Discussion in 'AudioSEX Memorial' started by metaller, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Oh, never say never.
    I worked 3 years in the support of severely injured.
    I've seen injuries I've never thought about you can survive them and really depressing personal fate.
    I've learned (besides others) two things:
    1. My stuck-up perspective as healthy person, that let me say: "If I have this type of injury or illnes, I wouldn't like to live anymore"was wrong.
    2. My attitude, that there are no circumstances that justify suicide, was wrong.

    Back to topic:
    Depressions is a serious illness (and not just a bad mood), that - as far as I know - can't be cured, just medicated.
    So, when a person is in this mental state, he/she isn't himself. No action done under these circumstances are willfull or well reasoned but an effect of this illness. There is evidence that the brains of people suffering from depressions are modified by the illness.

    So arguments like "he/she had a lot of money, had a good life, had a loving family, ..." are pointless.

    No human being is accused for dying of a heartattack or cancer. Why can anyone do it in case of depressions? God won't blame them, why should we?
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  2. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Oh the hypocrisy
  3. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Impossible. That's literally who he is. Either that, or he's not a depressive. Can't have both, becaus law of noncontradiction :\
  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    sophistry (or as they call it in the Netherland's more common language: "fucking ants") :)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  5. Renatus Deca

    Renatus Deca Ultrasonic

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Thank you Impressive :mates:
    After reading your post I almost cried (yeah, I'm being sappy, but I don't care :bleh:). Sadly, you have definitely experienced the "dark & grey".
    It was good to read your words of encouragement; I often say the same exact words to others with our experiences, and a majority of the time, they listen and take it to heart. Unfortunately, I won't take my own advice, unless/until someone else gives it to me; as you have done for me :)
    Soooooo , be reminded, you do have an important purpose in the "grand plan".
    Continue to nurture and be a beautiful soul.
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  6. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Huh, it's the litmus test of bullshit in these here glorious US of A. A feller can't both be & not be a depressive, because logic. A rockstah lived & died exactly how he wanted -- calls for a high five, not compassion. Now, the 151,599 others who died that day? A bit of a gray zone. And the billions working shit jobs to feed their spawn, like the [unartistically] responsible breeders that they are? I cri evrytiem :'(
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  7. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I had many many reasons to get depressive in my life but for some reason I didn't. I didn't want to be the one who obviously
    needs help anymore, I wanted to be the one who gives help and every success made me a bit more proud to be part of this world.
    That's why I also kind of like my comparatively shitty job atm in the gastronomy - I'll never become happy or rich with that crap
    but at the end of the day, most of the people who came to me with their all day's sad face, leave me with a thankful and satisfied
    smile (and sometimes some nice tips of course :wink:).
    So whenever you need someone to talk, I always have 1 beer (even if I don't really drink alcohol) in my fridge
    and a place to sleep for that person which needs more help than me in whatever situation comes up.

    Btw. I'm still shocked about the sad news about LP. Even If I didn't use to hear their music in the past years,
    I kinda grew up with them so it feels like some old, never really known but always liked friend from my childhood said goodbye forever.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Self-acceptance, joy and love are the rewards of this life. Not fortune. Not fame. Not f*cking.
    Only ever liked a handful of their tracks but have complete respect for what they accomplished.

    Always blasted this when it came on. Revisiting the lyrics was an eye-opener. Chester was legitimately hurting and he vented that into an expression we all danced and cheered and marketed and sold.
    I hope to God there were people in his life who took the time to stop and simply listen.
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  9. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    You my dear friend, deserve an award.
  11. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Wow, that resembles nearly my experiences. I had really extreme phases of life and a few attempts to end it, but allways tried half-heartedly. When i was young I partied hard with drugs and alcohol - often til the loss of consciousness. But my real problem was the inabillity to live in equal interpersonal relationships. (Something got destroyed in my childhood.) I was addicted to feel loved and than allways ended up as an object, what increased my efforts even more. Sometimes I felt just nothing but the relieving imagination of my end.
    Stupidly I even started studying my case - I knew what drove my addiction - unfortunately without finding a way to avoid losing hold and moral again and again. I worked as a social pedagogue and discovered similar cases right in front of me. But nothing changed. And I was to coward to reach for help although I knew that I needed psychological support. (Some coworkers even were psychologists.)

    But then my first daughter was born and this changed everything. I had to find a way to be there for her. She also automatically filled a hole because she loved me offhandedly and not for my looks. That was just an amazing and pure feeling. So I cutted all bad habbits in a radical manner. The vicious circle broke and I figured out my own ways to avoid getting sucked in again. A few times I fell back. But I got better and better in every aspect in controlling my demons.

    Maybe Chester never was close enough to really feel responsibility like I did. As a rockstar you live in a bubble. But as I mentioned before, I empathize about how someone can get so in depression that everything just seems so meaningless and worthless that you take the last step without one logical thought.

    But as a side note: I never ever was able to recreate lyrics or music that I had written in my darker phases of life. And I'am pretty sure most unique artists are balancing on a knife's edge. It seems that living in an extreme way boosts creativity in a strange way because your experiences flowing right into your work.
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  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's the way, I think about it. Particulary with lyrics, they come out of a mood. I think it's nearly impossible to create believable lyrics without having those deep feelings, may they be bright or dark.

    I won't be astonished, if a lot of lyric writing artists suffer from a bipolar disorder with highest high and deepest low moods.
    And, in addition, I think, beeing a (rock)star makes things worse. Overwhelming euphoria on stage leads to depressive mood whe the shpw is over. So, you'll need your dose of euphoria lik a drug addict.
    OK, just kitchen sink psychology. :)
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The citation is out of context and does not mean, what you implied.

    But may it be popular, I think, not only artists but a lot of famous/rich/prosperous people (sum it under envy-inducing people), suffer from what most people desire.
    I'm (most of the time) glad, that I'm neither famous nor rich. I know some rich families around here. Almost everyone, particulary the younger people, are having mental problems.

    So, my wife's motto seems quite right: Be careful what you wish for, it might all come true.

    Anyways, I feel for every human being in trouble (that comes to my knowledge), may he/she be rich or poor, famous or not.
    When I read the posts in the thread, what I can't understand is, that some of us, although the majority might dream of getting famous, seem to think, famous people have less rights to be called a human being!?

    have a nice Sunday :wink:
  15. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I would not be surprised if the news came on and found some way to link this back to Trump, too.
  16. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Because anyone introspective enough to emote on that level is more likely to be hyper-aware that existence is hell and there's ultimately only one way out. As such, it's a game of patience/endurance/coping, or being proactive enough to speed up the process. All humans pick one of those options, but the more sensitive ones may end up choosing the later option more than average.
  17. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Because people seem to think something as trivial as money, attention, and worldly success is more than just a temporary and fleeting distraction from the torture of consciousness and that it is somehow an unfaltering panacea which is enough to magically cure the ills of the human condition without exception. A logical fallacy, of course, as nothing ever fills the void permanently or completely. Everyone gets old and has anxieties about death, suffers insecurity about losing relationships and property, and so forth, as there is nothing you can attain and never lose. Humans are fragile creatures, even the ones we put up on pedestals because they've walked a red carpet or have a platinum album or two.

    Basically, we're all doomed but those in the limelight are looked at as having somehow circumvented the realities of life and as having "beat the system" when really they're just the rat standing on top of all the other rats in an inescapable bucket quickly filling with water.
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  18. Terry Dunlin

    Terry Dunlin Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Just come across an old remix of linkin park track by Darren smith
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Interesting tho.. there is a song on that album titled "Don't Hurt Yourself" – 3:41
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  20. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    In the lyrics of that song Todd talks about mistakes he made himself, not about beeing a victim of abuse or about things others did to him. He never used Cocaine, Opium or Meth like Chester did already as young teenager.. Todd was introduced to Cannabis, Mushrooms, Peyote only in his late 20s. Later he loved to take Ritalin
    "It (Ritalin) caused me to crank out songs at an incredible pace. 'I Saw the Light' took me all of 20 minutes. You can see why, too, the rhymes are just moon/June/spoon kind of stuff..." :bleh:
    So it seems to me that he was down with everything bad or crazy he experienced in contrast to Chester. From what I understand, he never took drugs to cope with negative thoughts. So he tells a very different story. Still, thanks for pointing that cuddly dude out. :wink:
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