Resources For Composing Music[&Request]

Discussion in 'AudioSex Academy' started by DontFearTheReaperV4, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Hey Guys!

    I've been doing some browsing around for materials to help learn music composition. Came across some good stuff.
    But not quite what I'm after.

    I'm after some resources (preferably software/DVD series) for tips of composing for Films and Games.
    Personally though I believe composition should be all.. "from the heart" not by the book.
    But it always helps to know what the book actually says.
    I am quite advanced in music writing I believe and especially in theory. So I will list some programs/resources I think would be of help to others in need for music writing =)

    Please pitch in with your own suggestions! I'd love to know what you guys reference when writing :mates: :hug:

    Resources for Composing Music

    [Music Theory]
    [FREE] -
    This site was easily my go to and most used resource learning theory, it helped me leaps and bounds! And when I'm teaching students I ALWAYS pass this on to them. Has lots of online lessons, and interactive tests (That are actually pretty fun!)

    EarMaster6 -
    I only found this program recently, it does much the same as Music but it was a huge plus to me that its a software. The offline usage is very valuable to me. It has a lot of different tests (over 2000!) broken down into specific categories, then into specific lessons. The tests can be answered in numerous forms. Including your own voice/Instrument! (You can also hook up your midi keyboard to answer the questions that way. So far I have found this program really useful!
    There is also a free trial.

    Music Composition for Dummies -
    This book is fairly cheap for what you get. Its broken down into different topics, such as "Basics & Rhythm" to "Orchestration & Arranging". It is an all round book and would be good for beginner/advanced musicians

    Introduction to string arranging -
    Its quite a basic video, but surprisingly many people over look how to properly arrange/voice music!
    But I found this to be quite useful to just give you tips on writing in general. Especially if you write orchestral music. It is nothing too advanced but the obvious points he states are always good to keep in mind.
    There is also a part two of that video.

    [Instrument Based]
    [PAID] Guitar Speed Trainer -
    This software is quite useful in my opinion for any guitarist interested in playing faster. Everyone starts off wanting to play fast, but your sacrifice technique. Then your pretty much just wasting all your time. Worth a look if your a guitarist. (although if you know what your doing, any simple metronome could suffice. There will most likely be loads of free alternatives to this program as well)
    There is also a free trial.

    If you guys are REALLY serious about this and willing to invest a fair amount of money, Check out Berklees online music courses. They do 12 week advanced courses, I'm really eyeing up the "Music for Film and TV" Course or "Film scoring 101".

    I will add more to it through time, gotta get to bed now!


    Also, upon doing this I realized I overlooked "AudioSex Academy".. :snuffy:
    But I Thought this post wasn't similar enough to not post this. The other thread was based on mainly electronic/recording/mixing/mastering etc Where as this is more on the music side (I noticed a lot of people asking for help with music theory. So I may compose a large thread covering it. I love teaching music theory xD) However if mods disagree I can let this go down without a fight :rofl:

    Also, I'm not 100% sure but.. I assume posting the links to legitimate sites is fine? If I'm wrong just let me know.
    I've been on this site for a little while now and was itching to make a thread like this, I hope it eventually helps some people!

    But please suggest your own resources you guys used!
    Im looking for mainly program/software based stuff I could use myself. Free or Paid. Any suggestions!?

    Ps- For almost any music related issue. You'll probably find a good youtube video about it!

    If anyone would be interested in me doing a full Music theory based thread let me know! (Also if it hasn't been done already)

    Id gladly do it to help out the community =)

    Can anyone tell me why I cant get the color to go black under the "Instrument Based" section? Is there a limit to how many colour changes you can have? Im doing it the usual [Color blah blah] [/ Color] way. Thanks
  3. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Little bump.. xD
    Only a day old but.. Just really want some people to pitch in =)

    also, I've decided I will write out an extensive music theory/music writing thread.
    I'll have a look to see if its been done first though.

    Hope some people actually get some use and appreciation of it!
    Don't wanna spend to much time and no one wants it! :dunno: :rofl:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Really good stuff, sorry I haven't been around as much here to see this thread. Personally I did teach a little theory during a contest for a 1 month (or 3 month) coupon and the answer was an in-depth analysis not just a quick response. I also try to respond to people in the forums whenever I can but I am no master, just a student like many others. Am I to understand that you would like to provide resources pertaining to theory for people that would be a great value to the community. I'm sure there are some tutorials floating around but how in-depth they are is anyone's guess and they are usually provided as a response to a question not a comprehensive tutorial or list of resources. As far as resources go you can post links to free offerings but no requests or warez links allowed. You can of course link to the paid site where one can purchase or find information about a work.

    On a side note I have some more tutorials geared up for AudioSex Academy but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I also have links to external resources including books but please give me a little busy at the moment. I'm really looking forward to relaunching this forum so we can get an influx of new members that are committed to assist in keeping things maintained and growing because I feel we could do SO MUCH MORE. It's really amazing how much a select group of people really put into this place and you know who they are because you see them everywhere you go but I want new peeps doing their part so it's not a scenario where a group of people are pulling everyone. If more people brought back videos then this section could really blossom into something amazing which it will in due time. I will try to find some time to update this but I might start looking for a librarian to work here at the Academy. :rofl:

    Really though it's inspiring to see those that set themselves apart by wanting to really give something back. We really appreciate that my friend. :bow:
  5. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Well, this forum helped me out a lot when I was in need. (Namely Introninja/Kontakt Guru). Sorted out my stuff hassle free in minutes.

    And well.. it was just handled so friendly and respectfully!
    No.. "OMG Noob.. stop spamming and learn your self" etc etc..

    This is the first forum/site I've came across where all the people where so kind! (Ironically wed be viewed as the "bad guys")
    I just had to be a part of this site! And I noticed alot of people struggling with music theory/writing so..
    Thought i'd try and give something back!

    Its my pleasure to help out.. and whether or not you like it. I'm here to stay xD :rofl:

    Seriously though, this is a great place =). And I'll be here helping out where ever possible. Because I know I'll get the same help in return without being talked down to.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah Kontakt Guru has been really helpful to the community because I would answer Kontakt questions and I never had the time to go as in-depth as he has because of all the tasks that need to get done and all the open-ended projects. It's really amazing how much of a difference one person can really make when they put their mind to it. I was just talking to the guys about how we've really blossomed over the last year and it's exciting to think about where we will be one year from now because we're still going to be relaunching this place with a stellar new framework that will support us into the future. It's a place where people really come together, a meeting of the minds. For example we're making an album and it's been on my task list for a while since the original project manager suddenly split with little notice and it was frustrating because I'm a man of my word and it was already announced so I couldn't just hit the off switch. With one PM to a few members the project began taking shape with each offering a vital piece of the puzzle from project manager to mastering. Another thing that sets us apart is the freedom we enjoy in discussing practically anything that springs to mind even things frowned down upon elsewhere such as bypassing security. It is ironic that we're the supposed bad guys but somehow have managed to separate ourselves from the pack, I guess the old adage is true: never judge a book by it's cover. AudioSex: it's really a different kind of forum. Thanks again for your contribution, it's what this place is all about. :bow:
  7. Pasticcio

    Pasticcio Newbie

    May 20, 2014
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    I can really recommend looking into Jon's Art of Composing website. He offers a free basic composition course with 7parts which will throw you into composing right away, and even more advanced composers can learn stuff they have overlooked in their learning.
    You can find his youtube here, and his website here. He also sells an e-book on the sontana form, which I have not looked into, but i'ts cheap(10dollars) so it seems like a good value.

    The composition section of Music Tutsplus have really awesome short articles which I find really helpful at times.