Resolume Arena and Wire Advice

Discussion in 'Software' started by UkJason1, Mar 26, 2023.

  1. UkJason1

    UkJason1 Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    Hi All

    This is reference latest release on sister site Resolume Area 7.14 Rev 22221 on Win 11.

    If I create a patch in Wire for use with Resolume from what I can tell I have 3 options.

    1. I can use spout output from Wire and feed live into Resolume, works well but I guess has a GPU and CPU overhead.

    2. I can compile a patch in Wire that is not editable in Resolume and this also works well.

    3. I can compile a patch in Wire and tick the option to remain editable via Resolume.

    My observation is if I leave a Wire patch editable and compile, when used in Resolume it periodically displays the Wire Watermark on output.

    The saving grace here is a Wire patch can be saved without the editable in Resolume option checked, this does not display the Wire Watermark in Resolume and can be re-edited going into Wire and opening the patch.

    I understand the Wire Water Mark is to do with Wire not being registered, is this a limitation in the sister site release or is there a way around this without official license?


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  3. triplechin

    triplechin Guest

    Watching this thread in case anyone knows.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2023
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