Remove everything that has to do with Kontakt to get Kontakt 7 working

Discussion in 'PC' started by BenniTheBlockbuster, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. BenniTheBlockbuster

    BenniTheBlockbuster Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    since the new contact 7 release Rev 3 of bobdule also leads to crashes of cubase on my pc again and again I would like to remove everything that has to do with contact and reinstall including the registry entries.
    in the hope that contact after a fresh installation works properly.
    I would like very reluctant to completely rebuild my windows because it is just too much.
    Do you think the whole thing will work then ?
    and how do I really delete everything from the registry that has to do with contact and the patches ?
    This is what TeamCubeadooby wrote on our sister site, I tried the whole thing and installed the Visual C, unfortunately without success.

    Two or three versions of Kontakt ago, I was on cutting edge C++ 2015-2022 Redistibutable and I had no issue. Everybody else did, initially. I am still on patch version 2 as this post is downloading, but I have no problems in Cubase or Nuendo. It DOES have issue when unchecking "Always on top" in the Nubases. The GUI disappears and it leaves just the DAW container.

    It's about how you patch. Depending on the changes made, a binary that was already patched could or could not be repatched a second time and have success. Old changes do not get reverted to original, unless the patch goes the extra mile to check and make it so. So, patch the original files only.

    That all does not apply if the patcher is just dropping files by overwriting them entirely.

    You and everybody else want the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable 14.34.31823.3 x64 version.

    Edit: Pro Tools now loads well and it doesn't report illegal instruction any longer. The SAL and VST3 loaded well. As far as I can tell at this point, it is functioning perfectly and all ibraries are shown in the classic view.

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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    KONTAKT SHIT! hogs ya pc/hd! But it sounds good!
  4. DonaldTwain

    DonaldTwain Producer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    You shouldn't have to remove K6 for 7 to work (unless k'ing messes with some internal process?). I'm watching a walkthrough on Youtube that explicitly says you can have both on your system at the same time.
  5. BenniTheBlockbuster

    BenniTheBlockbuster Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I have tried both, once that I leave Kontakt 6 installed and once uninstalled.
    both unfortunately without success
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