Remix release question

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Hardwell, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Hardwell

    Hardwell Noisemaker

    May 20, 2014
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    Hey guys, I really need help...
    I've just finished my remix of a famous track from Revealed Records, but i do this for my own account and i was planning it to be my first official release on all my pages (soundcloud, youtube, facebook, etc.) and liberate free download of it on my soundcloud... But I don't understand much about copyrights...

    The question is: Can I put it online? And about liberate free downloads? Is it possible or can I have trouble doing this?

    If someone can help me i'll be very grateful!
    Thank you already!
  3. Config

    Config Kapellmeister

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Do you want to put your "name" on it (i.e. "DJBla Remix") then you should contact the label.
    If you don't care about it you should not put your name on it and hide your traces (where you upload/share it, such as IP address, etc.) and release it as "Bootleg/White label"
  4. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    I'm sorry but that dry wall advice that Config gave you is not near a full explaination of how the remix biz is in current state. He is giving you essentially two hard choice to take.
    * Contact the label: Great advice and sure you can (maybe even should) but let's be honest, your chance of having even a reply is close to none, OK! And if you were to be that lucky guy to get one then prepare to sell your house or your parents house, their cars, steal their insurance money to pay the label for rights for that one remix. :rofl: Let's be bluntly honest again here, if it was that easy, then 5, DJ's and their kids would have remixes on labels already; that's including me and all my bootlegger buddies. IT'S SIMPLY NOT! and that's since the beginning of the industry.

    * If you don't care about it you should not put your name on it and hide your traces Not a good advice at all at any level. Well, good luck to you to ever get one ounce of credits even as a bootlegger and upcoming producer if you were to ever follow this advice.

    Truth is, unauthorized Remix/Bootleg is a risky business, a fine line between getting your shot at going up the ladder or your not so lucky with the law. Regardless, your DJ/Producer name is your man identity/brand and it must be all over what you do. There are currently thousands of producers releasing bootlegs around the world right now. The most it comes down to in bootlegging case are chances that you receive cease and deceit letters from the labels. And often times, it is sent through the medium you posted it, if on SoundCloud, that letter would come from them. Or in other cases where you get the three strikes, your page gets deleted; SoundCloud and YouTube are notorious for that. I've lost mine twice already. But that's the game, you get a bit smarter and keep releasing. However, NEVER ever hide or not tag your work because if you don't, somebody else will eat the fruit of your labor without any remorse. Somebody tried to steal my sh*t on YouTube already, I had to expose him badly! And that was with my tag on the remix. Now, imagine if it wasn't tag at all?

    YES, in a few cases there are folks who end up getting sued and/or have to pay heavy fines. However, the people who actually end up in court or having to ACTUALLY pay fines are NOT solely a producer trying to get his name through releasing bootleg on SoundCloud and Facebook. These are dudes for whatever stupid reason try to openly make "official" releases and sale the bootleg through various medium, their sites, and even go as far as putting them as package on eBay/Amazon without getting authorization and release rights. these are the people who are in it for the quick buck and don't give a damn about music anyway. That's where it gets stupid and they will hunt you down for it.

    With that said: If you are not trying to be one of these "stupid dudes" then it's a must that you tag your Remix. I mean, A MUST! The truth is Hardwell (or anybody else who matters) could very well bump into that remix somehow one day (As that is already the case with dozens and dozens of known artists songs bootlegged already anyway; they are all over the internet without their authorization) and who knows, he may well like it and wonder out of curiosity who did it. So, how he or his people or anybody would know whom to associate the remix with? And to your lost, by that time, someone else would already tag their name on it anyway.
    Again it's the fine line that you are walking here, and with that, you've got to keep all your options open so that if your shot comes, you don't miss it.

    I make proper tags for my bootlegs. Not just the name of the file but the ID3v.2 info where you can label the remixer, date, comment, etc... (You can use iTunes or similar software for that) also have my DJ drop in the tail of all of them. A big step further is with [Google Alerts] you can track virtually almost everywhere the remix appears online. Google notify you with the link where it/they are posted. So, that's valuable too in a different way to know how far the remix is spreading.

    That whole point of hiding I.P. is an extra step for the paranoid. But hey if someone is, then good...hide your I.P. I can't and won't argue against that. However, when the labels needs to find you, they'll find you bro! lol.

    Good luck!
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