reFX Nexus Is Scam

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by maxjon, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Yeah.. had the worst experience with Vengeance. Not any issues with thier products but yeah, i just wanted to transfer my license since i found no use Avenger in the way i work. It took me like 4 weeks to get it done with lazy support, beeing shipped between pretty much every person in that company. It seemed like one was reading the mails, one tried to understand it, then inform another one about that they got a mail, then thye provbarly had a bord meeting on who should take care of it.. crazy stuff that for some companies are done in a few clicks.

    But the worst thing is how they behaved doing this. Rude and just not up to try helping out and let me leave with the feeling of a good support. Even before they changed their protection i said on their forum that if they now gonna have two diffrent protection shemes i will just sell their products.. I guess that didnt like that.. who knows..
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  2. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    wow reFX really dont give two shits!

    They must know they are selling dead vsts at this point, and theyre bitter about it.

    I cant wait to see those well fed european reFX IT nerds sitting in an unemployment line, fuck them!

    Hey guys, this is the response I just got from Michael Hartmann to sending him the link to this thread:

    "Michael Hartmann

    Posted On: 04 Jun 2008 02:07 AM

    "There is No Such Thing as Bad Publicity". "

    What a c0ckbag... I am pretty sure that thousands of views by potential consumers of your product on a forum with loads of people bagging your service and products cant be good for your sales.

    He is just highlighting how much of a douche he is.

    Gonna see if maybe I can get something in Computer Music, just in the letters section and Im sending this link to CreateDigitalMusic aswell.... like i said , likes to think he's oscar wilde. why would anybody buy anthing from this cunt. he seems to be sat there gloating that he has stolen your licence. any decent company would say, sorry you can't sell your licence and leave it at that. there is bad publicity and this is it. doesn't matter if you're a big or small fish your money is still the same.

    HAHA, :rofl:
  3. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    What do you think will happen when Cash money becomes completely digitized, they will shut you down in an instant, when they feel like it or when you are in breach of some sort of 'policy' , that's the digital future we're heading to.
  4. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I hate that way of licensing. I like "Heres your serialnumber. It will be stored in the registry, in program files, in users.. wherever.. put our software on your 2 workstations and your 3 notebooks, but only use one at any time, we trust you. Thanks for your purchase."
    Second best is dongled, and I use a dongle server or take the dongle with me.
    But that shit, where I have to keep in mind on what machine I activated it and on what I deactivated it, and where I'm doomed if I do it wrong, I'm "Go fck you, I buy somewhere else".
  5. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    the op was very vague about what he did actually. he doesn't seem to understand the difference between "installing" and "activating".

    the eula which i posted on the first page of this thread says you can install it on as many devices as required for Your personal use provided such devices are used only by You.

    3. Usage Conditions
    1. You are authorized to use the Licenced Materials only for personal use.
    2. You may not rent out to others equipment on which the Licenced Software is installed or by which the Licenced Library is accessible without obtaining a written rental licence from Us that expressly authorizes such use. We reserve the right to charge a fee for a rental licence.
    3. You may install the Licenced Software on as many devices as required for Your personal use provided such devices are used only by You.
    4. Where online activation of the Licenced Materials is required:
      1. You need to have the Licenced Materials connect to Our server at least once every thirty (30) days;
      2. You are authorized to activate the Licenced Materials on two (2) computers at any time.
    5. When Licences to upgrade to new Licenced Materials are used, You may not sell or transfer in any way Your Licence of the original Licenced Materials. Transferring Your original Licence may result in termination of your Licence of upgraded Licenced Materials.
    6. We may designate the Licenced Materials "trial" or "evaluation". You may install and use those versions only for the period and purposes stated when we provide them. You must not use any materials you produce with those versions for any commercial purposes.
    7. When the Services provide online storage, we recommend that you also back up your Content elsewhere regularly. We may create reasonable technical limits on file size, storage space, processing capacity, and other technical limits. We may suspend the Services until you are within the storage space limit associated with your account. We reserve the right to delete your Content.
    8. Not all Services or service features may be available in your country. User-generated content available via the Services may not be legal or available in your country. Access to certain Services in certain countries may be blocked by Us or foreign governments. It is your responsibility to make sure your use of the Services is legal or available where you use them.
    9. You are responsible for all activity that occurs via your account. Please submit a support ticket immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account. You may not:
      1. Share your account information;
      2. Use another person’s account;
      3. Violating these terms may result in refusal of service and / or termination of all licences in the person's account.

    refx has a strict policy of no refunds - ever. almost every software product has a similar policy - once you open and install the software, you can't get your money back. try getting a refund for turbotax after you've installed it. it's not stealing if you violated the terms of the license.
  6. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    that's because you don't own the product. you are simply buying a license to use the product. and that right can be revoked if you violate the terms of the license agreement.

    btw, i don't want anyone here to think i'm standing up for refx. i hate the company and i hate the product. it's overpriced garbage in my opinion.

    but nothing they are doing is criminal. they're just a bunch of horrible people.
  7. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    no. it just means you will have to reactivate it.
  8. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    First, they are Canadian; Vengeance guy are European, not Refx.
    About dead product - it 100 % still sells like crazy and these guys are rich as fk from repackaging sampled presets (including Sylenth1 ones...)
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  9. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Nexus is overrated nowadays. We have 1000x better and cheaper synths on 2020. I would spread the news, that they arent transparent with their productadvertisement and not helping their paying customers. So fuck them I have Nexus 2 (cracked :bleh:) and I dont even use it at all. Go get Omnisphere, Avenger, Sylenth1, Spire, Air Music Synths, Native Instruments and a lot more.
  10. Illadelph

    Illadelph Producer

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Ah, so i hope they have to go sit in a canadian benefits queue instead:rofl:

    Anyway, vst makers are not having an easy time during covid no matter how you frame it, and reFX Nexus used to be mildly popular (atmosphere/omnisphere beat it) and Vanguard (other synths like what linplug produced beat that too) were successful.
    Nexus2, ugly ass v3 etc are not paying for several peoples livelihoods i can tell you that, no one who knows their shit is buying from reFX.
    Thats why Nexus is so overpriced, its like some wanker on ebay trying to sell a novation midi controller for $5400.00. : because some asshole might buy it!

    Vengeance have a long respected history as sample makers, but just cos some of their stuff is bundled in nexus's overpriced soundband doesnt mean shit.

    So, i hope COVID-19 is finally enough to kill this rotten reFX business stone dead.
    Get those douchebags doing something constructive for society.. they might make a nice lampshade =)
  11. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    The problem is that the user can technically authorize Nexus on more than 2 computers and then they steal your overpriced licence.Why don't they prevent you automatically to authorize more licences than 2 licences?Perhaps do they hope you buy Nexus once again?!:trashing:
  12. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Pretty sure you don't lose your license. You just have to connect to their license server before you can use Nexus again.
  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I been using reFX stuff since 2008 and I personally had no issues with them. However, I consider myself lucky in that regard, considering the stuff I have heard about them.

    If you are in fact telling the truth, I would also begin here and file a complaint, if possible:
    Also be sure to utilize the trustpilot link @Pipotron3000 shared, in addition to this one. Be a pain in their ass. Not enough people do that nowadays and THAT'S how companies feel as though they can push their customers around.
    You may or may not already be aware of this, but a significant subset of the human population will act as shitty, greedy, sadistic, and schadenfreudistic as they are allowed to or can get away with. It is fear or reprisal, retaliation or other negative consequences that blocks their path. The human ego is a pretty disgusting thing.

    I use Nexus3 sometimes but not nearly as much as I used to. I started exploring all the other options I had at my disposal and now I rarely ever think to use it. I mean, it's there for when I need a quick basic sound.
    But back in April during quarantine I was just browsing through the sister site a couple months ago for some cool Omnisphere packs gave me a myriad of tools to work with and put me through a world of inspiration.

    But still... I'd say file that complaint. Don't let anyone push you around like that, mate. :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2020
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  14. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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  15. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Hmm, Nexus is 90 % Vengeance presets...
    Coronavirus may "kill" some musical hardware businesses and musicians/djs, if it continues for many months or years, but software developers? All their stuff is cheap (even the shitty Nexus - compared to hardware, of course).
    Btw, I don't think you realize how popular Nexus is among big producers, plus all the kids want to buy the same shit as their idols, so these guys swim in money.
  16. Free Agent

    Free Agent Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Turkey & Ukraine
    i've just logined to rate the comment.
  17. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Sorry to hear this.

    I think back in the day, 2008 or 2009 I was using nexus, and was disappointed by the lack of quality.
  18. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Everyone who consciously pay a perpetual license price for a software product and accept "subscription" license (Nexus 3 license must be renewed online every month) must be an iDiot.
    And yes, reFX are the biggest asshole Company on the Planet in my view.
    I really pray to God that R2R give Manuel Schleis soon a huge ass kick.
    And I hope so much that R2R are not mobbed-up from reFX.
    Please R2R Guys make the wettest dream ever come true!!!

    Manuel Schleis.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
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  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    its the magic self fooling rompler for newbs and the cheatbox for 0815 recipe edm producers...
  20. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    it's a fricken overpriced rompler. if you want your music to sound exactly like some other dweeb's music, then, yeah - it's great. spend your $4,000 on the supersized 130gb version. or imagine the cool hardware synths you can buy with that kind of money.
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