Reason12 (PC) Failed to find .R2RRECACHE (with a difference)

Discussion in 'Software' started by mysterdee888, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Ok so iv read all the threads on hear about Reason 12 and the cannot find R2RRECACHE file after running into the same problem.

    Iv noticed that none of the threads explain wher the HELL you are supposed to find a R2RRECACHE file when it dont come with the Download from Sister site.

    Im stuck.. Can sum1 explain in detail how the HELL im supposed to either Create this R2RRECACHE file or Find 1 to put into the Folder.

    Thank you.
  3. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Honestly, any Reason Rack Extension I've downloaded (admittedly, NOT a lot) off the sister site has come with the R2RRECACHE file. But I think the one thing to remember is that this file is an R2R thing. It's meant to work with the Reason Rack Extension released by R2R. So if someone else posted a Reason Rack Extension and they aren't a member of R2R, they may not have included that file. In that case, I don't know if it's meant to work with the legit Reason Rack or a different cracked Rack, or what.

    Look for stuff that DECiBEL posted, in particular, as she would include that file for sure. Do you have an example name of one of the REs you grabbed there that didn't have it? (don't link to it - that is not allowed here - just post the name so someone can search it up).
  4. mysterdee888

    mysterdee888 Banned

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I will reward you handsomely.

    (Because it does not come with Reason 12 R2R from any of the 3 available on sister) i can show you images.

    i do however have a R2RRECACHE file that comes with - Synapse audio extensions.
    the extension builder works when i place that file
    ( com.synapseAudioSoftware.Antidote.v1.2.8.R2RRECACHE )

    But the reason 12 i downloaded had no Cache file for the Cachebuilder..

    So how am i supposed to build a cache file for all my other extensions that dont have a R2RRECACHE extension.

    Can i even use cachebuilder with them.

    I read this on another post...

    ArticStorm said:

    the question is, if we need R2R to release versions of Rack Extension plugins or if this works when we download them alone from the reason+ shop?

    AstralDis replied...

    It could be its case 1 and we have to wait.
    yes, scenario 1... we need R2Rs versions. the cache builder does build cache with 2 files: the actual RE file + the R2RRECACHE file.

    we cannot simply generate the R2RRECACHE file from the RE.. this would be overkill coolness tho..


    Does this mean i cant use normal extension plugins as i dont have the R2RRECACHE file for them...


    Does reason come with a Reason.R2RRECACHE file used to make a cache file for even 3rd party expansion ( even if they dont have a .R2RRECACH file of there own )

    This problem has complexed me and alot of other people....

    it would be helpfull if this could be clarified by R2R in the Readme.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2023
  5. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    R2R have never released the tools you need to build your own R2RRECACHE file. And as far as I know, there's never been an extension released on the Sister Site that didn't come with an accompanying R2RRECACHE file.

    What the cachebuilder does is let you take the Reason Extension and the R2RRECACHE file and makes it so that the Reason Extension is runnable on your computer. But if you don't have a R2RRECACHE file for the Extension, you just can't run it on the cracked version of Reason.

    Remember, this is quite a complex problem R2R are solving here. In order to run a legitimate copy of Reason and it's extensions, you've supposed to be connected to Reason's website online. I assume that's how the cache would normally get created (though I'm just guessing here.) But I'm assuming that R2R's tools are quite complex and not straightforward because there are a shedload of tools that people want that have never actually been released.

    In short, if you can't download a working copy off SiSi, you can't use it.
  6. MiSSY

    MiSSY Newbie

    Dec 28, 2022
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    Apologies for lack of forum etiquette as I'm an older generation now with kidney health issues and so I created an account PURELY to say thanks so VERY much to the awesome R2R crew for the many years I've been MUSIC TINKERING spanning back to the old Ching_Liu days on the old Pirotto Bay but then I realised that this site is NOT run by R2R (?) but if any of the crew are reading then you are all Super Heroes of the Vibes World for the needy so thank you a million times... and more.

    I've bought what software I can over the past 3 years but some software exceeds the financial imagination and I've thoroughly enjoyed the many hours of pleasure with R2R releases

    But REASON 12, this is the main question and I apologise if it's been covered before but it would seem one would need a Mensa certificate to understand installations and locations on windows but the question is quite simple .. I have reason lite and have totally fallen in love with some of the paid rack extensions in the reason plus that I now have for one month (but will be canceling at the end of the year) but I have the R2R REASON 12.5 so if I wanted to run paid for rack extensions that are not in the 12.5 release would I be able to do this or would I have to purchase a perpetual license of reason 12 and then purchase the rack extensions ? There are four that I'm in love with, not sure if I can mention them here but Friktion Strings, Complex-1, Layers etc so I have those on the reason plus but is there a way to be able to run those on the R2R version of 12.5 reason or have I got to purchase reason 12 plus the VSTs if I want extra rack extensions that are solely made by reason ?

    I can just about scrape through with the money as there is 30% off this week but the 4 rack extensions would total up to approximately 250 USD so would have to use rent to own. I have purchased studio One full professional last year (didn't like it) and I splashed out on bitwig and FL studio but there is just something about those rack extension sounds that I just absolutely love and wondered if it is possible to run them with the R2R 12.5 version even if I have to purchase just the rack extensions but I suspect that I would have to purchase the full package but hey I digress and apologies for the book.

    But anyway I could have got that in one paragraph lol but R2R CREW, THANK YOU DO VERY VERY MUCH !!! I may still be here in 2 years but just in case my renal failure hits zero then at least I know I have said thank you to the one team I so admire !

    Happy Holidays
  7. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    You can't run legit RE's in cracked Reason, if there is no file to Build Cache waiting for an R2R release is the only way to go. All RE's i have downloaded had the R2RRECACHE file and work great. Would be also good to know which RE's we talk about to check :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2023
  8. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Please don't buy them -- paid for versions won't run on the R2R release. Friktion v1.0.2, Complex-1 v.1.0.5, Layers v. 101 and Layers Wave Edition v.1.0.0 have all been released and run well with the R2R release. If they aren't still available on sister site, I'm sure you can still find them at the Russian place.

    Installing them is pretty straightforward, but if you struggle with it, shoot me a PM and I'll talk you through it.
  9. MiSSY

    MiSSY Newbie

    Dec 28, 2022
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    thanks and apologies for lateness, ill health but i love reason so much that i bought the heavily discounted reason 12 full plus the layers bundle but then found a DeCiBel d/l with 9 main rack extensions incl friktion/complex 1/ and some cool sounds but found the 12.2.0 reason 12 cache builder failed so fortunately had the 12.5 r2r and that actually worked (probably due to vst3 etc so got an those working plus a super d/l of pink noise as well BUT unfortunately can't find a way to get my paid for layers bundle (2 REs) to work with the R2R set up so it's either keep the paid for reason 12 and save save save or reinstall the R2R 12.5 plus the DeCiBel d/ls with the main reason REs.

    I worked out the cache folders and it's quite easy when you work it out but the 12.5 cache builder is needed for the Decibels D/ls with friktion as the 12.2 throws an error. Could always use my old laptop for the legit reason and the faster one for the R2R 12.5. I thought you could combine them but I can't do it but nonetheless these REs are bloomin expensive for the music tinkerer who doesn't earn a dime from music. So anyway thanks R2R, much appreciated indeed. And thanks for the response.
  10. thomas78

    thomas78 Kapellmeister

    Apr 15, 2020
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    hey MiSSY,
    no need for any haste! your health is the most important thing, everything else has to wait!
    the latest cache builder is named TEAM.R2R.Reason.Rack.Extension.Cache.Builder.v1.1.0-R2R, every r2r-touched re works with it. and only those, theres no chance to integrate your purchased re into an r2r reason. but both layer, friction & complex 1 work fine at my site, please use the latest cache builder!
    wish you & your kidneys as much health as you need :mates:
  11. MiSSY

    MiSSY Newbie

    Dec 28, 2022
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    down under
    that was a very positive message to read, thank you so much for the r2r info. .. it's"kidney" :) I'm down to my last of which is on 50% ckd3 but I'm okay. Just need an r2r kidney regeneration file :) enjoy weekend
  12. Apollos Jolivert

    Apollos Jolivert Newbie

    Sep 19, 2023
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    I am still battling with the recache file. I got it created but running reason I still get an error that says it is unable to read from the folders. How do I solve that issue?