Reaper as editor

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by kooper, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I wasn't saying that editing was a trivial function ( or functionalty in newspeak) I was describing your 'problem' as something trivial which has an easy solution.
  2. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I kind of feel like this misses my point entirely. There are many powerful DAWS out there. I am well aware of that. Powerful and customizable yes, but if a person needs to crack the books to do very basic things then I don't consider this user friendly. When I started using acid pro, it was intuative. In other words, I could find and do things just by following the logic of the menus. I can do amazing things with acid pro in edit mode, and I was doing them almost immediately after getting into acid pro as a new user. I can do similar things with cakewalk sonar but there are more steps, and it is not nearly as easy to do. Like for instance the business of "snapping". I do use snapping quite a bit, but in acid pro I can just zoom in and as i do, the resolution of the snapping changes or zooms with me automatically. In sonar I have to go to a menu and manually change the resolution I want to snap to. Extra steps that make sonar not nearly as good a choice for editing. This is just one example. I guess what I have found is that the editing I do myself is not very common. Most people (not all) don't do the type of editing I do, so they have no idea WHY I say acid pro is so powerful for this function. If snapping is stopping me from moving an isolated section AT ALL then the snapping is not working normally. I have a feeling that reaper was glitching when I tried this because for the sections to not be movable at all is just a ball buster. I have not had time to try it again. I may never try it, because I have been achieving what I want with the newer AP (MAGIX). You can take offense to this because you are loyal to reaper, but I am just saying, my experience was not good at first attempt with editing stems. There are any number of variables that could be the problem. I saw where one person was coaching me how to set the snapping res in the menus. I know all about how to do this, but if I need to go into menus and set the res of snapping (where AP does it automatically) then it actually reinforces what I am thinking. Snapping does not keep you from moving sections around. It defines how and where they land when you let go. These sections would NOT MOVE AT ALL! HITF could that be because of snapping? I think it was a glitch. If I get time in between tasks in my agenda I will make another attempt.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
  3. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    - In Reaper there are numerous Actions for changing the Gridsize to where Snapping has to occur to:
    Open Action List and search for "set grid"
    These can all be linked to keycommands.
    So no need to open a menu to change Gridsize or make Menu Items for various Gridsizes.

    - In Reaper,it's totally possible to have adaptive zoom > grid feature,just as in AcidPro.

    - The Snap On or Off setting has NOTHING to do with the fact that you can't move an isolated section at all.
    - Rightmouse click on the isolated section and choose Item settings > Lock Item.
    Is "Lock item" maybe checkmarked ?
    If thats the case, the Lock state prevents you from moving an item and also an selection made in that item.

    - Why Reaper does have a Lock function at all ?
    Among many reasons, one of is that you don't accidentally move items from which you want they have to stay always on same time position.
    Reaper has the powerful Ripple Editing feature, but this feature may move items horizontally that you didn't want to.
    And thats where the Lock function comes in.(btw: you can lock way more stuff than only movement).

    Warm Regards.
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  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Keep at it... Reaper does allow you to what you want to do for the most part, but like any DAW, you need to have the patience and the self motivation to learn how..

    For me, I find the way Ableton behaves to be frustrating and non-intuitive...
    but other people find it behaves very much the way they want in a DAW...

    there are several for you to choose based on your preferences in workflow..and features you use a lot..

    Every DAW is going to have things it excels at, and some things that may be frustrating.. but I have found
    Reaper is very worthwhile.. once you have taken the time to educate yourself..and delve into it's truly
    deep "functionality"

    not to mention guys with great tips ( and his own Youtube Reaper channel ) like @vanhaze , Kenny Gioia,
    the Reaper community, blog.. etc... a wealth of resources to help you get your music down the way you want :wink:
  5. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Wow now here's a reply that hits home with me! I know I can use acid pro as a rewire device. I will check into this! Thanks for this suggestion!
  6. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ok I will look into the "Lock" option for the isolated section. Will I need to unlock every one? Should I be looking at "Lock" globally? I never had a need for lock. Not sure why they would have this, but I will look at it. If something is moved accidentally I just go back in the history(undo) so WTF would anyone need to "lock"? Undo and not save if messed up. I sure hope I don't have to unlock all the time. I will indeed look for this. It's a foreign tool to me. In 25 years of editing, never found a need for "lock". Thanks.

    BTW: The fact they have "Lock" at all makes the point of this post for me.
  7. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I have already found things in reaper that I like above other DAWs. This is not about bashing reaper. It works flawlessly to bridge 32 bit plugins which I really love. Others don't work well with jbridge. I could name several other things I have found in reaper I love. I had a guy suggest using acid pro and reaper together, which I knew I could do but I didn't think about it. I really like this suggestion (rewire). I find quite often I get great suggestions from people here, in between the smart assed trolling stuff. Thanks again friendlies!
  8. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    - You can just click on the Lock Toolbar button in the Toolbar on the upper left of Project Window; when that button is then dimmed, all locking features are globally disabled so also the locking of item movements.
    This Lock Toolbar button is a general, global Lock button, it affects all Items, so when turned off, no need to have to individually unlock items then.
    - You say you don't see any benefit of the Locking feature, ok thats fine, just make sure then that the Lock Toolbar button is always dimmed (thus: OFF).(Tip: Save an Empty Reaper Project as a Reaper Template file with this Lock button OFF and start every fresh Reaper Project from this Reaper Template ; then you are 100% sure Locking is always off).

    Warm Regards !
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