Rate the Songs Above You

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by PatrickKn, May 4, 2014.

  1. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Hey, I've seen some threads like this on other sites, but mostly featuring other people's music rather than "our own" music. I think this would be an optimal way of getting listens on our stuff, because it almost forces us to listen to eachother's music if we want the same. The more music you rate on others, the more exposure you can get by posting your own songs.

    The rules to the thread would be as follows:

    Ratings Rules

    1. Must provide a rating out of 10. 1/10 being horrible, 11/10 being better than anything. Ratings don't hold a lot of weight obviously, as everyone's rating system will be different. But this is a good basis nonetheless, and we'll get used to people's really easy-going, or harsh criticism as time goes on.

    2. Must say something about the song that's longer than one sentence. No one word replies whatsoever please.

    3. If you like the song a lot, and I'm not saying if you like the song somewhat, or if the song is okay, but if you like it a lot and could hear yourself listening to it without this thread being here, then like it, favorite it, and copy-paste your comment onto their soundcloud/youtube/whatever. Every bit helps.

    4. If you've heard the song above you already, wait. If the thread is dead for at least 24 hours, and nothing is happening, then rate the song above that one and carry on. But if it's been a couple hours and nothing has happened, let someone else rate the song above first to get a wider range of feedback.

    5. No dissing a song for genre alone. Let's keep general music snobbery out of our ratings, and actually explain the reasons why we dislike a song if we do.

    5. Most importantly, actually listen to the song. Let's say the cutoff rule should be to listen to at least 5 minutes of whatever your listening to. We don't want comments on the first ten seconds of a song, that's just useless.

    Song Posting Rules

    1. Must be your song, obviously.

    2. If you're posting a mix or a remix, post the song list so we have something to compare to. If it's a mix that's more than 15 or 20 minutes long (even an hour long mix), be well aware that people probably wont be listening to the whole thing, and can only comment on parts of it.

    3. Let's mostly try to keep it as widgets for the songs that are posted. Direct download links are okay, but only if your song is something you don't want out in the open for whatever reason.

    4. If your song is in a competition, feel free to post the voting link with your song.

    5. One song at a time. This will keep the thread going. In the rare case that two songs are specifically made to fit together, then that is fine, but definitely no posting entire albums or anything like that.

    I'll let someone else post first.
  3. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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