Rate my tune (it's a work in progress)

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by CSider, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. CSider

    CSider Newbie

    Sep 11, 2013
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    hi guys,

    here a tune I've been working on,

    please comment and make suggestions as normal


    Please listen, Share and Repost if you like it. thanks.

  3. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I like the intro however it does sound weak in the beginning. The intro kick is weak and that snare roll also needs to be louder and more powerful because it sets up the mood for when the full kick drum and vocal come in. Nice job on the vocal coming in and also setting the mood of the song. Put a nice reverb on that synth riser that pitches up and increase the dry/wet and decay time of the reverb toward the end of the riser to create more tention and interest and get people excited for the drop. The part where the synths and the female vocal come in at around 1:10 is also a bit weak. The synths, and the song in general feel too think like maybe you've low cut them a bit too much and it's making the song feel weak and lacking presence. Also try longer delay effects on the female vocals also to create more interest and tension. So for example when shes "been goin through" let that "through" echo out into the beat, it will give the track more groove. Overall it kind of feels to me as if the this song was mixed on headphones that lack proper bass frequency response. It has the potential to be a great, groovy track but lacks power and presence as well as that deep bass that would make this a great song.

    Hope this feedback helps
  4. CSider

    CSider Newbie

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Thanks very much for taking the time to listen, i'll use you comments when im next on the track.