Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno music

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by poorlord, May 12, 2013.


Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno

  1. hands up (I don't make Dance/Techno)

    5 vote(s)
  2. hands down (I make Dance/Techno)

    1 vote(s)
  1. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    so now i am misguided

    cuz i don't like your edm, or think making songs on my computer is awesome, i am misguided


    here is an idea, views are opinions, they are formed of their own free will, not guided

    like i said before, what am I not allowed to have an opinion you jerk. you don't have to agree with it.

    you didn't even have to read it, I will say it again, I think edm is gay. that is my opinion, maybe you should try and have one besides trying to be politically correct all the time and you might have some friends and you would have something to do besides come in here and whine at people cuz they don't share your politically correct opinion.

    I pride myself in not having opinions that are guided by societies' guidelines for what should be politically correct

    I genuinely wanted to read about something not edm!
  2. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    After i have read all posts in this topic.

    It feels like we back in the 80s again when it was a war between people who liked Heavy Metal or Synthbased music..

    And most of the people who hang here wasn´t even born back then.

    Even if it is only TWO people who is arguing :)

    B.t.w what happen to the topic?

    The topic was Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno music.

    In the first post i saw "i raise my hand for trance"?

    Whats that all about?
    Can the person who post it NOT read?
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I think they thought that Trance wasn't included. I initially was interested in responding because I don't mainly make EDM (well I do but not as a primary interest) but then the conversation got derailed to an assault on EDM and the users that like it instead of a conversation about other genres. Not to mention I freaking hate umbrella terms because EDM consists of a ton of disparate genres.
  4. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    thank you guitarmaniac, that is all i wanted was to see something not edm, was that too much to ask?
  5. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    i didn't even want to be in that war, i got sucked in
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Be a human being. Is that too much to ask?
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Oh trust me that is all too human. :rofl:
    I didn't make that post did I? If everyone didn't start making insulting comments about that genre this wouldn't have developed into a chaotic mess right? Someone could have just said: we meant non dance music related genres and you could right now be talking about metal. Can you not admit that maybe you didn't handle that as best you could? Is that too much of a blow to the ego?
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Bro I have no need for pissing contests about any genres or whatever anyone else thinks because that stuff doesn't matter to me. I spoke up in the interests of this place not becoming Lord of the Flies. You know that what you said was really disrespectful, just own it. If someone came into a metal forum and said that people that play guitars or listen to metal are fags could you possibly foresee any circumstances in which that could just maybe perhaps cause some problems? What if afterwards I said I was just joking? There's busting balls and then there's something else. Look man you're free to be you but you can't act like that. I mean say that to someone on the street and see how friendly they'll be to you. If they overreact to such a statement then they're probably like most of the people that would find that seriously offensive.
  9. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    see you still can't admit you did anything wrong? ego?

    I admitted they were stupid comments.

    But number one this is not edm forum so to compare it to a metal forum is stupid. I didn't come into the edm forum to talk trash, cuz this is not the edm forum! So to say that I came somewhere where there is edm lovers just to spite them, like you would be going on a metal site just to spite them, is dumb, cuz that is not what happened here. This is not the edm lovers forum.

    Number two I wouldn't care what you said about metal because I am confident in my abilities and know what it takes to make all genres of music, and I don't need your approval.

    So you can say whatever you want about metal, cuz you are the one that has the ego and couldn't just let it go that I said something stupid about a genre of music you like!
  10. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    and i would be glad to say it to any of you on the street

    i live in daytona beach fl let me know when you get here or anyone else you want me to say it to, too

    cuz like i said before you are the only person that got upset and i am sure lots more people thought that was hilarious!!!

    help me out guys! who thought my first post in this thread was some of the funniest stuff you ever heard?

  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Bro I wrote a message to HoodHendrix just on the chance that he might have misconstrued what I said because I didn't want him to feel bad. Believe me I have no problem saying that I'm wrong and sometimes I actually delight in it. You want to know why? Because when I am wrong I know I'm about to learn something new or remember something I forgot. I'm about to give someone respect that maybe I robbed them of before and maybe they deserve that from me. The only thing I regret is spending so many hours fighting with you but I was doing it in the hopes that maybe you could make some realizations and open up a little, maybe even change your mind about how you perceive contemporary musicians. Not because that would help me but because that would help you. I also have a lot of love for these forums and I don't want to see people getting messed with like that. PS I never said anything negative about metal, it was a hypothetical situation. I'm not a huge fan of all metal but I do like some.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Besides the people that said to your face that you were wrong and out of line some people said it to me privately as well. Look it's cool to bust balls a little but you have to realize that we can't see your body language so we have no way of determining your intentions with a comment. If it were the other way around and someone wrote that to you would you really take it so easily? Even if you did you know that most people wouldn't. It's common knowledge that repeatedly calling any person a fag isn't going to go down smooth. Particularly musicians that have devoted their lives in pursuit of their passion. It would be one thing if we knew you personally and even then it's a stretch but at least in that situation I could possibly side with you. I guarantee you that if an administrator reads this conversation they will deal with it in a very different way. My initial intent was to talk you down so to speak so that this didn't escalate but you kept pushing it. What do you think I get my kicks by getting into long exhausting disputes with members for no reason? We have too many conflicts in our real daily lives to carry it over into the digital realm as well.
  13. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    i think that was almost an apology, thanks i guess!

    and thanks for trying, but I already know tons about all genres and producing and recording, i have a pretty decent studio for a smuck! But I don't have any work for you guys to check out cuz I am a shitty writer. I am trying to find my niche on the guitar. If I ever get some decent songs together my band will be called #$@#$@#@%.

    So I did not need you to teach me anything, I already know, why do you think i am on audioz. You shouldn't assume people don't know about the genre just cuz they said something stupid. Just cuz I say something stupid about it doesn't mean I haven't tried it out. I just said that to be funny, and I didn't say anything I regret, it was all in good fun for me.

    So in retrospect, people are allowed to say whatever they want about music, and you shouldn't get upset over it, or feel the need to teach them or defend your genre. You can say whatever you want about metal and i won't get mad at you man. Just as I am allowed to say whatever I want about edm. It's freedom man, smoke it!

    Sorry if you got bent out of shape or I offended you. Lighten Up!
  14. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    And I really don't care, that is part of being adult, you have to be confident in what you do, and I wouldn't give a shit about what someone said to me, unless it was my mom or wife. Confidence. And you still can't admit you pushed it to the pissing contest, everyone else let it go. Diamond left, Wnz left. You wanted this way more than me! And I will never step down from a challenge. And its fun to call someone a fag, you should try it sometime. Ya fag! <No need to get upset, just having fun. Where I come from men don't have feelings and we just say dumb shit to see who can come up with the funniest lines. I won!

    And if I get banned, oh well, It would be nice to stay, but if I have to leave just to teach you to lighten up a little! It would have been worth it to me!
  15. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    PS Catalyst

    Since you can't see my body language, you shouldn't assume that it is automatically a serious one. If you think someone would actually come on here to do someone harm i think that is wrong. That is like guilty until innocent.

    I think it would be safe to assume that most people would be on here to have fun. So I think an innocent until guilty policy would be to generally assume someone's body language is happy, or joking.

    Like I said I wasn't in the EDM Lovers forum bashing edm. I thought I was in the possibly rock forum and wanted to make some people laugh, juboh, your welcome!

    And it wasn't exhausting for me, I was multitasking working on my studio pc.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I was trying to teach you something about life my friend not music. People can say whatever they want but you know this doesn't extend to everything. There is a thing such as a faux pas. I can be an extremely light person and I really don't go looking for conflict. It's just a rule on these forums that we respect each other. This isn't something out of the ordinary as it's pretty much the same thing anywhere you go. I'm not trying to defend a genre as much as I am trying to open your mind to the possibility that maybe you're wrong about how you perceive certain things. You can still be an individual and have respect for others, they are not mutually exclusive. Nobody is going to steal your band name. Since that message was written for me and I already read it you can feel free to edit your comment and remove the name.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You have to understand though that the admins aren't going to be looking at your body language, they will read those comments and at best issue you a warning. Many people would simply get banned though. And you can make a joke without having it be at someone's expense or if you feel that you must then don't push so hard. If you had just said: "I was just busting your balls" and then changed the topic nobody would have gotten so pissed. That's why it seemed like you were serious because of how you continued pushing. Then other people chime in and it becomes more of a battle than a relaxing time just talking about music. Bottom line is jokes like that are 99% of the time going to cause some problems so why risk alienating people especially when you're new here?
  18. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Again, I don't need you to open my mind, I know exactly what you are saying. But, my mind has been split open long time ago. I don't need to perceive things differently. I have respect for most all music and I have my own opinions and you're assuming that I haven't already been opened to contemporary musicians. I have and formed my own opinions already. You can't teach what I already know. Relax, and I didn't disrespect anyone that didn't do it to me first. Except Diamond. We have been through this already. We have already stated that gay could mean lots of things or just be a generic dismissive phrase.

    Maybe the point of this was for you to learn how to relax and accept that not everyone will appreciate your music the way you do and not everyone will appreciate my music the way I do.

    Take a deep breath and think about it. I didn't hurt anyone, some people just probably think I am dumb, so what. At least I made some people laugh too. So just maybe you should stop trying to blame me why no one has respect for electronic music. Its not me, I love music, I just love being a jack ass more, and I will never back down from a discussion.
  19. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You are the only one upset, everyone else left.

    And whose expense did I make a joke at, electronic musicians in general. You still can't let it go and still are trying to teach me something!

    And again I didn't push the topic, I just participated, you pushed it defending electronic musicians, which you still can't admit.

    I wanted to talk about something non edm which I stated several times, but you couldn't let it go! And I am not a quitter!
  20. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    can't take my name out of your quote