Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno music

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by poorlord, May 12, 2013.


Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno

  1. hands up (I don't make Dance/Techno)

    5 vote(s)
  2. hands down (I make Dance/Techno)

    1 vote(s)
  1. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    breakcore is quite easy.. but mixed with self producted hardcore kicks it is hard to mix the drums. and industrial producers are not limited to breakcore as they often finish their livesets near speedcore /terror.
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Industrial being easy to produce has to be hands down one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Industrial artists are masters of sound design and use of effects. Maybe crappy Industrial is easy to produce but good Industrial is not just like any other genre. *yes*
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I listen/produce more genres than most people have ever heard of. I'm sure all the members will be devastated that you wouldn't hang out with them ironically not knowing a single person here. I think that's called ignorance. You're not actually making any jokes, you're just being disrespectful so maybe that's why nobody is laughing. Nobody insinuated that you were gay as making accusations like that are apparently your field of expertise. And how hard your music is has zero to do with how much of a man you are. A real man doesn't feel the need to put other people down to make himself feel big. *no*
  4. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    nile is ridiculously too squared, the drums are too straight... necrophagist is good. but for the less i still listen i prefer grindcore (magrudergrind, blockheads). what i still appreciate as the first day is post-hardcore /stoner and sludge (neurosis, sunno))), electric wizard...) that i learned from gutsofdarkness.com

    but metal isn't more virile than everything else... all those metalheads wearing bands t-shirts and long hairs.. i think they're expressing their feminine side no ?
  5. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    do you really think you have balls and virility when you insult people behind a computer ? do you even think somebody cares ?
    is a "non EDM topic" meant to insult EDM ? is there a topic on AS to insult necrophagist and all those fags who play some power chords on a guitar to feel like a rockstar ?

    it's not an opinion, it is offensive.
    edit: you're offensive (first post of this page)

    they can be good musicians, they still can write bad songs, it is the same for progressive metal. excellent musicians, boring music. i absolutely don't care how fast a guitarist or drummer can go, i'm not spending my concert to watch him as a god. i appreciate a rhythm even if it is simple, because it is funny. that's all. you're the one here who isn't able to appreciate something you're not used to.
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Me too.. altho recently Ive been tempted to try some kind of 4 on the floor song. :dancing: :grooves:
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Well, I usually make Electro Death Metal [EDM], Trance Black Metal [TBM], Electro Gothic Industrial [EGI], and I just step the way Gene Kelly used to do, and only when it rains. :)

    Oh, and sometimes I make Death-Hop [DH], Minimal Electro Metal [MEM], and Electro Gothic Pagan Satanic Ambient [EGPSA] when I'm relaxed.

  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    tater01 and anyone else with a big anonymous mouth
    I really don't get why people are so quick to be hateful these days and this is coming from someone that hates people. If you don't like a genre that's fine, nobody is forcing you to listen to it. I don't understand why that's not enough and you feel the need to let everyone else know about it. Folks on Audiosex make all different kinds of music so you have to be ready that if you insult a large proportion of its members that there will be repercussions. It's like me walking into a predominantly metal forum and saying that all people into metal are just a bunch of long-haired gay mooks that have no taste in music. I'm sure that you wouldn't appreciate that so why do you think we would? Nobody is trying to control what you say...up to a certain point. Your right to say whatever you want ends when you're seriously disrespectful to other members. It's actually the first of the few rules we have here. This is a community and if you're not prepared for the fact that not everyone makes metal then maybe you would be more comfortable in a metal forum. My respect for the art of music extends beyond those genres that I principally work in. That's what comes with being an open-minded adult.
  9. juboh

    juboh Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    That is one of the best post ever!!! Well said, buddy!!! LONG LIVE ROCK N ROLL!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

    Like i said, from where we come from,...MEN DON'T DANCE!! WE HEADBANG!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    This is going to come as a real shocker but nobody cares about your standards for what you consider music. Really. *no*
    It's not that it takes no skill to make EDM it's just that the skills are different. You sound like snobby classical musicians when jazz came around. I make all different kinds of music and I am learning to play the piano but even if that weren't the case I still studied arrangement, composition, music theory, synthesis, etc. Do you know how to synthesize any timbre imaginable using Additive, Frequency Modulation, Spectral, Subtractive or Wavetable synthesis? Just because people trigger their notes with a MIDI editor, MPC or a pad doesn't mean they aren't musicians. What is a guitar or a piano anyway but a way to trigger notes with velocity? And by the way in order to write music for different forces (drums, guitar, percussion instruments, strings) you have to study each instrument you want to emulate and all the techniques used to play it. That is a very involved process that takes a lot of practice, study and time to get right so in that way it's no different than the time you spent learning guitar.

    Here's a video that makes some great points but I'm sure you'll be too busy making fun of the guy who made it rather than actually internalizing anything he has to say...the mark of a true child:

    You asked who doesn't make EDM not who hates musicians that don't play an instrument. Had we known this was a hate speech I'm sure most of us would have avoided wasting our time reading and answering this thread. I answered because I don't just produce EDM not because I was interested in crapping on people. Life is too short for that nonsense.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It takes no dexterity to play an MPC or a pad? Really? Have you seen some of the guys on YouTube? I am learning to play piano because I would like to play an instrument. If the power goes out you're going to be just as screwed as EDM musicians are. What about your amps, pedals, etc? Also I'm sure you've heard of Meshuggah and math metal (polymeters). They use guitar emulations in a lot of tracks and all the different methods of playing a guitar that you mentioned are included in most good emulations. You have to know what pinch harmonics are, when they're used etc. in order to use them effectively. If it's so easy then I wonder why forums are filled with people asking how to properly emulate a real guitar performance.

    Tater I'll just leave you with the words of a really amazing musician:
  12. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    my hand is raised. i do hip hop, rnb, blues, rock ,funk and blues. i also do sound design. and i know it seems like everyone here does edm :snuffy: i do listen to some but im an old drum and bass head. i can only make music reflecting where im from. so i dont expect someone from other reaches of the world to understand West Coast music this shit is much more than Dre and Snoop. I live in long beach california and trust me these streets dont sing electro tunes :excl:
  13. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    thanks hoodhendrix for a post on the actual topic of this thread! Unlike all the other edm girls in here!

  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You were actually EXACTLY arguing those points. You said that EDM artists are fags because they don't play an instrument not to mention a host of other insulting comments. You just don't want to hear that because then you would have to either admit you're wrong or come up with a valid argument that I haven't shot down. Don't like it, don't make it. Why does everyone who does have to hear your insipid nonsense? I'm not talking about me because I could give two shits what you think but out of consideration for the other people that might have read that and now might feel uncomfortable to share their music or talk about EDM. It's just so unnecessary and the mark of someone that is too insecure in their masculinity. *yes*
    I've noticed that those that really go out of their way to make commentary about how everyone is a fag are usually hiding something. :rofl:
    And do you really think I have time to waste coming over to some internet lowlife's house? Please. :rofl:
    You should go to bed sunshine it's getting a little late. Mom is going to be upset with you. And that video you thought sucked was Frank Zappa. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  15. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    you are right and i preach this all the time. I play guitar ,bass guitar, and keys. i went to washington prep high school which was one of the worst schools in los angeles county, metal detectors in school type shit. but we use to ditch school and hang out in venice beach and and hook up with white homies and listen to the doors and get high and pantera and metallica too. so i picked up the guitar and never looked back! but having that extra has giving me and edge over the average person who dosnt want to push further. it good to learn chords and scales and be able to bring exactly whats in your head to light. when you cant you look for happy accidents. there is a differnce between a beat maker and a producer!!
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You do realize that EDM is just an umbrella term for about a billion different genres right? People on these forums create everything from Blues, Dance, Downtempo, Ethnic, Industrial, Rap, Reggae, Rock, Techno, Trance and everything in between. Who cares what the streets sing? You're basically saying that because other people around you don't like EDM that you should feel weird about it or that you should at the very least feel weird about being open to it. Man I drive through wherever with my favorite Dance, DnB, IDM, Industrial, Metal, Techno, Trance, Trip-Hop (and any of a million other genres I listen to) acts playing and I would love to see the day when someone has a problem with it. Where you're from represents a mosaic of music from all around the world so don't act like you're limited. The only limits are the ones you're putting on yourself. Maybe hearing some EDM might get the creative juices flowing and you could come up with an idea that takes your music to the next level. Every piece of music is literally brimming with ideas, information and inspiration. As a producer don't you feel that you should be open to all of it? And believe me I understand all different types of music and I have tons of friends that like West Coast stuff. I personally don't but you don't see me sitting here and telling you that you're a talentless fag right? That's the difference between being a child and an adult.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's really cool man. I do think it is very beneficial to learn to play and that's why I am trying to learn the piano. I couldn't agree more with the difference between a beat maker and a producer and I personally say that all the time. I like to challenge people to step up their game and point out that everyone wants to know how to play an instrument but nobody wants to put in the time. However it's a big jump from that to everyone that doesn't know how to play is a talentless fag.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I didn't jump on him, I was simply being adamant to not conform to what other people or our environment expect of us not because I was interested in starting a conflict. Nothing could be further from the truth so stop spreading your hate and starting shit. If I said it in person he would not even have a chance of misconstruing what I meant. It was a revolt against conformity not an attack on HoodHendrix.
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You don't even know me and I make all kinds of music. I'm stepping up because you've crossed the line and I do it out of respect for the forums. People come here to learn, talk about music and interact with people not to be assaulted by someone's misguided views. If you really are so correct in your position then you have to wonder why even people that agreed with you thought that you went too far. Why don't we let the admins read it and decide for themselves?
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Anyone that thought that was the coolest post they ever read is easily amused and quite ignorant. And that's just from your first post. The irony of it all is that you're eliciting the same disgust towards other genres that other genres elicited towards your style of music in the old days. You wanted to know if people made stuff other than EDM. Yeah, I do. My drug of choice is Industrial, is that manly enough for you?