Raging Synth from Sample Diggers - FREE!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    When you need that fat bass or lead sound in your productions!


    Warm bass sounds and thick leads - sampled from a modern classic!

    Select presets in the GUI:
    The 10 original presets that we have created, can be selected from within the GUI for easy access, this is
    better than having to load .nki files, it means you can browse presets, whilst keeping your settings.

    Sampled by Pros:
    The synth we sampled for Raging Synth, was sampled through high end convertors and focusrite preamps.
    All samples were edited in Pro Tools 11.
    There are 3 samples for each note group.

    It's a taster of things to come:
    Raging Synth is our first venture in to building instruments and sample libraries for Kontakt.
    In the future we will be offering a paid version of the Raging Synth with more presets and features.

    - 400mb of samples from a modern classic bass synth
    - 10 presets, each sample 15 sec long, 3 velocity groups per note range.
    - Reverb and delay FX straight from the GUI
    - Works with the FREE or activated versions of Kontakt 5 +

    Raging Synth by Sample Diggers is available FREE!!

    More INFO: Sample Diggers | Raging Synth
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Tested this one now! Impressing how little you can get out of 400 mb samples!!!! The script is so limited and you cant play poly - right in the bin!

    Thanks for your head up anyway Dingus!!
  4. samplediggers

    samplediggers Newbie

    Dec 30, 2014
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    The reason it's 400mb is because the samples are 15 seconds long and there are 3 samples for each note range. The synth we sampled has phasing and other artefacts that we want to keep, so rather than using short samples that were looped, we decided to do it this way.
    The script is limited is because it's a FREE version of a premium product that we will be releasing early 2015.
    With regard to poly mode, just change the amount of voices from 1 to 32 and you have poly.

    The paid version will have 50+ presets, glide, mono/poly button, arpeggiator, multi filters and many other features which will be announced at a later date.