R2R talks on GONGGG release

Discussion in 'Software News' started by SomebodyIsHere, Nov 25, 2021.

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  1. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Let me grab my Violin so I can play a sad tune.
    Wine and Cheese to hear you Whining.....

    You are online with potential of Billions of Customers Worldwide.

    You and your family are not going to be homeless
    Nobody is "ruining your work" Quit being in Victim mentality.
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  2. adsasdasd

    adsasdasd Ultrasonic

    Sep 23, 2017
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    40°41'21.8"N 74°02'40.7"W
    Try before buy, you know...
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Uvi is always sending DMCA take down requests, so I would download as fast as possible.
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  4. Rahcoco

    Rahcoco Newbie

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I own some banks! I would like to share and get credit so i get the East West libraries. Where do I start and where would i upload to? Do i send directly to R2R? I just dumped all the keys, etc from iLok.

    **UPDATE: I contacted Olymoon**
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
  5. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    most of the time you will see an increase in sales, if your product is good, people will talk about it!
    Till today i didnt know you existed.
    I´m not Talking down or being disrespectfull.
    Your stuff sounds good and is failry priced, we had a few devs come by here, over the years!
    And most do fine:guru:
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
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  6. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    I feel you. Anyway, this is not the day that ruins your business or your income completely. You might even get new customers that never ever heard about your stuff before. You think that can't happen? Well, i give you an example: i'm a legit user of reason 10. I never thought about buying reason 12, as i thought it won't give me much more than i already have.

    Then r2r's cracked version came up. I've downloaded it, installed it, played around with it, got familiar with new functions and - GONG - made myself an early christmas present by buying the legit update.

    That sword has two sides, you know..
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  7. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Nobody, except you, of course...:winker:

    Jokes aside... Some times ago, seeing near all Kontakt libraries, including yours, were available for free via torrent sites, you moved from NI to UVI to avoid piracy, am I right? So please tell us how did you succeed to feed your family and yourself during all those years before moving to UVI, since all your Kontakt libraries were systematically pirated, huh?

    I understand your feeling, and I know there are more pleasant ones... but consider what's happening now like an opportunity of giant and free advertisement. It's only a one shot: UVI will soon change or modify the libraries protection and your next updates will be again uncrackable for years.

    And remember: if piracy was really hurting developpers, they will stop programming for Kontakt. All of them.
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  8. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Just a thought: a member here said that he will buy and share Vintage Vault 3. That's really great, but VV3 includes some libraries which are already available on sister site and some others which may actually be bought by other members. So to avoid double buy, it may be wise to stop buying UVI libs until this gentleman provide us VV3... or not.
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Anyone who wants to buy to share should wait until tomorrow. Otherwise there is a big possibility to buy something that is already in the oven.
  10. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    First of all - welcome! I am one of your legit customers and have your 3 products, they are great. I am also a customer of UVI, I bought A LOT from them (20+ products) with my hard earned money. And I am happy with these products. I would not be so grim because of these cracked versions - there are still MANY customers that will buy stuff - because they can afford it, because they want to support a company, etc. I know what I am talking about, because I work for such company that deals with ENORMOUS piracy (we sell digital content that cannot be protected by any iLok) and still - we earn for living.

    So, it's not the end of the world, although it can look as devastating at glance. I wish you the best. I will buy from you again someday, if it means anything for you. That said - I am not against the piracy, it made me a musician in the first place. If I would not be a musician I would not buy stuff, so - ironically - pirates made me spent tons of cash on legit soft. :)
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  11. acousticsamples

    acousticsamples Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I was 27 years old, nobody depended on me, had no mortgage, my sales dropped by 90% in a matter of days, and I worked 15 hours a day for 6 months to convert everything to UVI, then weirdly, as everything was protected, sales started to increase again...
    But anyway, it looks like people always have a better idea of what happens to devs than devs, piracy can (or cannot, even the big names fight it) be good when you're big enough to support the losses, at the time, I was not, and I'm quite sure It's still not the case, especially if ALL libs get available to everyone. But don't worry, I'm conscious that I'll not change anybody's mind here. Just imagine your boss telling you tomorrow that your work should be done for free, or not from now on, but that should damn well bring you more money later in their opinion and you'll get in what state of mind I'm right now.
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  12. BambooPestle

    BambooPestle Producer

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I have some open source projects, and i spend a lot of my free time to this. For free. So i understand how difficult it is

    But when you go into software business you should understand: you software can be cracked anyway and anytime, these are the risks that need to be laid initially.
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  13. visitor

    visitor Guest

    I would be happy to share what I have, but unfortunately can't log into my UVI account anymore :( It looks like what I have mostly got released though!
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  14. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Quit Simping!
    The developers are not going to date you
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  15. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    In reality, you were never going to get any money from 99% of the people who download from here anyway.
    Many will not even part with £10 to get faster loading times from a file hosting service, nevermind the £100 price tag you place on each of your libraries.
    I'm not sure about the free advertisement either. With so many UVI libraries being released all at once, the likelihood is that your library will sit on an external HD unopened alongside dozens of other libraries that users are downloading with excitement today but in reality will not have the time to do anything with most of them.
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  16. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I agree with you.
    Unfortunayely, as a trumpet player myself, your product is so good that most of my gigs were cancelled in detriment of your product.
    But joking aside, even 100 bucks is a lot of money in some parts of the world.
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  17. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Harsh, but true.
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  18. vuuru_keg

    vuuru_keg Platinum Record

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Hey man,
    Look i understand how it must feel and i do sympathize with you, i really really do,
    But allow me to bring up some notes for you, take them as you will -

    1) i bought PLENTY of plugins throught my music making journey, spent well over $5000 USD atleast - and 90% of the plugins i bought i cracked before, for a long time...
    In fact, i probably wouldnt buy them if i havent had them cracked... the cracks allowed me to use, and integrate it in my workflow, depend on them professionally and get familiar and appreciative for each brand/company, and i went ahead and bought the ones i liked when they had sales here and there

    2) you cant stop piracy.
    The best way to deal with this fact?
    M A R K E T I N G .
    There are plenty of companies, small (oeksound) and big (arturia) that thrive off of thei audio business.
    They build hype, engage with the community, and sponsor youtubers etc...
    Your job is try to make your audio business as piracy-proof as possible by NOT relying on copy protections (well.. sure that too) but on GROWING your audience and reach (just like a startup company/business...)

    3) Mac users :rofl:
    You forgot that the iLok cracks that R2R makes are Windows only!
    Mac users are more often paying customers since the lack of cracks in the OSX scene, and to honest, in my experience 98% of actual pro musicians (who do it for a living) are using a Mac... so that should be a positive note (for you...)

    Dont be discoureged by this, instead think how you can grow your business more with what you already have out there (i know its easy to say but hard to do, buy ay.. no one said its gonna be easy)
    Now ALOT of people are being exposed to tour products
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  19. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    What?..... is that what (you think) it means to be an aLpHa:trashing:
    If idiots like you actually new anything about Biology you would realize that
    We (Humans of this Gentic String) exist because the Moron Alpha was bread out!
    WE Exist because the sOyBoYS won the Genetic competition :hahaha:
    that's the difference between Humans and apes:bash:
  20. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    In fact that's the way most of all warez (except games and movies) go: they die unused or simply catalogued on a harddisk grave and never see the light again.

    I don't think the music industry will see many uvi-driven new tracks now.
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