R2R falling apart?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Caldera, Jan 31, 2019.

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  1. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    R2R is a bunch of thieves and nothing else, boys. Admit it. Yes, they provide you with stolen goods or the means to steal them. You’re grateful for the damage being done to your self-esteem and sense of fairness. They are poisoning your soul and making you weak, but you guys don’t know it. Yet.

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  2. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I've been waiting for Wazgedn to make some delusional political statement about the CIA being involved in this, but you beat him to it. :rofl:
  3. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Ok, that's enough. You made your points....
    ....now gtfo sissi!
  4. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Just wanted to quickly say I really appreciate that this thread is still up. The tone is a bit rough at times but it's been super interesting to read. In the past it sometimes felt as if these threads were either closed too prematurely, or that they would be removed completely. This is a nice contrast to that. It's great to read everyone's thoughts. Just as a feedback to the mods. (I know plenty of people might disagree with me on this, but I really love reading this thread.) This seems cathartic in a healthy way.
  5. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    "Mind" is a word that you should reconsider in the (pathological) case of our Cafenegro clown...

    Markus Krause, GET OUT OF THIS BODY!!!
  6. Friggy

    Friggy Guest

    Can this be edited into the first post and then lock the thread? That would be nice.
  7. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I love how you completely ignored my post and didn't even try to deny anything.

    Could have at least tried a little bit.

    But nothing. Now I sit here disappointed and bored. Going to download an r2r release and think of cafedingleberry as I do it.
  8. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    crack they brought into black neighborhood...
    ignorance like you guys is feeding the shit we have today....which meant ´kennedy' with gorillas in the night..

    i did jokin a lot here in thread...but bout massmurders i cant joke...
    usa is a police state...germany is showed as nazi volk in foreign media...ww3 stands before door..but you guys still think snowden info are theory...you want not kno...glad i got no kids cause i will make it but future will repeat but off a whole other level..you peeps cant even blv arteficial weather but thats nothing in compare what elite want to bring...i kno a lot here kno exactly what im talkin bout and what true but they open mouth not cause they get trolled and get called crazy...elite is fckn hard but you let youreslef polarized by dumbest shit against each other...
    when you take race shizzle out - left and right want same but they work against each other...for left wing a 10% from middle away is not right its nazi...and who did generate that in the human minds of this leftwing..its all their own opinion..no....its generated by media they consume... leftwing dont even kno trotzki nowadays lol..

    that cia crack thing is even in mainstream media leaked but yea just help elite delute info and spread missinfo...

    i kno society layers very well...society is going down at moment...and why cause media...ppl today have no values no honour but always talk from men of honour...dumb dumber with every generation....in 50 we have running man show...snuff videos are normal today...wtf...children watch snuff videos in highskool...wtf..and the other half can get to think a clear moment cause they are in bogie wheel all the time to get their livin..

    igonorance and polarization are the ones to fear most

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  9. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    no conspiracy theorys out there...only billionaires kartells...but you guys believin in forbes list ...its not funny...

    ppl get rights stolen with every year more...so much ppl died for it to get the right which get deleted more and more
    but you guys jokin bout flat earth and stuff just for keep head in ground..so you can sleep well...
    so you not have to kno youre own history.. handy for not seeing big picture...
    plastic food you eat..full off fertilzer salt and meat and beef full of antibiotica and hormons ..and then go to the chemikant called med doctor and cry bout sicknes 35 years to early

    chemo lobby is pharma lobby and also agriculture lobby cause artificial fert and high toxin pestizides...
    even the dumbest bodybuilder kno where glyphosphat is in but you guys sitting behind screen and no nothing bout today...
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
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  10. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    geez guys... R2R stopped by my place yesterday. They said they're just going fishing for a few days and they'll be back before the new Cubase update...
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I don't think that is a nasty comment, as a couple have. I think I can take the same position, and I think I have ... with myself.
    I've considered how engaging in theft of this sort might compromise not just my "morals", but might be destructive to other aspects of personality. "Poisoning" of the soul, weakening not just moral fiber but perhaps fiber of all sorts..perhaps even my sense of what i deserve in life...from life..from myself.
    For some that last aspect might not be so much a concern. If they are aggressive and demanding people, especially of themselves as well as others, a little theft of software to satisfy a compulsive hobby, or theft AS a compulsive hobby might have little effect.
    I'd expect many might not even have time for it, their lives being busy with other pursuits.
    Perhaps if I had been more serious about making music, or more serious about theft, I would have achieved a lot more...
    My name might be well-known in Billboard. Or by the parole board!
    But I can't make a decent connection between my actions and my sense of fairness, except statistically as one more source of download numbers that might motivate others to engage in this business. I was keenly aware when i signed up in recent years , of a difference between my role now and back when it was all usenet. My participation is evident in statistics to those who might care (if they do, for their ego, or in some convoluted way "for the money"). It used to be statistics of bandwidth only my ISP might care about..but I guess that was before GIGAsampler, let alone Kontakt.
    Anyway I do think I see the points about compromising integrity, and understand it works at the subconscious level as well as the conscious...
    And who really knows the effect for a particular individual?
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  12. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I clicked Nasty because for me it's untrue. I have literally bought everything I try. And no I'm not better than anyone else because of it, it's just the way I operate. Sure I've broken the rules of what a true "demo" should be, but Karma is balanced by doing exactly what Radium all the way to R2R wanted ...A true "try before you buy" scenario. I couldn't use warez for what I do in RL anyway, I would have been busted long ago.

    The "They are poisoning your soul and making you weak" comment is also too "higher good/source/God" preachy. As if Cafenegro has the higher moral ground above everyone else, and is actually perfect enough to state these things. Sorry Cafenegro, no matter what the case, I'm pretty sure you've sinned before. But no matter how I operate. I respect everyone here, and the choices they make with their life. I also don't have the right IMO to judge anyone for the decisions they make within their lives.
  13. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I agree. I find a lot of comments annoying, but really...it is my reaction that is the annoying thing. The comments are just words ;)
    I try to take what's good and leave the rest, and in attempting that I have found a lot more worthwhile in what appeared at first to be "bad" by my own first judgment (reaction). FINAL judgment is not always the same as the first, if one can get past the first.
  14. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Oh yeah I smelled Jordan Peterson's cologne in the air when I read it. And as i replied as well, because I think Peterson makes good points.
    It's Peterson's CONCLUSIONS (ALL CONCLUSIONS) that are suspect. Those conclusions are the (as Peterson would say) "low resolution" view.
    Those conclusions are the grand generalizations, with the potential for all errors to be compounded. They are often FINAL JUDGMENTS, after which no further evaluation is deemed UNnecessary and usually end with:
    "So, we [YOU] SHOULD DO ________________ ".
    It is pretty obvious when it's put as what other people should do, so when i do it I try to be more vague :rofl:
    It is why I wear a cat disguise.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  15. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    It’s quite simple, actually: my actions put me in a higher moral ground, indeed. I do not steal or condone stealing.

    For a very simple and selfish reason: I do not want it done to me.

    I have hopes of one day writing a hit song and would not want the fruits of my labor and sacrifices to be stolen from me. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

    The “i’m Just trying before buying” excuse is transparently dishonest. Not to mention it conveniently ignores the simple fact the owner of the stolen goods is severely harmed. So are his children, wife, family. It is his food, his life.

    How would you feel if R2R came into your house tonight, took everything you own and gave it to people who don’t want to work or pay for it?
  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    HAHA @wasgedn . It is right and good to be suspicious. There is a lot of conspiracy and a lot hidden from view.
    But the worst and most dangerous is often not what is organized and concealed, but the open and obvious actions of millions of individuals taking bad decisions, moral and otherwise. At root is is not the people in power but the people who gave them power...and those like myself who so often simply LET them have the power. ("ALL it takes for evil to triumph...").
    But the suspicions must not be too much the conclusions. We must be skeptical of our suspicions.
    "False-positive for threat" is our evolved human condition, and it is a good thing...but it has unfortunate side-effects, too.
    Who to trust? No one to trust? How to decide if we can trust and who?
    Skepticism has tools that help in that way. To help determine who can be trusted, to what degrees, in what ways.
    Often it is not a matter of trusting another to "do good" but to do predictably, in order to guess what WE should do.
    There must be SOME trust in SOME authorities ... some consensus (and scientific is the most dependable, although that only helps to inform about moral issues and can not GIVE a "what to do".)
    Skepticism helped me shift from an increasingly cynical path to a more balanced view.
    Oh, I am still cynical. Some things deserve cynicism, but others deserve an almost childlike enthusiasm.
    It is good to have both :bow:
  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You mean R2R are socialists? Perhaps communists?
    But I get what you say, and in this you may actually HAVE the higher moral ground.
    You actions are support for that, and there are many laws written to support that higher moral ground.
    We can't claim all the lawmakers to be immoral or else we are in deep doo-doo.
    I stand guilty as charged, not for monetary profit, but at least for profit of my compulsions.
    It is after all, why I wear a kitty disguise.
  18. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Conversely, what about those who have spent so many dollars on software that proved less then useful and we're never able to even start a family or eat food sometimes as a result? They should starve just to have given away money to unnessessary programs? And if you write a hit song it will get bootlegged a lot also.
  19. Slaking_97

    Slaking_97 Kapellmeister

    Jun 18, 2017
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    In the STUDIO
    Let's put it like this: if you're a small programmer or company then get your stuff cracked and so public is helpful to spread your product, it's basically free advertising, since the cracked stuff spreads around very quickly. Do you think Serum would be where it is now if it wasn't cracked? I don't think so.
    If you are a big company and you already do marketing and stuff like that then you don't care much about your stuff cracked, because you are indeed a big company, you can reach a larger public and also more people that would buy your stuff.

    That said, groups like R2R and related do what they want and the cracked stuff that is out would be out even if just a few people used cracked stuff, because they're not earning anything doing this and so they do it in their free time.
  20. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    When I mentioned "Sorry Cafenegro, no matter what the case, I'm pretty sure you've sinned before." I wasn't just implying "stealing" :wink:.

    It's not "my" excuse, it's what I do period. We very much differ on this subject, and this is my last post about it because we both use the freedom of choice to decide what we believe is right and wrong. And neither of us are going to change our minds, this this will go on and on and on and on, and back and forth and say another million billion words about "why we believe what we do or do not do" is right, or wrong, or blah blah blah ...well, you get it :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2019
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