R2R cracked Acustica, I just can't believe it

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by justwannadownload, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Sounds totally exposed to me and he don't know what to say like a little child. Anybody that knows how programs work will agree with R2R, and that the bullshit he is telling is not true by the Way the best Acustica Stuff are the 3rd Party ones inmo. Spying on User what they have installed on their PC and baning the Account is a no go inmo. Best Way will be if you own legit ones deinstall all and install R2R, if the performance is better stay with it and nobody will sue you because you got a legit Account.
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  2. Blickbard

    Blickbard Ultrasonic

    Jan 20, 2023
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    go ahead please
  3. Tai-San

    Tai-San Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    AA lost a lot of goodwill over that Modula fiasco a few years ago, too. I was never clear on the relationship between AA and Quantica, which was the one offering Modula, but they promised a remote server infrastructure to offload the plugin processing, among other things. People were excited to buy it at the special "introductory" offer of $599, down from $999, supposedly. A few months later they reduced the price (permanently) to $99, leaving a lot of the original buyers very unhappy indeed. Now it's basically abandonware. The server thing never materialized, and the Quantica site has vanished.
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    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    at RuTr4ck, exist a bundle of 4gb but it has a trojan x_x
  5. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    I have no use for acustica stuff either... However, acustica has always been put on the "uncrackable" pedestal by many in the community along with 20-something protools and UAD. IMO, this paves the way for many more useful additions to the R2R catalog in the future.
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  6. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    not op, but my experience.

    Salt - incredible sounding EQ where you can select, Neve, SSL, or API per band.

    Ash Ultra - insane clipper. Emulates many top notch analog clippers. Lavry etc. gets things LOUD without sacrificing quality.

    Fire the Pan - interesting little box. Its simply a panner. Emulates panners from different consoles etc. It sounds gimmicky, until you do a mix with your daw panner, and then the exact same mix with Fire the pan and compare the two . Night and day depth and stereo field.

    Gold 5 - Neve emulation, covers a 5 or 6 different eq types, a couple compressors and pre amps. All sound great

    Green - Mastering grade EQ, i forget which one it emulates, but it sounds incredible. Very transparent.

    Ivory - Mastering Suite. - Eq sounds great, MB compressor is very powerful, very punchy yet transparent at the same time. Limiter is an added bonus. Punchy and loud without squashing transients too much.

    Jam / Pumpkin. - Saturation suite, emulates a variety of analog saturators. Pumpkin is dual stage, and you can really push it for sound design. Good for heavier genres like Neuro bass, edm, etc. Jam is the same suite of saturators, but single stage and includes pre amp emulations. More warm and smoothe compared to pumpkin

    Sand- SSL suite. 3 different ssl eq types, preamps, and SSL compressors.

    Ultramarine - Fairchild suite . Has the compressors of course (better than uad's or especially waves). Also has some pretty interesting and unique EQs. Bonus it comes with a smooth lush reverb

    Blond - emulations of rare vintage italian gear. Binson Preamp section and EQ is to die for.

    Cherry - newer "mastering" eq. Punchy, smooth, transparent or pushed. Extremely versatile, lightweight. sounds incredible.

    Tiger - King of compressors, has many different emulation types within. Very versatile, lots of control. From smooth glue comp to punchy slammed parallel comp.

    Ocean - MB processor. MB comp, saturation, and expander. different emulations within. Great for modern loud genres.

    Theres plenty more, and honestly all the suites have something to offer in terms of color or variety, but these are my favorites.
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  7. Deuterium

    Deuterium Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2021
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    I havent demoed the new Acustica stuff yet but i also think it will be a big anti-climax

    Yea their GUIs are mostly fairly nasty, like fake synthetic sugar tastes

    I also am in agreement that its disappointing to see greasy Acustica appear for download rather than softube updates, but this giancarlo guy has an ego the size of italy, love to see him humbled and his bloaty, badly designed DRM exposed to the world

    Well done squeezing as many euros as you could out of some static hardware impulse responses giancarlo, shame you got so stuck up about it, stuff your super techsupport where the sun dont shine and write proper software + proper manual pdf
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  8. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    If there was no piracy, prices of all these tools would skyrocket, as they were, amount of marketing that still tries to convince you that you need their magic tool is still high, all the tools that aren't available for everyone's proper demo-ing have much bigger value and hype, so I'm glad they take all that unnecessary edge when they release even better working cracks. People felt like royals when UAD was expensive and wired to hardware, now when it became Waves for masses, most of it is gone, special club thing got pale, now many can see how much clothes king really have and in case of proper crack, everyone can actually test that without hype or anything, trying to justify the expense or feeling special.

    True testament of quality of plugin and service is when you buy it nonetheless to award the developer, even if you could use it for free forever and actually cracked version wasn't lacking anything, how many of developers can pull that? Not many...

    It's funny that most of these protection worried dev's are the one that don't really deserve your money, always on the edge of support, always pulling some shenanigans to milk more money, delivering half baked products, ditching development too soon and etc.

    Vote with your wallets, don't fall for special club stuff, take your time before you hand your hard earned money to someone, observe their ways, it's not that hard to differentiate between them, award the ones that deserve that, they decided to do things differently, their copy protection is weaker and that's no reason to punish them buying only plugins that aren't cracked, point of warez is try before you buy, not buy what you can't use for free.
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  9. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    I have a lot of plug of them but i felt to had one of the worst experience compare to other ones, heavy and cpu hog
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  10. Rawx

    Rawx Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    I spent a lot in these plugins (I've approx 55% of reduction now..)
    I've worked with some very high end units, and I can say that for example the Fearn VT4 sounds the same as the Acustica plugins it's really crazy.. Yes there're CPU hungry, you can load them with Audio Gridder locally just to dispatch the load on several cores of you CPU. Remember that in mostly DAW, a track + the master is only on 1 core, and when a core is in overload, all your session falls..
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  11. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I don't care for Acustica, but I really dislike the CEO, so I'm glad that R2R destroyed them xD

    Over 10gb protection stuff sounds like some paranoid mental disorder, holy shit.
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  12. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    With many new to this tech, you must learn to properly gain stage when using them or you'll get weird distortion because this is advanced dynamic IR tech, so the samples adhere to analog dbVU standards and not digital dbfs, which leads to much user error and many thinking they distort. Unfortunately AA does a piss poor job educating the user base, but this video will help explain it better.

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  13. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I was a AA customer that believed the fact that the CPU usage, the size and time to load were part of the vital function of the software. But it's just a crap ton of protection. And now Giancarlos show up on a internet forum THREATENING legit customers, saying he ain't doing shit to change that whole sea of crapiness that AA is based on instead of trying to fix something for the good sake of those who wanted to suport the company. I'm willing to get my account deactivated as if was burning his shit in front of his eyes, and if he tries to sue me or threat me like he did with other people i will ask him to come in and take a dinner. Oh yes, Giancarlo is going to destroy my life... As he says. But he says a lot of things... That mostly aren't true.
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  14. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Some of them can sound pretty decent, and might be fine for someone doing mostly mastering on a stereo track, but are project killers in CPU heavy mixing or production contexts. They are basically CPU hogs, hard drive hogs, and screen hogs. Who wants to use a subtle preamp plugin that takes up a third of the screen when half of the interface is massive meters that don't even work well?

    I was intrigued again when they came out with the Fire clipper plugin, but they totally lost me crowing about 1024X oversampling without a way to have separate settings for real-time and rendering!
    There was a comparison posted on GS showing it using 50-240x the CPU as StandardCLIP with both using 64x oversampling since the later doesn't process silence and can drop to 2x while playing back.

    Many users agreed it was a needed feature which the developer acknowledged, but over 18 months later it's still not there and they release another clipper with "the world's best" 1024x oversampling.
    Later in the same thread there was an A/B test with the really old Event Horizon clipper which it wasn't able to beat despite using 50x the CPU. In the past I've bought many of their plugins based on the initial hype, but learned my lesson and happy I skipped this one.

    With the current state of pure algo plugins and new ML approaches the competition is steep which makes putting up with bloat, bugs, wasteful DRM, and threats harder to stomach.
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  15. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    What makes you say that the protection is responsible for the heavy CPU usage?
    The impression I got from the NFO is that the protection bloats your storage drive space. Not CPU.
    I think people have misinterpreted. I'm fairly sure the CPU usage is the same with both legit and cracked
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  16. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    If you have R2R Framework it will reduce the CPU, instead of Acustica's Framework (both available at the setup) as stated on their setup instruction. I tested FIRETHEPUMP and consumes way less than legit. So... a big no. Legit will consume both space and CPU (drastically space and a piece of CPU)
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  17. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Did you read the NFO?? R2R said they cracked it not yesterday but in the past, but kept it internal that the Developer does not change Protection to get more Plugins :winker: By the Way these releases are not only cracked they are rebuilds which is very impressive and Way harder to do than just cracking.
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  18. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    I still would prefer algorithmic greats like ssl, vertigo, mcdsp though.
  19. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    Remember when the ceo came on the forum saying he knew it was cracked... They must have done it last year
  20. daval

    daval Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2023
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    can't wait to see their next releases, been refreshing the sister site all day
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