R2R 2023/2024 AA Guides, Bug Reports, Issues & Fixes Megathread (WIN)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Stevie Dude, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    interesting, so the amount of issues being reported could be because many of the releases are trials and the trials are not maintained like the actual releases.
  2. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    In Studio One the nap works on all format. In Ableton instead, the Vst2 format has "true bypass". Not AU, not Vst3. In Ableton In fact I tend to use, especially for the heavier virtual instruments and dynamics processors, their corresponding vst2 versions.
  3. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    I'm sure the answer is yes. Many releases have only 44 and 96, so trials...
  4. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    Mac are Trials, Most are trials at 100%. I will confirm that.
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  5. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    These are all trials but it is not really a problem. I do not have Aquarius any more but if some one does if you search a product in Aquarius you can compare the release dates with trials and official and most of the time they will be the same. Which means most trials are updated and current, but some are definitely not. If someone collects that information it can help clear up some things. Also make sure to pay attention to the date when the R2R was released because maybe some updates have been made after that date. So I would not worry so much, unless you work in 48 or 88.2, then maybe there is some worry.
    Maybe you need to pull your wallet out. :mad:

    For free this is a fantastic experience. Although some of the presets and the menus seems to be buggy I read, but the actual plugins themselves work as they are supposed to, in the supported sample rates anyway. My computer can not work in 96 or 48 x2 OS, so I just do 44.1.

    Comparing the performance with the R2R versus the few that I had official I found the R2R experience to be the most superior. Knob actions are even smoother and there is less lags in general in a production and mixing scenario. I strongly suggest you to follow the advanced method and install the R2R framework + install all the things that they suggest, such as the Intel framework thing they provide. I was really impressed by the work of R2R but I'm also kind of mad at the devs. I thought the plugins could not be improved! Boy was I wrong..

    Also use this in cmd to set path when using the advanced method (R2 framework) I suggest (this was shared by someone else, ty to the community):

    setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework"

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  6. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    added to main thread, waiting for confirmation. Thanks.

    I'm still drafting the Installation Guide and few other topics, it didn't feel right to me just yet, I don't fully understand the whole thing but once I do will include that for sure.
  7. Boreios

    Boreios Kapellmeister

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  8. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Just collecting opinions about this matter :

    1. PINKEQ @ 48kHz no oversampling (PIC 1)


    2. PINKEQ @ 48kHz 2x OS (PIC 2)


    3. PINKEQ @ 48kHz NO OS 15kHz Shelf. (PIC 3)


    Look at the highest frequency range, for PIC 1 the filter is different from the PIC 2. Im wondering if that thing bothers any of you. As you can see on the PIC 2, with oversampling the anti-aliasing filter is smooth and cut off the frequency range, dip in nicely as it should.

    I did a simple listening test with no move on EQ just turning on one of the EQ band module, PRE off, on a simple acoustic drum loop with closed hihat. There's a different, I won't call it slight different because it affect the hihat overall tone, it's better with oversampling, tighter of course.. That filtering will also affect the high-shelf shape (PIC 3) and it didn't look perfectly smooth anymore.

    So, what is your opinion about it ? Obviously it's the wrong sample rate artifact but will you tolerate it, or it wont matter much to you as long as you can't hear it ? Or you think it doesn't worth oversampling just to get perfect filtering shape at the end because the DAW will have its internal filtering for it anyway. Mind you there's a difference in sound, well obviously because it's not the same curve.

    I keep seeing comment on people at AZ that "it sounds fine for me at 48kHz" suggesting no OS is needed. There's a truth in there, especially if you activate the usual API bandpass on the EQ but well.. the picture above is the difference result you'll get with or without OS assuming no other funky filtering happening and the PREAMP sound integrity isn't compromised.

    Me personally, I don't. I go oversampling, I like it smooth. I mix with my ear but will always verify it with eyes if I sense something.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
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  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    It's not clear there on the thread. It seems like user requested the Stereo-Linked behavior but AA just said it is fixed but not stating what is really fixed or added. So only a legit user of Ultramarine 4 can prove it. Okay, before I add to the thread, can you 100% confirm it is doing Stereo-Linking behavior both on the audio and meter ? Or anyone else can confirm it. @No Avenger or @shinyzen @johnwhipper @Barncore @hackerz4life any of you have Ultramarine 4 legit by chance and check it for us ?
  10. Boreios

    Boreios Kapellmeister

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  11. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    exactely, people used to the original machine usually say that are very different

    anyhow, I tested (R2R version) myself this Ultramarine 4 bug, and it is there: it doesnt compress as stereolinked. But the questions are:
    1. how to put in stereo link? I mean which should be the button to push? lol on UAD version is clearly stated, here there's nothing even on the manual, or at least I didnt find
    2. that C-LINK led should be only to link-unlink THE CONTROLS, but shouldnt influence the stereo-linked-compression, there should be a different button...to link-unlink the compression and tweaking differently the channels are 2 different games
    3. at the end of the day in the manual they talk only about the C-LINK, so only about the possibility to tweak differently the channels NOT ABOUT THE STEREO-compression-LINK! (see attachment pic 1): is the Manual "broken" and not updated as well? lol


    now I add a screenshot from the manual, VERY HILARIOUS:
    "try the trials! they are fully functional version of the commercial products"

    1. I wouldnt protest against the developer, because in the Manual there are no statements that you can have the compressor LR linked: I assume you cant, and stop
    2. the way I use this plugin is PERFECT FOR ME, because I'd use it only as unliked compressor at 44,100:
    thanks AA :like:, and thanks R2R! :bow:
  12. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    AA manual for the Josh Gudwin's Magic Flow :

    :deep_facepalm: wtf is this
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  13. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Bit of a late response here, but i just checked. I own 6 of the AA plugins that are in the "missing 48k + 88k" list. I can confirm that my legit versions do indeed have 48k and 88k included, which further suggests to me that the R2R releases are from the trial versions.
    These include: Pink 4, El Rey 1, Diamond Transient, Ruby 2, Coffee, and Cerise.

    That pretty much concludes it for me. Unless something changes and R2R is able to crack the full versions then i will choose to stay legit. I can't rely on the janky trial versions.

    Agreed with this. A lot of people here are reporting bugs as if R2R are the plugin makers. These are bugs that Acustica are responsible for, not R2R. The bugs happen in the non-cracked versions too, especially the trial versions (which get less bug fixes and optimization updates than the full versions). We should just focus on the sample rate / frequency pack issue imo, or the thread will get way too convoluted and R2R wont touch it
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  14. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I wanted to see if I could recreate the sonic mojo that PINK4EQ gives you using a different API 500 EQ clone so I looped a MIDI drum groove and played it through 3 tracks with these plugins:
    1. PINK4EQ(T) preset #4 (48kHz)
    2. PINK4EQ(T) with identical settings hosted in BlueCat Patchworks with 2X Oversampling (96kHz)
    3. Plugin Alliance's Lindell 50 Channel plugin using the 50B EQ set to 16X Oversampling
    Here were my settings based on the #4 preset:

    Here were my matched settings for the Lindell 50B:

    To get them to match as close as I could get just by using my ears, I added a slight EQ boost at around 50 Hz, a dip at around 2k Hz and a high shelf boost at around 7k Hz:

    Here are the resulting waveforms in comparison:

    Here are the Ableton Live 11 CPU usage meters for each track:
    We already knew PINK4EQ(T) has major CPU spikes @ 48kHz but at even 16X Oversampling, the Lindell 50B performed very well. No crackling, and no lag.

    The current version of R2R's PINK4EQ(T) is overhyped and underdeveloped. There is really no reason that it should be the plugin you reach for when you want that API EQ sound when there are other options. Maybe the true retail version will perform better but the CPU usage alone is an absolute deal breaker and knowing I can get sonically pretty close using a more stable and more reputable API clone plugin with a very low CPU hit makes the choice a no brainer. I could have performed this test at 44.1kHz, compared a full mix and used EQ Match to get even closer results but this comparison was done quickly and casually so that anyone could do this and I also wanted to see the results using 48kHz since that is what I use.
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  15. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Yes, most of them but if you look at the list for the KNOWN ISSUES, those that I added are all could potentially be crack related or trial-based related.

    1. Amethsyt is having trouble to produce sound for selected preamp at 48kHz and 48kHz x2, that could mean the something wrong with the vector file decryption, because everything working at 44.1kHz. Hardly feels like a factory bug.
    2. Gold is oversampling issues, but could be it couldnt access the 8X vector, the files are there. Or could be trial limitation, because it didnt crash the plugin internal processing, rather not doing anything, but just giving the 4x OS, if the OS itself is failed or the vector isnt there, the plugin will mute.
    3. Coral's issue = clicking presets doing nothing, ain't no way that is a bug for legit for product that old.
    4. Coffee is meter problem that was reported fixed on the legit, but since the crack is trial based the problems is there. A crack from legit by R2R will likely fix it.
    5. crashing in windows 7, is likely crack related, but that one not confirmed, just posted it for verification.

    I carefully selected them and make sure it's within R2R capabilities. All those trial product crack problems, can be "fixed" by R2R if the source is full commercial releases.
  16. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    None of the plugins I've tested/used ever crashed Reaper on WiN7.

    And sorry, I don't have Ultramarine, but I suppose you got that linking problem right.
  17. Boreios

    Boreios Kapellmeister

    Jul 19, 2022
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  18. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Decided to test Jade 2 EQ and fresh released maagEQ4 from PA.


    Very different results, but 1 question came up. AA plugins with same settings has a higher volume in 96k SR (in plugin doctor).
  19. Boreios

    Boreios Kapellmeister

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  20. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Oh. Right. I forgot about that -18...
    BTW that 40k high shelf even with turned ON preamp on AA work different. The only thing I didn't like was the +/- 0.5 dB step in maagEQ, Jade2 got smoother regulator knob. Both are good but Jade eat more CPU ~0.55%, maagEq ~0.03% :)
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