R2R 10k

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by keyone1a, Aug 31, 2021.

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  1. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    And Dear Daddy!
    Tell everyone that I have nothing to do with you!
    And the crackers too! (I am not a reverse engineer)

    (It just looks like it's a game of bad actors ...)
    Although I'm just helping, on the side of both fronts.......

    So - you or Giancarlo)
    Or are you the that girl I think)

    Now very epic situation is happening ............... ^ ^
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  2. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    No, it doesnt look like any other UVI products will be released on the sister site now that UVI have been Blacklisted and removed from the site. I assume that is other sites have read the R2R challenge/game to upload, that more might appear on torrent etc, I dont know.
    Im just wondering if we will get East West stuff if UVI are not there anymore.
  3. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    historically it doesnt matter, if they crack it and release, it would still go on sister site anyway for a few days (until the DCMA hammer comes down), different products. doesnt matter that its the same team.
  4. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    or I am just a guy from Russia with a single account on this site :")
    sorry for not meeting your expectations :")
  5. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Thanx soo much!

    I hope the AA Garcarlo account is not yours

    OKAY Vasya..... :"0
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  6. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    of course not :) I would never have been able to imitate his trademark manner of communication.
    Besides, if it was my account, then I would argue with myself :D it would be very weird even for weird Russian people :D
    As far as I remember you said that you moved to Russia...
    Ok, Yuzuki :"0
  7. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Yes, I have been in Russia for a long time, and I am not Yuzuki...
    (I don’t know who this is, and I’m a guy as I said)

    But I don’t know who you are,
    or I don’t understand ...))

    If you disagree with my attitude towards A.A and Giancarlo,
    then you are ignorant of a change for the better.

    Sorry.... ^ ^

    Also assured by Giancarlo (If you are not his double) he wrote it:
    As you can see the release has already taken place)

    The crackle was already announced offstage.
    Although I think it might take some time
    and we won't have time to get it for Christmas.....((
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  8. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    тогда ты должен знать русский язык хотя бы немного, не так ли? :")

    very interesting )

    I tried to find some of the most common Japanese name, since you called me the most common Russian name :")
  9. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    I know Russian very well, and I also know Hebrew well))

    Forgive me for calling you the first Russian name I came across :D
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  10. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    None of this is any fault of R2R... they can do what they want (or not). The problem was the vagueness led to speculation (expectation). And there was definitely some over-estimation of UVI/Falcon (and even East Wests) stuff... most people who partake in the 'sister site goodness' couldn't be less interested in archaic soft synths and endless sample packs even if they came with free money... well we'd take the money and delete the shovelware trash off our precious SSDs fast. Sorry but nothing UVI, Falcon or East west based is better than MUCH better already 'released' alternatives.

    For R2R the point was they finally did it... and congratulations, that's why the do it... to do the impossible and feel they achieved something, not to make us happy. BUT some of the wording on that early release was vague enough to almost make pseudo promises that we'd be happy (go get new drives for all the space you're gonna need).

    I dunno, I just think it was the BIGGEST HYPE R2R have ever put out, for a product (no fault of R2R just the product itself) that is underwhelming and uneeded/unwanted by 90% of people who make music or visit these sites.

    While I'm here, as someone who mentioned UAD being 'cracked', A. I mentioned it as a hyperbolic way of saying now THAT would be massive news (due to it being tied to hardware and implying it would be FREE of the hardware via DSP emulation or whatever... lots of hard work sure but.. wow you did it! HERE'S YOUR HYPE because it was a whole set of plug-ins tied to hardware). B. That wasn't to imply that I think UAD make amazing plug-ins, some are OK some are trash. In fact I think often because UAD are limited to the chips capacity to get the best/low latency etc from the plug-ins that they have even cut corners with many plugs to enable them to run on those shitty out of date DSP chips. I didn't mention UAD because I personally wanted them. I'm more than happy using mostly Softube and some PA (and obv some others), and thank R2R massively for their last GIANT WAVE whenever that was, when we got softube and tons of other stuff.

    They didn't hype up that giant wave as much as 'big gong' so some of us, perhaps wrongly, assumed big gong was gonna be the blow-out to blow-out all blow-outs ;) i.e everything we'd always req'd but was locked behind latest iLok or other shitty DRM. Yes even including the stupid Nebula based plugs that care more about their rendered GUIs than their operation/sound faults/work flow... again not because I have any interest in using ACQUA plugs (massively over-rated and clunky) but because 'freeing them up' would be a massive win against that company that has treated it's customers like criminals or money trees for far too long, and also from a technical standpoint it would be R2R flexing their cracking muscles against a complex DRM that isn't 'just' iLok... I think/hope doing that would bring R2R some fun and achievement, and I'm sure many would have liked to try the plugs even if I personaly have little interested in AA or UAD... it's kinda 'big gong' worthy.

    Like some have posted here, the earlier weird hack for latest PT ultimate did get hopes up, because they had obviously been looking at it. I can't use it cos it doesn't have H.E.A.T and some other missing features that I use every day in Audio Utopias 12.5 HD (still going strong for years and better all round than any of the other DAWS I used - for mixing editing and recording... esp in tandem with a 24 fader D-Command ICON... you just don't get that level of feel and focus with other DAWs (and I've tried/used most of them)).

    So PT 2021... softube latest, PA updates, Soundtoys (never had AAX released!), cubase for those that like it (It's my second fav DAW then Studio One), most of those things that have been out of reach for a few years... these are some of the things a BIG GONG had people thinking...

    It may have been cooler to just say 'blah blah big gong something sample/synth related' to stop speculation, but ultimately R2R don't have to care about what we think or need and that's fine. Am grateful for all they've done, but sycophantically attacking other users on here who express their thoughts on what they thought 'big gong' meant is kinda pathetic no? Like you all wouldn't lap that shit up if it dropped on the site tomorrow? It's far more daily usable/interesting than YASS (Yet another soft synth/sampler) or a ton of space wasting shit that we already got better via Kontakt or w/e.

    Weird thing is though that acustica was spooked, iLok had a service update not long after Big Gone announcement etc... it's like THEY knew or thought something was going on, so there's always hope... but safe to say... wave > gong in R2R terms so far.... but the best drop of all time was still Audio Utopia's tsunami back in 2015. :)

    Yes, I understand this post is a giant essay and most won't read it.. but for me, rather one long post every six months than 50 posts a day in circles like some so bare than in mind when the inevitable insults and pot shots about the length and content of my post come in (btw I never read replies on here to me - it's not worth it) Those who agree will understand, those who just wanna 'fight' will fight anyway, inc their shadows.
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  11. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    Wow! I'm impressed by his reaction.

    он говорит, что стараются использовать AI... но пока это приводит к тому, что компрессоры в аквах часто работают не правильно. Например Camel. Лимитер в Camel совершенно точно работает не правильно. Можно сравнить с версией для небулы от Петерика. Эта давняя проблема, некоторые его компрессоры работают нормально только на сжатии 3-4 дб.
    И помоги ему решить проблему с чирпом, раз он решил тебе хорошо заплатить ))
    А вот по поводу линейных фильтров полностью с ним согласен. Пре-ринг - действительно не нужен.
  12. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    but I guess he won't work with me,
    I'm just Cabbage :")

    Who wants to deal with the bad guy?
    and also a lot of tasty buns for the user of the illegal version ... :D

    Although he knows what we have,
    but for me the benefit is only in gaining full power over the project,
    it would be nice. (it's not about money)

    besides, the guys from the stage,
    they may understand me incorrectly ....:"(

    But I will try to do something
    If they give me something
    (Although I sometimes find it easier to start from scratch)
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  13. L.8100

    L.8100 Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    People talk too much. Regarding releases: Best idea, enjoy the show, if there’s something you like, give thanks, if not stay quiet and move on. Whatever expectations one may have understand they are fabrications of your mind. No one owes you anything. You shouldn’t expect anything regardless of what a NFO says.
  14. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    ты не против, если я буду отвечать на русском? На русском я печатаю в 10 раз быстрее и лучше излагаю мысли )
    История знает много примеров, когда компании шли на сотрудничество с плохими парнями. Правда в том, что они долгое время не могут решить некоторые проблемы. Например проблема с чирпом. Это когда при повышении гармоник (input trim) начинает вылезать лазер верхней середине на графике в plugin doctor. Петерик единственный, кто решил эту проблему, но поскольку они с Джанкарло поругались, он не говорит как её решить. Из-за этого во всех аквах АА занижают изначально гармоники и все плагины звучат стерильно.
    Наверное я зря всё это, пишу так как ты наверняка сам это всё знаешь.
    Я был впечатлён твоими комментариями про плагины АА. Обо всех этих особенностях знают в только те, кто давно пользуется небулой.

    буду ждать с нетерпением ) Но мне кажется некоторые проблемы можно решить только поработав вместе с АА... хотя я не знаю всех ваших возможностей )) Вам бы ещё в команду Петерика )

    Вот бы сломать новый NAT, чтобы сторонние разработчики получили его и имели те же возможности, что и официальные разработчики )
    Просто мне очень нравится как добросовестно работают Петерик и Капвайз и жаль, что у них нет тех же возможностей, что у ребят, которые пошли на сделку с Джанкарло.
  15. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    @ us1095067 -

    I will try to resolve these issues soon,
    and also discuss all this with Giancarlo, not everything depends on me.

    About NAT: You can use the NAT3 version which I will give you later, it also works for N4, but with many limitations
    (Perhaps you have NAT, but no matching sessions)
    Giancarlo hid it in his conversation!

    We also already have a SDK - on the basis of which in the future we can independently (Without Giancarlo)
    Dev-p a copy of N4, which will probably be better than the original and have great functions ...
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  16. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    OH MY GOD!!!

    Да, Петерик и Капвайз как раз делают всё в NAT3 для N4. А Макс (azzimov) даже научился делать в нём скины с переключением программ кнопками, хотя Джанкарло в соседней теме говорил, что у неофициальных разработчиков нет такой возможности.
    Что касается ограничений NAT3, то одно из основных ограничений из-за которых мы постоянно ругаемся с Джанкарло - это не возможность загружать одновременно несколько программ. Например одновременно все полосы эквалайзера.
    Если с помощью вашего SDK вы сможете сделать так чтобы обойти эти ограничения... Это будет революция!

    Кстати, а в IK Multimedia Tapes используется что-то типа VVKT? Они пишут, что испльзуют dynamic convolution
  17. HammerTiMe

    HammerTiMe Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    Guys, stop spreading false information. UVI has ALWAYS made the DMCA request on its products, but it doesn't mean anything about upcoming releases. UVI has always acted this way, so stop fake news.
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  18. Voekit

    Voekit Producer

    Mar 29, 2020
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    They are processing the UVI library that they have purchased or supplied, which will take a certain amount of time, and they are currently unable to approve any UVI release request.

    In addition, UVI continues to issue DMCA to AudioZ, which has already started a long time ago.

    Uploading EastWest products is not an easy task. R2R released the smallest EastWest Space, but HollyWood Opus requires about 950 GB of space. This may be one of the largest releases in the entire scene in decades, (if the dream comes true) , I think R2R may first bring StormDrum (incl.GONG) or Silk (for Asia - R2R from JP), both of which are one of the cheapest products that R2R refers to.
  19. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    950GB for one library??? Whilst I have the premium download account and the spare disk capacity, it would be obscene for me to have that thing sitting on a drive for the odd occasion just to try a different string phrase as a backing track on one of my projects.
  20. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    To be fair, that’s all sections, solo instruments etc… Spitfire BBCSO Pro is 650gb or something.
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