R2R 10k

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by keyone1a, Aug 31, 2021.

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  1. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    My personal opinion, the gong hasn't even happened yet. Falcon was just the player warming up the gong by gently rubbing the mallet against it.
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  2. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    tbh, i'm grateful with whatever they released to (kinda) end the gong... considering that a lot of stuff is fucking expensive hahahahah
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  3. rage

    rage Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2021
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    I was just being a sarcastic ass. r2r are the only releases I trust, and any plugin I need to make the music I make, I already have, mostly because of them. Cubase would be cool, but Im good with what I have. So...gongs, sleigh bells, tinkerbells, whatever, Im a happy fella.
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  4. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    imagine if they are working on bricasti :D
  5. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Well, if that's the case, it's really interesting
    Because it has analog components on board, as far as I know... :"D
    mostly DSP, hmmm
    (If you're talking about reverb)

    (If you are an MС1 D\A converter)
    I just laugh and you look like it too
    ...................................................... :"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2021
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  6. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    of course, m7! As far as I know, it is SHARKs ;-)
  7. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Sorry - how many accounts do you have on this site ?????? :"D
    I understood who you are :")
  8. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    which can take years to make as stable and usable to the public. the motorola emulation (virus synth) took a few years and it was monocore-based, so they not only have to reverse the sharc processors (which are multicore processor if i'm not mistaken), but also all the other ones that can be on (as uad, which not only has sharc processors but also arm processors)
  9. jksixfour914

    jksixfour914 Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2015
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    New York
    All I know is if some of yall greedy bastards were my children, you would be saying "thank you, I'm looking forward to the next release" instead of crying about not getting what you wanted yet.
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  10. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    you revealed me... Yeah, it is me, Giancarlo Del Sordo.
    Thanks for not hacking me this year. We are planning to release Silver С which is sampled from Bricasti M7 and I'm worried that you will ruin my entire marketing strategy if you release Bricasti in native
  11. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Sorry - this is impossible
    We just bent over one of the huge Indian condom companies!
    And now we are completely happy to fuck with all of you at any time ....... :"D

    Here Giancarlo has already joined us!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2021
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  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Look nobody is perfect...
    That said I doubt anyone does not understand a developer sticking up for the worth of their product but apparently you sent notifications to your paying users threatening them?
    Isn't the whole point for anyone selling anything to encourage their paying customers, their clients, not to threaten them?

    Security is a state of mind. Just like anyone, you have tools at your disposal. All threatening people does is create estrangement with your clients and in any forum community you will either get taunted, abused or laughed at.
    It no longer matters how anything is protected. SONY tried a revolutionary ID hidden form in Compact Disks a long time ago and were ordered to take it off because it breached every privacy act under the sun gathering user data surreptitiously. You suggested scanning people's computers. It is pretty much the same thing on another thread. This is why you got so much shit.

    On this site are a mixture of people - People who buy anywhere from 20%-90% of everything they have on their system. They buy what they use all the time. Sometimes what they do not use they forget to uninstall. There are people here who buy a few here and there, or only the DAW and a few and some nothing, and then there are a handful of major loser freeloaders who get sorted very quickly that ask people for their logins and passwords to shared sites because they are too lame and worthless to spend even $5 so they can download software they would have to spend money on.

    The WORLD is full of these types and no country is exempt.
    You had a good product with Nebula. The third party developers wrote some really great emulations. You have probably done yourself more damage with legitimate users than you can possibly imagine.
    Threatening your paying clients, the ones that supported your invention is the worst thing you could have done. Forget the hackers. They have existed since well before The Internet and will exist well past when anyone on this site is dead.
    Hackers who abuse hackers, paying people who abuse paying people and developers who abuse the trust of their clients and threaten them deserve all the shit they get.
    You fucked yourself over to put it bluntly Giancarlo.
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  13. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    There is more redacted than the North Korean gubment in here lol

    I'll never be somebody that complains about anything. If it's not a tool you like after demoing, delete and move on. If it's not a tool you want to demo at all, then don't bother mentioning it. It's simple. I see no reason to poo face.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  14. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    I've been attacked for years, in every way possible, and it's hard to keep my nerves together after investing so much time and work.
    My point of view, if you want to go the route of using cracked software, that's fine, but you will not be able to use our service under any circumstances.
    Our software is complex and requires constant maintenance. It also requires user support in many cases, and requires constant updates.
    Our updates are incremental, our prices are now very low, and our support has practically zeroed out tickets, which means that all of our installations are working, or in the worst case we have made a refund in case of a malfunction, or we have found other ways to solve the problem.
    So, I turn my reasoning to the user: if you can do without all this, there's no problem. On the contrary, by binging on updates coming from the internet with no user support, no continuous updates, he will come to the conclusion that he needs to have legitimate support.
    I say something very basic. if you don't have these issues, then you are not a professional in the industry. An industry professional cannot afford to sit idle, or not open a song when work towards a client is involved.

    Also, as I said we're planning to release something really special. Silvers С it's not just any ordinary Bricasti M7. It is sampled from the unit that Manny Maroquin is using. It sounds different and better than other m7 because it is a rear vintage unit. You will get the exact reverb that Manny used on countless hit records. If R2R has hacked old Aquas this new plugin will definitely not be in their release. Аnd you definitely want to have one. So don't use the cracked version and you will be happy
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  15. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    I wondered why no new UVI had been posted in the last 24 hours
    and now I see that all the others are gone too/
    I wonder how this will affect the East-West Uploads.
    If R2R looks on the sister site now they will think nobody has uploaded any UVI libraries because there's none there.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
  16. angelmtz8a

    angelmtz8a Newbie

    Jan 18, 2014
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    really? they can´t upload anymore UVI products?
  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Look Giancarlo, to repeat myself nobody objects to any developer selling the merits of their software.
    The objection is threatening your user base and people full-stop.

    It comes across like the old John Wayne movies where two gunman are having a duel and one has their gun out and instead of firing, starts talking.

    You have good products. Worry about what you can change, not what you cannot.
  18. No Doz

    No Doz Producer

    May 15, 2021
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    this comes across fairly petty. i'm a professional in the industry and if any of the software i was using "required constant maintenance, updates, and user support" it would no longer be software i was using, full stop. i don't expect those issues from cracked software, let alone paid products with a legitimate license. talk about sitting idle on a client's dime

    that being said, i'm sympathetic to your position and i wish you the best. may the merits of your work speak for themselves
  19. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2021
  20. us1095067

    us1095067 Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    Our products continually require updates because they can improve.
    As far as feeling like you have an unfinished product, we have a period where it happens and it's in the first month of product release.
    For example, we found bugs with the Hillbert shifter (math error, fixabe) in the Pensado2 version and we plan to fix it tomorrow.

    Also, we have plans to release not only reverb based on the unique Manny M. bricasti unit. We also plan to sample the Serban Genea channel strip. Everybody knows that he uses the Metric Halo channel strip but it's not just any ordinary channel strip. It is an old vintage plugin and we will sample it. You will have exact same sound that Serban used on countless hit records.
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