Let this sink in: the Motorola DSP's are also very old, even more so in some cases, more than a decade! The Virus B was released back in year 2000. That is 21 years ago. With the DSP563xxx emulator that Ayahuasca and others have been working on - it still takes lots of cycles on a x86 CPU to emulate Motorola DSP instructions, even though it has been optimized for some time and the DSP's are older than the SHARCS. You can probably play one sound at a time out of 16 multitimbral parts with the emulator (my guess, not a fact). Also, the Motorola DSP emulator can not run one plugin instance on multiple cores. That is why you can only run like one or maybe two instance of Virus B/C on the latest CPU's (Ryzen/Intel). *If* SHARC DSP's work about the same way, then you could probably only run a limited number of instances of UAD plugins, if they work like Motorola DSP's, I doubt the number of instances will be high enough for it to be really useful for mixing a real track with only UAD-plugins. I would say anyone who compares DSP emulations with game console emulations probably doesn't now what they are talking about. Consoles are built so that game developers can do releases on multiple consoles (well, some consoles were hated by game developers since conversion was really hard work). Personally I never said it was impossible to emulate, of course it is! But emulating game consoles/computers with much more x86-alike architecture is probably very different from emulating DSP's - as far as I understand from reading about DSP's, including the things that has been written about the Motorola DSP563xxx project. Of course I can be wrong, and the SHARC DSP's are a completely different story than the Motorolas. @Ayahuasca might be able to have some input on this topic.
Without turning this into a technical dick mearuring contest.... I'll say this. My analogy about game console emulation was to simplify the concept for people who have little or no concept for understanding the world of emulation or coding, let alone what is possible (or probable) from a technical standpoint. Also the motorola dsp emulator is a WIP. Eventually, with some refinement it will run various instruments just as well as any other VST, it's only a matter of time. I think you underestimate what is possible, and what possiblities dsp emulation up in terms of actually improving on what are considered limitations of the original hardware being emulated. I wont waste time to go into the technical side of why you should not assume an emulation will inherently result in less than steallar results, but I will sum up my stance like this: how well an emulation works is not always directly related to the physical limitations of the device being emulated.
Well it was quite recently actually. But I guess it wasn't his first scene offence, from what you are saying! I mean, he's only just been banned I think.
What happened to TEAM R2R? https://audiosex.pro/threads/what-happened-to-team-r2r.30348/ @ArcticStorm wrote: "i watched this thread for a while and it seems nothing worth comes around."
Correct me if I'm wrong but: 1. R2R/RET never said "something big" in the sense of "hasn’t been beaten until now". 2. "Beefing up security" is done AFTER the protection has been cracked. Best exemple: u-he. As a dev, you can't modify a version which is already officially released and thus in the hands of crackers. You can only do it with your next update. 3. The 8 Terabytes HDD confirm that "big" means "a lot". 4. "It is very rewarding for us to "do it right" " That's clearly a wink to AiR and their Syncrosoft emulator. So maybe they cracked Cubase, but again it will be a "first" only for them since H2O then AiR did it before. Conclusion: forget UAD and be prepared for an incoming big wave of updates (and maybe some good surprises like Cubase/Sonnox/Soundtoys...).
I agree with TNC. Several words about SHARC and possible CPU overload: in my opinion the key is difference lays between RISC(pre-intel apple chipsets by motorola, motorola's DSP, SHARC, etc) and CISC(x86) architecture approach. By the way ARM is RISC. You can google it for education and details.
The beefing up though, surely in 3 months a dev that hasn’t been cracked would rush out updates and change some of how the protection is implemented, then the people that download wouldn’t have the “latest version”, and given how people moan in comments about there being a new version out, that would kind of rain on the parade a little?? Again, was just a statement about why I don’t see it being 3 months until it happens. I do agree though that it’s probably going to be a slew of Cubase / Pro Tools and Sonnox stuff.
Let me give you some numbers, An I7 7700K can run 6 instances of the Virus C with no issues (probably more), we also have members of our Discord with Ryzens that way outperform these numbers A quote from a member “with the Ryzen 3950x, I can launch one instance and use 16 parts at will without any inconvenience, and I can launch two instances for a total of 32 parts without sound loss.” In regards to UAD, the difference is that the Virus C is very hungry and needs a full core pretty much, with the UAD plugins they use a lot less resources so you would be able to run multiple plugins inside of a single core till you fill it, then move onto filling the next core Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
You're right, but... top plugins (those we're all moaning after) are already finely polished for the most part of them (otherwise they're not "top plugins"), so developers are going to have to seriously rack their brains to find not only enhanced protection but also exciting new features that will justify to update. And three months seems to be a very short delay for doing so. Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
I wish they release the updated Roland Cloud with the latest plugs (606, among others) and the remainings Softube Modular modules ;-) All that UAD / DSP emulation is interesting, but R2R is a cracking team, not a development team. Cracking UAD plugs, why not, but we will still need the hardware so it doesnt really make sense. Cubase Pro is still the highest potential surprise to me ... Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
The devices have powerful DSP processors that calculate special plug-ins without noticeable delay. This makes it possible to use first-class amp simulations, legendary tube preamps, compressors, equalizers and much more without having to lift a finger on your own computer.
Um no, this is slightly backwards using the DSP *adds* way more latency than native plugins, because *each plugin* has to additionally buffer audio data to the card, then return it to the host once it's been processed. You *can't* use UAD plugins in your DAW in realtime, compared to native, because of the latency problem. If you buy one of their *audio interfaces* with built-in UAD DSP chip, they've built in a way to use their plugins *in their own audio software*, outside of the DAW, to track through in realtime low-latency, but this is not the same as using the plugins in your DAW. Hmm. Yes, but on my UAD2 DSP I can run something like 5 instances of one of the Brainworx plugins before I'm out of resources, yet on my ten year old laptop I can run 50+ of them, as an example. The load benefits might be good if you have a triple octocore UAD system costing around five grand and a ton of UA plugins, but I'd rather spend that money on a heftier computer that can run way more stuff. The UAD DSP is old, slow and outdated compared to anything running natively on modern machines...
This UAD craziness remains me the NEXUS 3 hysteria. That shit is now available since months but doesn't prevent current mainstream production from being even worse than before...