Push Maschine Integrated (kindasorta) Full Video Tutorial

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by thethirdperson, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    -I wanted to be able to use Ableton Push and the Maschine interchangeably.

    -Push as a step sequencer/Maschine for its pads.

    -Push for it browsing capabilities especially in regards to one shots/Maschine for its drum kits.

    -Most importantly both of them output as MIDI into Ableton for triggering as scenes, WITHOUT having to constantly screw around with Maschines MIDI OUT settings every time I change a Drum Kit.

    Well, after literally months of what seemed liked utterly failed attempts at trying to sort out the steps to figuring out a workflow/workaround that hadn't quite been made yet. I finally achieved what I thought might just be impossible nearly two months ago =)

    Around that time I also provided a text outline on how to get these same results on NI's Maschine forum but perhaps in my hasty excitement I was a little too hasty with assuming that everyone would be able to configure it in the same way, since my explanation only outlined the steps on how to achieve this setup using the template files that were provided for rather than being able to build it from scratch.

    Well, I was going to get around to making a video eventually but a few weeks ago when I started seeing the teaser for Maschine Jam, it's integration with Maschine and how similarly the workflow seemed to work to the one I had figured out for myself. I realized the importance of being able to let the END-USER decide what workflow best suits their needs and that a similar configuration already exists possibly with a MIDI-controller they already have.

    I'm definitely not claiming that it works exactly the same in relation to a controller that hasn't even reached the retail-market yet! Perhaps it introduces some really innovative features that convince me that I need to get it. Honestly, I'm really hoping that is the case!

    So, in lieu of all that, I created a full length video tutorial as well as a full length text file which outlines all the steps from beginning to end on how to recreate the exact same configuration I achieved. I also created multiple versions of the project in Live 9.6.2 and a project within Maschine 2.4.0 as well as a document that hopefully provides a quick and easy way to achieve the setup assuming that you're using a compatible version. http://www.mediafire.com/download/hv3kd5jof8j2tr3/Push+Maschine+Integrated+(kindasorta)+Template.zip

    The only thing this setup requires other than Live and Maschine is a virtual MIDI port. I use Tobias Erichsen's most wonderful (as well as free for private, non-commercial use) app, loopMIDI for this tutorial. (it can be had at http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/)

    However, I also know that the same results can be achieved with loopbe1 in Windows as well as the native IAC Midi driver built into OSX.

    Either way, be sure to read the iNFO file as it will be sure to answer most if not all questions you have about this setup. I will also do my best to continue to update it as I find out more about stuff.

    I really hope this workflow provides you with as much ease, fun and efficiency as it has me. Of course with all the frustration I had to experience to get there omitted =P


    feel free to get in touch:
    [email protected]

  3. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Also, if you already have an account on the NI forum (especially) or Ableton forum . . .feel free to give the threads in there a bump and if you can think of some way to start some kind of organic dialogue or controversy. That way others can get engaged with it.

    Reason being that this particular workflow from what I can understand is very similar to the workflow integration between Maschine Jam and Maschine controllers and I wanted to let the END-USER decide what works best for them. Not to be suckered in by another unnecessary possibly even redundant controller with flashy lights because they have closed off the MIDI routing in Maschine so much.

    Especially when considering anyone might be able to achieve a similar workflow with something they already have and something that will work for cheaper. Even cheaper when considering that the market is totally flooded with cheap used Push 1 controllers. Also I'm fairly certain a similar workflow can be achieved for even less with a launchpad. I just don't have access to one.

    Time is of the essence when considering that it will be released in a a little over a week. I'm not going to post the direct links but it should be easy enough to find since they will be named something similarly ;)

    Currently this is the only forum I frequent and I kinda got rid of my social media accounts for the time being so . . . I'm counting on you AS Fam <3
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
  4. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Lastly if you have any other ideas for places that might work well for outreach feel free to shoot me a PM and let me know =)
  5. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I would like to see this in action.
  6. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Yeah, I definitely have got that in the works and I have film major friend that I'm hoping to get on board with this but with his work schedule and my school schedule it's hard to get things to happen on a schedule. Also I don't have a camera and couldn't figure out how to get the audio out of Ableton in my screen capture software. If anyone knows how to set that up and could guide me through it, that would definitely be most helpful =)
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