Pulled the trigger, got Amethyst III

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by ed-enam, May 16, 2017.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I was already salivating for Cobalt, now with what you wrote - since I know you beta test - I'm just going to get agitated waiting for it to come out :crazy::rofl:

    Yeah it sounds dope. But what's up with the compression then, because it's core9, it should be up to the latest AA standarts, right ? They didn't resampled it ?

    Amethyst EQ I find gives you more precision (so I would call this one more versatile, but it's true that A3 offers less models) and it's very smooth, it's a mixing tool. Gold gives you more color, presence, it sizzles, better for channel, imo. Gold does offer more pres and 2 comp models. They are very different beasts but they complete each other. That's all IMHO, of course. I find that Lime is a good go between, not as contained as A3 but more restrained than Gold. It's true that there is a continuum between those (and Navy), it's funny how R.Neve manages to be "present" (sonically) through those different designs, through time and its different work.
    In a way that's where I find AA also really succeeds, you can have ten different tools, the eqs will all be different, bring really awesome nuances according to which you choose. It's true that that can be a bit something that takes time. I've spent a lot of time lately running different materials through the different tools I have from AA, just for the sake of it. I mean first I got caught by the liveliness of it all, it's not sterile as algo that's for sure. But also each tool gives you its own ability to color the color. Each tool gives its own unique meaning to the cuts, the boosts the adjustements you make, making it so that even if you compare (when possible), do similar adjustements, you always end up with the unique results this specific unit (originaly the hardware that was sampled) can give by transmiting its unique properties to your material in addition to the adjustements you are making. Choosing which tool you use becomes then as much a technical choice as an aesthetical one, not only regarding how much you boost/cut and at which frequency and what that will do to your material but mostly in relation to how the particular tool you pick impact the sound by its own unique recreated physical properties that translates into sonic mojo.

    I always feel a bit like a painter with AA
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  2. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Yes sir, as Rupert aged his design goal was clean, his Amek work is very close in sound to his current RND sound.

    From thickest to cleanest......
    Vintage Neve - Gold
    Post Rupert Neve (1975-2000) - Lime
    Focusrite - ???
    Amek - Amethyst
    AMS Neve (2000-today)- Navy
  3. skinbeater

    skinbeater Newbie

    Jul 27, 2016
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    I bought Amethyst today and it really sounds great and the metering on this one appears solid. I am thinking about picking Gold up too in presale. I'm told there might be some 10% off Gold coupons floating around? Would appreciate a hookup. Thanks!
  4. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I contacted the guy, and he replied asking for some info and then I never heard from him. I just decided to go and buy A3 without his "hook up." It's not that much money anyhow, but it's not nice to be left hung to dry. He must have run out of coupons.
  5. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    To me, Gold and Amethyst are different beasts from the same stable. I think Amethyst is the more versatile of the two. Gold imparts its color more stridently and that more obvious color may not be what's needed in every situation.

    One could illustrate a sonic picture with Gold's strong hues and Amethyst's subtle shading...
    Personally, I like to paint with more than one family of color. I think the creamy Neve thickness, warmth and smoothness contrasts well with the edgy silkiness of SSL. The two compliment each other well IMO. But it's all subjective - no right or wrong.

    So I went for Gold to compliment Sand despite Amethyst offering me a more robust and efficient workflow. :yes:
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  6. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Ok, I actually contacted @SoundForSoul on his FB page, and he instantly replied. Then he directed me to the respective dealer who gave me discount code. I don't know if he likes it if I give you his FB contact, but here is a link to all the dealers. Find one who is representing your country and try contacting him.

  7. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    I got some members pm-ed me wanting to hear the mixing I did with Amethyst but I was reluctant because in no way I am expert in writing or mixing. I am still hesitant but here is my rendition. No way perfect, nowhere near able writing but I can only say that my samples indeed became alive and in the hands of a skilled person, the results would even be far far better. I never had this end product with my digital plugins. Here, I used full strip as well as individual components where I thought needed. I also used TAN. I do recognize some of the inaccuracies in writing and automation but no will to get back to it as it was an experiment. Strongly recommend this plugin to those who are into acoustic instruments and orchestral/cinematic genre.

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  8. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    it sounds great @ed-enam >>> dont worry bought the automatic mix advise you receive in this place it just seems to come natural for some lol>>> ive posted a few unfinished tracks for some to hear but Never one time have i been lookin for any kind of Advise \m/ The Main reason i dont share much of what i do is i dont feel the need to do so >>> but in My Opinion Great work on your side :wink: sounds pro to me brother \m/
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  9. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    The same reason why I was reluctant!
    Much respect brother. You and some other guys are my influences here on this forum.
    Peace and love to everyone!
  10. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    To date, I've tracked only with hardware. Anytime I've attempted to track through plugs, the latency was horrible (probably DAW buffer), and I didn't see the benefit to ironing that out as any effects I could add can always be added later. Some like to track with effects. I prefer to record flat, and do my tweaking later.
    For mixing, my chains vary greatly dependent upon the source material. For vocals, I haven't got any really expensive mic's so I will run the track through several of the Olonga Mic Presets and chose which one I think matches the track best. I don't run through the AA preamps as I've got my own hardware preamps, but lately I've been running through the Gold Strip as the final effect in the chain. I haven't used the eq or compressor for vocals (yet) as most of that had already been done using algo compressors with the HO Mojo Presets in Nebula.
    I don't usually run my vocals through tape. I really haven't experimented with that yet. Guitars, especially heavy guitars go through tape usually.
    Probably not much help here, but it's hard for me to say use this, then this, then this because the chains vary from track to track.
    I suppose a future experiment for me will be to attempt to run Gold as if I am running through a console via plugins, running the strip on each track, bus, and on the mains. I just haven't felt each track to be in need of the MOJO that Gold provides.

    For EQ's, I've been using algo plugins mainly for those as well with the exception of the Massive Passive in the Olonga offering. This may change moving forward, however, because I find the EQ's in Gold to be quite musical sounding.

    So I guess you could say that my workflow is an ever-evolving mess of plugins, each trying to achieve that sonic bliss that the track is calling for. In two months, if you were to ask me this same question, you'd likely get a different answer. I think in the sound/production department, one must embrace change!
  11. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    Thanks Bro ! back atcha ! good talkin to you always \m/ >>> and i wasnt bashing anyone on this forum cause if anyone is looking for advise this is a great place to recieve it >>>>alot of great producers on this forum >>> but the KEY WORDS are only if you looking for that advise lol
  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Any advise I've gotten here, then applied to my work/project/track has only served to improve it! There are many knowledgeable and helpful people here!
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  13. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Yes, of course no disrespect to ANYONE. Everyone takes time to give you advises and suggestions deserving utmost respect, but my reason is mostly being shy because of my own incompetencies! I have also gotten some really really pro advices from you, @Von_Steyr, @n0xin, @superliquidsunshine to name a few apart from what I read on here. This forum is an awesome place where I have learned so much from EVERYONE. My gratitude goes to all members.
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  14. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Kind words my friend>>> i have alot of respect for you and your humbleness \m/ the peeps on this forum too :wink: i dont consider myself Pro level at all but just like i used to do Playing Music for a living theirs Really no difference in what we do then the ones nationally known making the Jack $$$ :winker: They just make a better living then we do doing the exact same thing :bleh: HAHA... Real Talk >>> i started out as a working Musician writing and playing music/gigs to make a living>>> and i did Block and Roofs on the side >>>Hard work \m/ Then i met a guy had a studio i started working in on my free time learned much of what i know from Him... i applied that to recording my own band and wen the music scene started taking a downfall here in the U.S. gigs got fewer and fewer with less money attached to the Bill >>> so started buying up Gear setting up a studio at my house >>> i built my own studio and ive been doin independent artist ever since >>> its not Pro Level but Now Days its pretty comon way for most producers... i make a descent living doing what i love and im content with it cause i could be out on some Roof somewhere Breaking my back like i did wen i was young \m/
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  15. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Im with you 100% on this @digitaldragon >>>ive been known to voice my opinion on many Mixes posted here aswell lol >>> but i can tell if someone is looking for it or not \m/ over the years of coming here ive learned my fair share of new tips and tricks aswell from others posting their ideas \m/ thats what i love about what we do is the constant learning journey of work we do>>> their is always Room for improvement on anyones ability and never a Finish line in site haha >>> we just keep on moving with the music \m/
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  16. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    You are a positive vibe on this place @Jaymz. Always smiling, always constructive. We have yet to learn a lot from you my friend!
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  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    IMO the song writing here is excellent, mature sounding.
    A lil bit of EQ tweaking is all that is needed here.
    You have grown a lot since the last time i have heard your stuff.:wink:
  18. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Sounds like you love it, keep it up! All it takes is the right artist to find you and boom, so keep doing what you love as anything is possible with love involved.
    I spent many years working some very tough physical warehouse jobs to make my dreams happen. I respect your path, it sounds very similar to mine, thanks for sharing.
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  19. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Thanks Von, you are right. Will keep in mind :wink:.
  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    100% bro! 100% \m/ its the Love for it and the struggle that comes with it that keeps me moving forward \m/..\m/ i wouldnt have it any other way ! >>> I remember how it was back in the day to get a shitty sounding demo on a tight Budget Vs the quality results we can achieve now on the same Budget with a computer and some good plugins :wink:
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