Processing and layering leads

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by alkos, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. alkos

    alkos Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Hello fellow producers,
    as the title of the thread already explains I wonder if you guys can share some tips about layering an processing lead sounds.In every project I just cant seems to get the lead sound that I would really like.. its missing something its not "rich" and "full" as I would like it to be.

    For example follow the link below to Tiesto & KSHMR - Secrets project that they shared on splice and solo out the main lead.I wonder how can you achive such a clean and "full" lead sound.Take this just as a example.

    Thanks for your replies,
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Sometimes it can be interesting to layer a bunch of things that sound different from each other (tone, timbre, harmonics, etc), aswell as making their amplitude envelope all be different (one sound has fast attack and another has slow attack, etc).

    Sometimes you might want to layer in several different octaves, and further filter/process each layer so that it all comes together as "one sound".

    Sometimes you can only have one synth going, but layer/blend/mix it with the (all wet) reverb from a different synth playing the same chord/melody/whatever.

  4. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    I had a similar question a few months ago and found the answer on Splice dissecting the popular tracks. Luckily in this track the main lead is still in midi. You should disable all FX on the Master, disable all FX on the Synth bus ("Drop Synth" bus) then solo the main lead (make sure to turn down your volume because this track is very loud). One by one, disable the FX's on the main lead, see that they add/remove from the sound, think about why they were added/used in they way they were, all the way down to the settings used in the synth. In the reverse order, add them back to get a better of understanding of how the sound was built. Do the same for the other supporting lead sounds.

    Next, listen to the main lead with and without the supporting leads. Again, think about how the support leads help the main lead sound fuller. Especially pay attention to the processing of the supporting leading, EQ and volume mostly - how it was carved and blended with the main lead.

    Finally, start adding back the FX on the synth bus one by one doing the same analysis on the technique and use of FX. Also don't be afraid to mess with processing to see how the sounds change. This is the best way to learn - hands on.

    You do this multiple times, especially with the many good projects on Splice, you'll see patterns and learn the techniques well, better then just reading tips we can offer.

    P.S. Do this process for each track and bus. You need to understand how the lead was shaped to sit in the track with the other elements. A good lead not processed to sit well will end up sounding like crap.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  5. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    FYI. A pattern I see in KSHMR splice projects is the use of saturation on almost every individual lead part. Subtle saturation combined can add a lot of 'richness' and 'fullness' to leads. This really helps my leads a lot.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  6. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    On that "main lead" its has a ton of reverb. I'd say its a Nexus preset (basic one at that) and judging by the names in the other projects it is.

    Sometimes I record 1 sound. Bounce it down to audio x3. Then process 3 bands differently. Like distortion on one, saturation another and delay on top band. Cut the frequencies of each competing track and the results are always more interesting than the original sound when blended back together.
  7. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    Did you open the project? It's Sylenth1 with a Vandalism preset. :deep_facepalm:
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  8. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Obviously not Sherlock :bleh:
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