Pro Tools AudioUTOPIA first time users

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by Rhodes, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Hello everyone !

    Guys, post some impressions as a first time users about Pro Tools, so the developer can read some comparations with other daws from "rebel" users, and not here only the useless crap how great it is from the usual legal customers that have to find a justification for themselves why they spent a thousand bucks.

    I think the developers could use some blunt unbiased reviews from guys that don`t give a "thing" about how much a daw costs, or what an industy standard is; but are rather interested in things how good or practical and intuitive it is.
    What the new generations of users thing about it...

    (I apologise to the "Legal customers" of Avid for the pushed description... no offence intended :bow: )
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  3. MrRobRancor

    MrRobRancor Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I like the workflow and routing better than cubase. but for edm music i think i'll stick to cubase because their midi editing is just light years beyond pro tools. but for audio pro tools is a def
  4. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    My honest opinion, after using Protools / Logic / Cubase for years and years ?
    Step over to Reaper DAW and after a year or so, you will wonder why on earth you didn't step over way earlier.

    I mean it.
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  5. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    same here, but im with S1 v3 ... installed/tried ProTools for the first time ever, aaand.. definitely, no thanks! .. i just can't imagine myself creating of anything productive in PT as easy as i do it in S1..
  6. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    ive yet to install it but each day im thinking it may not be a good idea, its hard to get some unbiased opinions on the subject but then again i suppose its best if i install it and see for myself
  7. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    very stable here. would be awesome to load vst's by default but that probably will never gonna happen. my production(safest bet) daw is Studio 1, i use Reaper for smaller(more punk) projects. we do music sessions with couple of friends every friday night, little get-together type of thing, we crack jokes, smoke loadsa weed and write one song per session. downloaded everything pro tools-related stuff from audioz couple days ago, so yeah, we gonna give it a shot next time, for the first time. no crash since it came out. :)
  8. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    WAIT, I mean WAIT! Seriously? Let's decipher your comment and see how flawed it is.
    (Written as first-person) I, a developer from Avid, bump into your thread which is blatantly about a crack version of my product, in which you are requesting to hear "impressions as a first time users" from users who've been using for LESS than a full week. And, I a developer from Avid would be incline to grab some popcorn and open my book of notes to consider "blunt unbiased reviews"?
    FROM WHO? From the noobs who flooded AZ and elsewhere and can't even understand half of music terminology yet?
    FROM WHO? From the "new generation of users" who couldn't give a rat ass if Pro Tools was $200 or $800, regardless as all they wanted to see is seeing it crack LOL! That same "new generation" whom are the old generation already ripping the fairly priced Reaper or the low priced Logic? That "new generation" whom rip anything standing without a lock? Let me add :rofl:(for entertainment purposes LOLOL!!!)

    Come on man! How that logically make sense? Pro Tools been around since 1991 with 12 versions in a 14 years span with thousands of paying costumers and thousands of forum posts all over the internet already; wayyyyy before December 19th, 2015 came around with the UtopiaAudio release. And if we count DigiDesign's Sound Designer era, that is since 1983.
    The very release that I, the developer from Avid don't give a F about as being the company who just got ripped, but then I'll be so happy to sit and hear from my rippers? Bypassing my legal and rule abiding customers whom not only fork the money but alpha and beta test my product year in and out (where some have lost considerable amount of time doing so?

    Yes, I know, I'm bracing myself for the shit storm of stupid/non-relevant answers. But no, I won't pay mine to anything stupid. I want one clear LOGICAL answer: HOW CAN THIS BE LOGICAL TO ANY REASONABLE THINKING PERSON? HOW?
    Truth is, if you wanted to just know about how Pro Tools stack up to any other DAW, like... in a manner that make sense for real? On "blunt unbiased reviews"? You know these reviews already exist on a professional level with all the nuts and bolts, give me a break bro! You'd get it from the actual people whom use every DAWs excessively for years. Not from people who just barely open the program two or three times.
    Man, it's like bypassing my father whom been driving for 30 years and ask my brother for driving tips when he just got his permit like three days ago. Nah, I'd not be serious doing that!

    And, I, developer from Avid would just shake my head viciously at this thread and go on by my business to discuss how iLok 3000 or iMamba or whatever the next iCrazy hard protection is, that will be implemented in a future version of Pro Tools :rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
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  9. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    that is a lot of words my man, you must really care about this but dont worry its xmas
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  10. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    LOL , man I know my post look like a journal hahaha! I mean, I tried to bring it down to 140 characters but it was hard squeezing anything logical in there :)
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  11. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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  12. masterj

    masterj Ultrasonic

    Oct 22, 2012
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    in this thread: people whove worked on one daw for years and got used to it only to try protools when its finally cracked and give an "unbiased" review how they opened it for 30 seconds and didnt like it

    "Unbiased" LMAO:rofl:

    Op dont kid yourself, just rename this thread the "pro fools sucks" thread lmao
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  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    well, it is these kids that You call noobs and what not that that make a big slice of the market.
    They maybe don`t have money now, but eventually they will earn something and buy a DAW if still interested in this music world.

    IMO it is theyr impressions that should count for a serious developer as avid that looks in the future.

    What makes You think they are "unworthy !"
    Do You have any idea how much money they spend on Audio software? the gigs they have where they use that software ???

    compare the numbers with the "big academic guys" that owns a studio and that buy ProTools ?!?

    Anyway, thanks for Your input :dunno:
  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Reaper is a beast captured in freakin 9mb....:guru:
    Once i have watched all tutorials, i fell in love with it. Only one problem that i cant use it well in my 720p screen so ableton for major production as it is best for laptops
  15. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    You have reaper themes designed for laptops with slim/short track layouts. You should try that if you haven't already.
  16. lephunk

    lephunk Newbie

    Aug 28, 2015
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    @Rhodes - I see what you are trying achieve, but asking for first impressions for a cracked software that was just released 4 days ago is kind of a joke. @dadarkman is right. As an FL Studio and Live user for 7 years, I'm still learning new stuff from them. You never know at what extent is a DAW capable of, so it's impossible for someone to come with a list of worthy impressions of 4~ days. Don't take it personal. Perhaps, this would be a good topic in a few years.
  17. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    OK well number 1, he is asking about first impressions compared to other first impressions you got with other software which is an honest and reasonable question, we all have had first impressions with software at one point, lets just see what stood out, or noticed needed etc.

    2. I personally use AZ (honestly and truthfully) to test and find software I like. As soon as i find a use for it, or see potential in it, I BUY IT. I BUY IT because I take pride in my studio. I have been ripped off with sample libraries not being the demo, or what not.

    3. I hate how much AVID rips people off with extremely high prices and just ok features. Personally I have been a paid PAID digidesign and then AVID user since protools 6 or 7 something. I keep buying updates and spending money on fixing my digidesign set up (BLA SIG MOD). But I am used to it. I am happy with it. NOT SO MUCH WITH AVID. They charge for every tech support. They put you on 30min holds when you do pay for tech. The software does crash more than other DAWs I hear (I use reason also and its rock solid) ... Come on avid, your personality on here really shows a reflection in your products ... coming from a BUYER
  18. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I have to agree with the most of what has been said here on the over-priced, over-hyped
    idea of Pro Tools.

    With that said, I am giving it a fair chance like I did all other other DAWs before landing on
    Reaper and Samplitude as the go to DAWs.

    Liking the sound of the audio this time. Not so sterile anymore.

    So far the normal crash problem not popped up. I have seen that Pro Tools so far does not use
    all the CPU cores evenly. Mostly just one which leads to running out of CPU power. Not a total crash
    so I have time to save the session before closing. This happens mainly with Maschine.

    Will know more on this once I recreate one of the projects from Reaper or Samplitude.

    Hopefully I can find a solution on the CPU issue. Would really like to give Pro Tools a fair chance
    to determine if it is worth purchasing out right.

    The other issue is starting for the first time I had to change the sound output from Firewire
    to internal audio and route the audio through ASIO4All back to the Firewire device. Only then
    could I reassign Firewire as the default audio device under Windows 7 Ultimate.

    AS mentioned before, would be great to load VST/VSTi directly as well as accessing any
    modern audio device attached.
  19. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    i had installed pro tools to test it out, i found it really boring ; i had to go back to CUBASE. R.I.P RPO TOOLS.
  20. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    @Rhodes I've seen and read many, many of the thread and comments you post here on AS; especially the bunch of no-reason threads you've opened. I'm not sure how to say it without offending you but my man you are missing a screw. Hopefully someday you find it and screw it back!
    I equate you to a blind guy that I'm constantly telling him to clean his glasses because they are blurred. But then after a while I realize it is a waste of time since the man is blind. A clean or blurred glasses makes no difference to him. Well, that's me trying to reason and have logical debate with you: Waste of time!

    @lephunk gave the right answer in a more compact version that I would. I was about to write a book LOL
    But yea, after his post, I have no need to continue in this thread. Done!

  21. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    My dear dadarkman, You better look for a psychiatrist

    Would You be so kind to link me at least one of the many, many EDM threads I opened ? (hmm... I wonder who is the one with blurred glasses )
    ...if You can do that, I will send You per mail my iLock so You can stick it up Your "USB"

    Now just Get the fuck out of here!
    talk Your shit somewhere else.

    I like this place, I like the kids that hang around here, I enjoy my time spent here ...why are You here ??? -to insult, spam, trying to undermine the good vibes here ???
    Go sell Your drama to KVR or Geraslutz, this here is no place for You !