Prince I wanna be your lover

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by anthony doyle, May 13, 2021.

  1. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Purple fam!

    Hopefully we all know, but here below is the link to all the recordings that were registered.
    Note how many are unreleased.
    And this is how I know I have the majority of unreleased, since I was involved with Prince in a very intimate way since the beginning.
    As some of you may know or have worked out.
    I can hip you up to the best source, and sort you out desk recordings, rehearsals, gig videos, all the stuff that happened via his website/s, and many things you may not even know of.

    On the anniversary of his passing this year, I nearly dropped you all a present in the thread about when the DX-7 was up for sale.
    And it would have been fine to do so I believe, because it is actually of my property & ownership, and can't be governed by any prior record company. So it's not warez!
    But I've had to stay away from here sometimes more and more, for many different reasons, so it didn't happen.

    Don't forget to go to the homepage by clicking on the logo. It's a great site.
    This is just songs A-B of the alphabet. And don't forget to look at page 0-9.
    Clicking on the song title gives you all the details on the background of the song, of each recording session, and other additional info.
    Have fun, and if you want something just Inbox me and I'll do my best to help you if I can.
  2. anthony doyle

    anthony doyle Kapellmeister

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Great, so the polymoog 203A was definitely used for that chord sound at 3:40 . Thanks for that info Jmoutton. There's another cool sound in the song at 2:32 seconds that I think is also the Polymoog (Not the strings the synth effect sound). The sound is in the preset here in this video at 5:18.

    Can anyone reccomend a polymoog vst ? I just came across one from Cherry Audio that seems good.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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