PreSonus Studio One Pro 3.5 update with major features

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, May 23, 2017.

  1. TW

    TW Guest

    I doubt its my system i7 6900 32 gig ram music optimized pc.
    S1 3.5 is still a lot worse in vst efficiency than cubase (and reaper). And i mean a lot ...

    For me vst/Vsti resource use is roundabout >= 20% more (even higher) cpu use than on cubase. Subjective test. And to be honest its not the vst performance why i use cubase its cause of the whole package. I dont want to compare vst performance of s1 3.5 to reaper...
    As soon S1 can give me the same vst performance i am used to have i might use it more. I love the gui ...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2017
  2. alonzo86

    alonzo86 Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Hey, I installed StudioOnex 1.2.2 but it crashes on "Starting External Device Support" on startup. The moment I revert back the old "lame.dll" file instead of the new one, it works again, but without the features provided by StudioOneX, everything is the same. A little help ?
  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    do it bro, i must say the plugins are some what usable but sincerly the reverb is way way over Ableton's one me it sounds good, you need to tweak it tho ...the EQ is ok, now FatChannel is awesome, you have Console Shaper on master, Autofilter is good, the i like Rotor, i like R500 and VT1 extensions, i dont use Ampire but i think is okay ...well with few other stuff aded you have a solid daw, give it a try, you might be surprised

    Guys what StudioOneX is? ...
  4. alonzo86

    alonzo86 Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Seems that I have some permissions problems with StudioOneX executable, I'm getting NTDLL error when I use modified lame.dll, when I put back the old lame.dll file it works, but without possibility for full screen, middle click and additional functions that StudioOneX executable provides... I have the X toolbar though, and it works. Sorry for offtopic
  5. Redviagra

    Redviagra Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Very curious... what vst's are you using?
  6. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Has anyone had any problems with random volume spikes whilst exporting a track? I've been working on a track for a few weeks now. Have been able to export it without any problems, before this new update. Since the new update there's one specific part of the track where it feels the need to add in random volume spikes. It's a Kontakt track, using Shreddage, with a velocity automation. When I play the track through, no problems, but every time I try to export the track it's on the automation point I get random stabs, like there is no automation at all. Seems to ignore what I've programmed in, and does whatever it pleases.

    I kind of get the feeling that the old automation I used is now redundant, but then I automate the fuck out of my synths, so I would have thought if what does no longer work for one, would no longer work for the others. I don't know. I'm at a loss. I've tried exporting with .mp3, .wav settings. All realtime export, because I need to hear if there are any glitches. Never had this problem before. But now... BOOM!
  7. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I am on OSX, 10.12.3
    I installed v3.5.

    Constantly crashing on many plugins for me (all legal !) , while plugin scanning during startup.
    So i can't even open it.
    I have a clean system, only legal plugins, all 64bit, all latest versions.
    Mmpffff :(
  8. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Tested thoroughly.
    CPU performance seems to be a bit better.
    Although there are many changes I am actually not really happy about, for instance the changes to the arrangement view when swapping to Automation view: now all automations are hidden in the non automation one.
    When adding/looking for plugins in popup windows not typing for around a second removes the typing cursor which can lead to accidentally doing other things depending on the key you press.
    There are also few minor bugs that I'm sure they'll fix in 3.5.1 (the kind of bugs that are quite expected after "big" updates
    While I have updated the workstation at work quite fast I still have the old version on my laptop and my personal desktop, and honestly I'll update only when I feel like it's worth it.